1.25.0 (2023-03-23)
- added several Seqkit wrappers (#1128) (9c4e667)
- added wrapper for loglog (#1154) (08917f9)
- added wrapper for tadpole (#1152) (cb1372b)
- Merqury (#540) (f7914c4)
- Mutect2 additional parameters (#516) (f2b70ca)
- autobump bio/bcftools/filter (#646) (b7b98fd)
- autobump bio/bismark/deduplicate_bismark (#1141) (45cd1a6)
- autobump bio/cooltools/dots (#702) (7ac6569)
- autobump bio/fgbio/collectduplexseqmetrics (#1100) (ae2a295)
- autobump bio/gatk/markduplicatesspark (#1142) (190dd18)
- autobump bio/gridss/preprocess (#800) (71463ad)
- autobump bio/gridss/setupreference (#848) (c2f9766)
- autobump bio/hisat2/align (#1079) (dea181a)
- autobump bio/liftoff (#953) (0928808)
- autobump bio/lofreq/call (#1120) (a327d86)
- autobump bio/muscle (#612) (659d106)
- autobump bio/snpeff/annotate (#1038) (5628ccd)
- autobump bio/subread/featurecounts (#1044) (b7d7ed4)
- autobump bio/trinity (#634) (d084304)
- autobump bio/vep/cache (#1132) (d8c3faa)
1.24.0 (2023-03-17)
- allowed strelka germline using multiple bam (#1092) (422e849)
- BWA-MEME Version 1.0.6 update (#1123) (7422b0b)
- update arriba to 2.4.0 (#1148) (eda64d8)
- autobump bio/bgzip (#1140) (f0e1aa4)
- autobump bio/bismark/bam2nuc (#1099) (fd24a3d)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark2summary (#1105) (e8ec077)
- autobump bio/bustools/text (#1107) (c280d8b)
- autobump bio/bwa-mem2/mem (#1130) (25a44a5)
- autobump bio/bwa-memx/mem (#1108) (75964c1)
- autobump bio/bwa-memx/mem (#1145) (2bf0fee)
- autobump bio/bwa/samse (#1119) (c591284)
- autobump bio/cooltools/expected_cis (#1098) (a642717)
- autobump bio/cooltools/saddle (#1138) (0108e6d)
- autobump bio/cutadapt/pe (#1006) (ab85e5d)
- autobump bio/diamond/blastp (#1114) (0aeb9b2)
- autobump bio/diamond/blastx (#1122) (1638662)
- autobump bio/diamond/makedb (#1111) (b17ff0a)
- autobump bio/fastqc (#1147) (e0efb68)
- autobump bio/fgbio/callmolecularconsensusreads (#1101) (2a0a77d)
- autobump bio/genomepy (#1137) (ab85927)
- autobump bio/kallisto/index (#1005) (17613e6)
- autobump bio/last/lastal (#1143) (c0443b1)
- autobump bio/last/lastdb (#1110) (905a6e6)
- autobump bio/last/lastdb (#1121) (394942a)
- autobump bio/mlst (#1117) (c97bae1)
- autobump bio/multiqc (#1104) (2a4894e)
- autobump bio/picard/addorreplacereadgroups (#1115) (7748621)
- autobump bio/picard/collectalignmentsummarymetrics (#1131) (a9af1d2)
- autobump bio/picard/collectgcbiasmetrics (#1096) (c6896b8)
- autobump bio/picard/collectinsertsizemetrics (#1097) (cb3f91d)
- autobump bio/picard/collectrnaseqmetrics (#1103) (6f53085)
- autobump bio/picard/collecttargetedpcrmetrics (#1102) (b8615ed)
- autobump bio/picard/markduplicateswithmatecigar (#1135) (2f6a0de)
- autobump bio/picard/mergesamfiles (#1109) (155484c)
- autobump bio/picard/mergevcfs (#1095) (7abf5cc)
- autobump bio/picard/samtofastq (#1146) (a670bc5)
- autobump bio/reference/ensembl-variation (#1144) (0a9cdfc)
- autobump bio/salmon/index (#1139) (fdd9619)
- autobump bio/sambamba/sort (#1106) (3f06b9f)
- autobump bio/tabix/query (#1134) (c3249e0)
- autobump bio/trim_galore/pe (#1136) (b10b38f)
- autobump bio/ucsc/gtfToGenePred (#1093) (d145388)
- autobump bio/ucsc/twoBitInfo (#1112) (407f8b3)
- autobump bio/umis/bamtag (#1133) (d58e25c)
- autobump bio/vep/annotate (#1116) (20b9a8d)
- autobump bio/vg/construct (#1118) (622e244)
1.23.5 (2023-02-24)
- autobump bio/dada2/dereplicate-fastq (#1084) (437f6a8)
- autobump bio/diamond/blastp (#1083) (7a33605)
- autobump bio/fgbio/filterconsensusreads (#1088) (39c3c37)
- autobump bio/fgbio/setmateinformation (#1089) (c50c845)
- autobump bio/jellyfish/dump (#1077) (260ba99)
- autobump bio/last/lastal (#1087) (03401fa)
- autobump bio/last/lastdb (#1091) (8bf8271)
- autobump bio/pbmm2/align (#1086) (3cc3e23)
- autobump bio/picard/collectrnaseqmetrics (#1082) (812a58a)
- autobump bio/picard/collecttargetedpcrmetrics (#1003) (43682ed)
- autobump bio/picard/sortsam (#1081) (176f729)
- autobump bio/star/index (#1090) (9e654cb)
- autobump bio/transdecoder/longorfs (#1080) (d8c37ce)
- autobump bio/transdecoder/predict (#1085) (2ef8d50)
- autobump bio/unicycler (#1078) (3c1770c)
1.23.4 (2023-02-17)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark2bedGraph (#1073) (2766554)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark2report (#1063) (599ae52)
- autobump bio/bustools/count (#1067) (19154c6)
- autobump bio/cooltools/eigs_cis (#1007) (2742fb7)
- autobump bio/cooltools/pileup (#1058) (127917f)
- autobump bio/dada2/filter-trim (#1065) (677627f)
- autobump bio/fastq_screen (#1060) (14dc0ab)
- autobump bio/fgbio/annotatebamwithumis (#1064) (9ed4c70)
- autobump bio/fgbio/groupreadsbyumi (#1070) (b93045c)
- autobump bio/freebayes (#1055) (7b21acc)
- autobump bio/gdc-api/bam-slicing (#1004) (eae8d4d)
- autobump bio/hifiasm (#1069) (da38102)
- autobump bio/microphaser/normal (#1051) (70cbcc5)
- autobump bio/picard/collecthsmetrics (#1057) (dd3b642)
- autobump bio/picard/collectmultiplemetrics (#1054) (c1c1d02)
- autobump bio/picard/revertsam (#1061) (6b7abe4)
- autobump bio/picard/samtofastq (#1066) (3b269b1)
- autobump bio/sambamba/flagstat (#1068) (8f038a0)
- autobump bio/sambamba/view (#1056) (13ebb41)
- autobump bio/sourmash/compute (#1059) (58d1b56)
- autobump bio/star/align (#1009) (61b9c99)
- autobump bio/umis/bamtag (#1053) (1056357)
- autobump bio/vg/ids (#1052) (f0c864c)
- autobump bio/vg/kmers (#1062) (3c65ce9)
- autobump bio/vg/prune (#1050) (9c0b28d)
- autobump utils/cairosvg (#1072) (b978339)
- autobump utils/datavzrd (#1071) (341cd67)
1.23.3 (2023-02-12)
- update datavzrd wrapper to 2.16.2 (a3784ec)
1.23.2 (2023-02-10)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark (#1046) (4c692f6)
- autobump bio/bustools/sort (#1039) (915ff3d)
- autobump bio/bwa-mem2/mem-samblaster (#1035) (68d0b8e)
- autobump bio/cooltools/insulation (#1032) (3ccb3c1)
- autobump bio/dada2/add-species (#1031) (1e84d85)
- autobump bio/dada2/assign-species (#1040) (939fb25)
- autobump bio/dada2/sample-inference (#1043) (8d40576)
- autobump bio/igv-reports (#1029) (a9765ed)
- autobump bio/last/lastal (#1041) (1854b53)
- autobump bio/mapdamage2 (#1045) (dae7008)
- autobump bio/minimap2/aligner (#1033) (c1bbdd8)
- autobump bio/paladin/index (#1036) (0ce4cee)
- autobump bio/picard/markduplicateswithmatecigar (#1042) (19a404b)
- autobump bio/sra-tools/fasterq-dump (#1047) (c74a7c3)
- autobump bio/trim_galore/se (#1034) (daeb43d)
- autobump bio/vg/ids (#1037) (d89576e)
1.23.1 (2023-02-07)
- update to datavzrd 2.16.0 (4a988ce)
1.23.0 (2023-02-06)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark_methylation_extractor (#1024) (e6f7f0a)
- autobump bio/bowtie2/build (#1025) (f242c1c)
- autobump bio/bwa/mem-samblaster (#1015) (2ff4af3)
- autobump bio/cooltools/eigs_trans (#1026) (01eb73c)
- autobump bio/cooltools/expected_trans (#995) (080b51d)
- autobump bio/cutadapt/se (#1010) (8cf09dc)
- autobump bio/dada2/quality-profile (#1022) (f077b94)
- autobump bio/deeptools/plotprofile (#1018) (d9d2a69)
- autobump bio/delly (#1000) (f499f25)
- autobump bio/dragmap/build (#1002) (f0e0334)
- autobump bio/gatk/varianteval (#997) (1690ac6)
- autobump bio/gatk3/baserecalibrator (#1016) (3e2bef3)
- autobump bio/gridss/assemble (#998) (fa9002e)
- autobump bio/hmmer/hmmbuild (#1021) (492a0c5)
- autobump bio/microphaser/somatic (#1012) (95854e8)
- autobump bio/paladin/align (#1027) (7ebca79)
- autobump bio/pbmm2/index (#1011) (d170c59)
- autobump bio/picard/addorreplacereadgroups (#1008) (094c52e)
- autobump bio/picard/bedtointervallist (#1019) (284c3ba)
- autobump bio/picard/mergesamfiles (#1014) (ea653db)
- autobump bio/pyfastaq/replace_bases (#1020) (46f165f)
- autobump bio/sambamba/slice (#996) (a3daa64)
- autobump bio/snpsift/gwascat (#1023) (c797edb)
- autobump bio/tximport (#1017) (b4005d1)
- autobump bio/ucsc/gtfToGenePred (#999) (aeb6bd0)
- autobump bio/vg/merge (#1001) (158c387)
- autobump bio/vg/sim (#1013) (94ecd75)
1.22.0 (2023-02-01)
1.21.6 (2023-01-30)
1.21.5 (2023-01-30)
1.21.4 (2023-01-20)
- channel definitions for cooltools (and update version to 0.5.2), genefuse, genomescope, qualimap and meryl (#980) (26271ac)
- RSEM-calculate-expression wrapper with FASTQ-files as input + Integration of test case (#970) (ea9c897)
1.21.3 (2023-01-20)
1.21.2 (2023-01-10)
1.21.1 (2022-12-21)
- update datavzrd wrapper to 2.11.1 (12b3076)
1.21.0 (2022-12-12)
- tmpdir in Sambamba wrappers (#960) (a8333a3)
- update arriba and star_arriba meta-wrapper (#963) (f75d997)
- autobump bio/bwa-memx/index (#955) (f51c0d6)
- autobump bio/cooltools/pileup (#948) (bf28d88)
- autobump bio/dada2/assign-taxonomy (#946) (ed9ebfb)
- autobump bio/diamond/makedb (#944) (a95b5db)
- autobump bio/gatk/genotypegvcfs (#951) (5fb96d8)
- autobump bio/gatk/selectvariants (#947) (5f697b8)
- autobump bio/homer/annotatePeaks (#952) (8f1270d)
- autobump bio/homer/mergePeaks (#957) (0330a43)
- autobump bio/jellyfish/count (#950) (0a6f68d)
- autobump bio/last/lastal (#942) (8e5ef69)
- autobump bio/microphaser/build_reference (#943) (1e7ece5)
- autobump bio/picard/collecttargetedpcrmetrics (#949) (5239da9)
- autobump bio/transdecoder/longorfs (#956) (54c2b74)
- autobump bio/tximport (#954) (4942f36)
- autobump bio/varscan/somatic (#958) (28df43c)
1.20.0 (2022-12-01)
- Add threads to cooltools insulation (#919) (fdf035e)
- GATK SplitIntervals wrapper (#836) (986fa3a)
- samtools view allow region specification (#940) (c1fdb5e)
- autobump bio/bowtie2/build (#932) (26bcc0b)
- autobump bio/dada2/learn-errors (#929) (32e9f5c)
- autobump bio/gatk/baserecalibratorspark (#935) (ff15e44)
- autobump bio/gatk/cleansam (#792) (6055e79)
- autobump bio/gatk/estimatelibrarycomplexity (#926) (c366755)
- autobump bio/infernal/cmscan (#924) (36634d9)
- autobump bio/microphaser/somatic (#925) (cb44ee0)
- autobump bio/picard/collectinsertsizemetrics (#934) (fd8fecd)
- autobump bio/picard/collectrnaseqmetrics (#920) (40eccd5)
- autobump bio/pretext/graph (#930) (2a1fb56)
- autobump bio/purge_dups/get_seqs (#922) (ad5fba2)
- autobump bio/samtools/sort (#921) (4dde2ae)
- autobump bio/samtools/view (#936) (24254fd)
- autobump bio/vembrane/filter (#927) (510b06a)
- autobump bio/vep/annotate (#928) (bb30b19)
- autobump bio/vg/kmers (#931) (067b6a8)
- autobump bio/vg/merge (#933) (5ac344d)
- update to latest datavzrd (d08bc08)
1.19.2 (2022-11-18)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark (#907) (2c8dc87)
- autobump bio/bwa-meme/mem (#897) (d377cce)
- autobump bio/bwa-memx/mem (#909) (31974b1)
- autobump bio/deeptools/computematrix (#895) (b0b1943)
- autobump bio/deeptools/plotfingerprint (#887) (5157780)
- autobump bio/fastq_screen (#916) (6c62488)
- autobump bio/fgbio/groupreadsbyumi (#908) (caa4b85)
- autobump bio/gatk/depthofcoverage (#905) (8043b30)
- autobump bio/gatk/mutect (#892) (6fcabfa)
- autobump bio/gatk/variantfiltration (#911) (b9cc5d4)
- autobump bio/homer/getDifferentialPeaks (#894) (fba57fa)
- autobump bio/homer/makeTagDirectory (#899) (762aa81)
- autobump bio/last/lastdb (#889) (f3ffc52)
- autobump bio/meryl/count (#896) (c1dea53)
- autobump bio/paladin/prepare (#900) (f06905d)
- autobump bio/pbmm2/index (#893) (7b84d5b)
- autobump bio/picard/mergesamfiles (#906) (c89123b)
- autobump bio/pindel/pindel2vcf (#904) (7582c86)
- autobump bio/qualimap/bamqc (#912) (d73c713)
- autobump bio/qualimap/rnaseq (#914) (43ec0e7)
- autobump bio/rsem/calculate-expression (#915) (4a02028)
- autobump bio/salmon/index (#917) (9a7dd71)
- autobump bio/salmon/quant (#901) (1abf483)
- autobump bio/sambamba/index (#903) (e15388c)
- autobump bio/sambamba/slice (#890) (7d90b49)
- autobump bio/seqtk/mergepe (#910) (374d337)
- autobump bio/snpsift/annotate (#898) (6aabee4)
- autobump bio/snpsift/varType (#902) (c200777)
- autobump bio/vep/plugins (#913) (298ab04)
- autobump bio/vg/kmers (#888) (5570e67)
- autobump bio/vg/sim (#886) (83c3189)
- autobump utils/datavzrd (#891) (4a4e4ce)
1.19.1 (2022-11-11)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark_genome_preparation (#819) (1da1afc)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark2report (#812) (8ce5b1a)
- autobump bio/bismark/deduplicate_bismark (#816) (7f539c4)
- autobump bio/bowtie2/align (#798) (6fa3cc7)
- autobump bio/bwa-meme/index (#862) (68f9c48)
- autobump bio/bwa-memx/index (#780) (9937924)
- autobump bio/cooltools/eigs_cis (#853) (3973951)
- autobump bio/cooltools/eigs_trans (#777) (348c67d)
- autobump bio/dada2/collapse-nomismatch (#852) (2ab7b64)
- autobump bio/dada2/dereplicate-fastq (#808) (c0692ff)
- autobump bio/dada2/make-table (#796) (a42557f)
- autobump bio/dada2/merge-pairs (#847) (67a8ee6)
- autobump bio/dada2/remove-chimeras (#776) (2da85cc)
- autobump bio/deeptools/plotheatmap (#864) (1eea5f0)
- autobump bio/diamond/blastx (#875) (a503669)
- autobump bio/epic/peaks (#781) (400c8ce)
- autobump bio/fgbio/callmolecularconsensusreads (#826) (194056e)
- autobump bio/fgbio/filterconsensusreads (#801) (491eed9)
- autobump bio/gatk/applybqsr (#803) (d27cc85)
- autobump bio/gatk/applyvqsr (#858) (202ab9f)
- autobump bio/gatk/baserecalibrator (#820) (20e258c)
- autobump bio/gatk/combinegvcfs (#811) (6b27084)
- autobump bio/gatk/filtermutectcalls (#845) (15de736)
- autobump bio/gatk/getpileupsummaries (#866) (ae118d0)
- autobump bio/gatk/learnreadorientationmodel (#854) (82d03d5)
- autobump bio/gatk/splitncigarreads (#790) (a7a890b)
- autobump bio/gatk3/indelrealigner (#827) (a0793af)
- autobump bio/gatk3/printreads (#806) (998852c)
- autobump bio/gatk3/realignertargetcreator (#865) (b76bd75)
- autobump bio/gridss/call (#846) (01b3056)
- autobump bio/hisat2/index (#815) (3c13af5)
- autobump bio/hmmer/hmmpress (#779) (d08c5fd)
- autobump bio/jellyfish/histo (#818) (0dd35bc)
- autobump bio/jellyfish/merge (#861) (278a80e)
- autobump bio/kallisto/quant (#821) (af4128c)
- autobump bio/lofreq/call (#872) (000eb6e)
- autobump bio/macs2/callpeak (#810) (9fe846b)
- autobump bio/meryl/sets (#783) (f8bec12)
- autobump bio/meryl/stats (#785) (bfae5c5)
- autobump bio/microphaser/build_reference (#823) (7a79754)
- autobump bio/msisensor/msi (#850) (7d605a0)
- autobump bio/msisensor/scan (#842) (1db9fe6)
- autobump bio/open-cravat/module (#782) (996fe01)
- autobump bio/open-cravat/run (#807) (70c6500)
- autobump bio/pandora/index (#805) (8c9ea62)
- autobump bio/picard/collecthsmetrics (#788) (0220a41)
- autobump bio/picard/revertsam (#874) (c811ef5)
- autobump bio/picard/sortsam (#822) (30f468d)
- autobump bio/preseq/lc_extrap (#840) (d0ec0bb)
- autobump bio/pretext/map (#841) (0a0193c)
- autobump bio/pretext/snapshot (#843) (4d3a224)
- autobump bio/prosolo/single-cell-bulk (#870) (da52ad6)
- autobump bio/purge_dups/calcuts (#793) (95f421c)
- autobump bio/purge_dups/ngscstat (#791) (a7d6ef9)
- autobump bio/purge_dups/pbcstat (#787) (3775e6a)
- autobump bio/rbt/collapse_reads_to_fragments-bam (#794) (2eb9983)
- autobump bio/rbt/csvreport (#838) (eea403e)
- autobump bio/rsem/generate-data-matrix (#828) (e16d591)
- autobump bio/sambamba/markdup (#814) (0cd1c99)
- autobump bio/sambamba/merge (#839) (b81e778)
- autobump bio/sambamba/sort (#784) (6252efd)
- autobump bio/samtools/faidx (#859) (cbdae53)
- autobump bio/samtools/fastx (#855) (509c570)
- autobump bio/samtools/fixmate (#774) (bb28da9)
- autobump bio/samtools/merge (#844) (5905d2e)
- autobump bio/samtools/mpileup (#829) (d5120cb)
- autobump bio/samtools/stats (#797) (524db3e)
- autobump bio/sickle/se (#786) (ef4a4ad)
- autobump bio/snpeff/download (#851) (3bc7aa5)
- autobump bio/snpsift/dbnsfp (#856) (67ed70a)
- autobump bio/snpsift/genesets (#799) (251fd82)
- autobump bio/sourmash/compute (#795) (e063ce8)
- autobump bio/spades/metaspades (#860) (983754f)
- autobump bio/sra-tools/fasterq-dump (#873) (5914529)
- autobump bio/strelka/somatic (#813) (d52a2ad)
- autobump bio/strling/call (#789) (9fa5f86)
- autobump bio/strling/extract (#876) (45152e6)
- autobump bio/strling/index (#809) (9472934)
- autobump bio/strling/merge (#824) (82cc5a7)
- autobump bio/tabix/index (#863) (9de5e3c)
- autobump bio/tabix/query (#868) (088f3db)
- autobump bio/ucsc/bedGraphToBigWig (#825) (c72f046)
- autobump bio/ucsc/gtfToGenePred (#802) (b306b81)
- autobump bio/varscan/mpileup2snp (#849) (300738b)
- autobump bio/vcftools/filter (#804) (a18db0a)
- autobump bio/vep/annotate (#857) (84bd8bd)
- autobump bio/vep/cache (#741) (ef12aed)
- autobump bio/vg/ids (#871) (10a1c0d)
- autobump bio/vg/merge (#867) (064ca8c)
- autobump bio/vg/prune (#817) (104775a)
1.19.0 (2022-11-08)
- autobump bio/bismark/deduplicate_bismark (#672) (c4ee12f)
- autobump bio/gatk/variantrecalibrator (#773) (8de1652)
- autobump bio/hmmer/hmmscan (#830) (727b385)
- autobump bio/picard/bedtointervallist (#833) (f1faa62)
- autobump bio/picard/collectalignmentsummarymetrics (#831) (c264c15)
- autobump bio/picard/collectinsertsizemetrics (#834) (8381cd8)
- autobump bio/seqtk/seq (#832) (754c4df)
- update datavzrd wrapper to version 2.7.2 (12e47fd)
1.18.3 (2022-10-30)
- autobump bio/bwa-memx/mem (#729) (eb4ceba)
- autobump bio/cooltools/expected_cis (#754) (3507020)
- autobump bio/cooltools/expected_trans (#728) (b2b6598)
- autobump bio/cooltools/pileup (#710) (8f675a7)
- autobump bio/cooltools/saddle (#719) (77b7765)
- autobump bio/dada2/filter-trim (#722) (2784d7d)
- autobump bio/dada2/learn-errors (#727) (2df75ab)
- autobump bio/dada2/quality-profile (#753) (2d541c7)
- autobump bio/diamond/blastp (#756) (a4d1a2c)
- autobump bio/fgbio/annotatebamwithumis (#740) (2405be7)
- autobump bio/fgbio/setmateinformation (#751) (3f335df)
- autobump bio/gatk/applybqsrspark (#757) (5afaf86)
- autobump bio/gatk/estimatelibrarycomplexity (#717) (1ec8a34)
- autobump bio/gatk/intervallisttobed (#721) (d7a2d2a)
- autobump bio/gatk/printreadsspark (#749) (42f55d3)
- autobump bio/gatk/scatterintervalsbyns (#712) (fd1d5a3)
- autobump bio/gatk3/printreads (#737) (6a595c3)
- autobump bio/gdc-api/bam-slicing (#747) (b7c4734)
- autobump bio/gdc-client/download (#720) (7245dab)
- autobump bio/hmmer/hmmsearch (#752) (57b7f73)
- autobump bio/homer/findPeaks (#746) (396d6ba)
- autobump bio/igv-reports (#603) (b2c306a)
- autobump bio/infernal/cmpress (#750) (4c9dbc0)
- autobump bio/liftoff (#605) (a963375)
- autobump bio/manta (#606) (186bad3)
- autobump bio/mapdamage2 (#607) (8c20ad2)
- autobump bio/microphaser/normal (#755) (a1d3025)
- autobump bio/picard/collectgcbiasmetrics (#725) (35af564)
- autobump bio/picard/createsequencedictionary (#714) (d12cf4f)
- autobump bio/picard/markduplicates (#733) (4fabb76)
- autobump bio/picard/markduplicateswithmatecigar (#744) (0981aab)
- autobump bio/prosolo/control-fdr (#723) (b71e470)
- autobump bio/purge_dups/purge_dups (#748) (e277e97)
- autobump bio/purge_dups/split_fa (#726) (5cd0255)
- autobump bio/sambamba/flagstat (#711) (4c1322d)
- autobump bio/samtools/depth (#715) (e2973ae)
- autobump bio/samtools/idxstats (#738) (3da64d0)
- autobump bio/samtools/index (#743) (a4aa08f)
- autobump bio/strelka/germline (#716) (10d123f)
- autobump bio/subread/featurecounts (#724) (3984c2b)
- autobump bio/transdecoder/predict (#742) (61c3552)
- autobump bio/ucsc/faToTwoBit (#718) (234a306)
- autobump bio/ucsc/twoBitToFa (#745) (bea275e)
- autobump bio/varscan/mpileup2indel (#759) (96d3944)
1.18.2 (2022-10-29)
1.18.1 (2022-10-28)
- autobump bio/gatk/haplotypecaller (#758) (ec87a20)
- autobump bio/mashmap (#608) (7168282)
- autobump bio/microphaser/filter (#734) (3e1f7d3)
- autobump bio/pbmm2/align (#761) (14dd875)
- autobump bio/picard/mergevcfs (#760) (286d041)
- autobump bio/rsem/prepare-reference (#732) (2a146ac)
- autobump bio/samtools/calmd (#735) (df4c61e)
- autobump bio/samtools/flagstat (#736) (a189006)
- autobump bio/sickle/pe (#731) (866bfb5)
- autobump bio/verifybamid/verifybamid2 (#730) (8e0f3d7)
1.18.0 (2022-10-28)
- autobump bio/art/profiler_illumina (#640) (9c91417)
- autobump bio/bamtools/filter (#641) (ad679b8)
- autobump bio/bamtools/filter_json (#642) (41ac02f)
- autobump bio/bamtools/split (#643) (ca4cd00)
- autobump bio/bamtools/stats (#644) (7967763)
- autobump bio/bazam (#600) (1dc1cde)
- autobump bio/bbtools/bbduk (#645) (40c20a9)
- autobump bio/bcftools/mpileup (#648) (547922e)
- autobump bio/bcftools/norm (#649) (46c6686)
- autobump bio/bcftools/reheader (#650) (e1f3303)
- autobump bio/bcftools/sort (#651) (897bdab)
- autobump bio/bcftools/stats (#652) (6aa4a38)
- autobump bio/bcftools/view (#653) (7e67f97)
- autobump bio/bedtools/bamtobed (#654) (a84d5d4)
- autobump bio/bedtools/complement (#655) (8c69237)
- autobump bio/bedtools/coveragebed (#656) (12e7f9f)
- autobump bio/bedtools/genomecov (#657) (db7b0df)
- autobump bio/bedtools/intersect (#658) (5be4783)
- autobump bio/bedtools/merge (#659) (23e0c2f)
- autobump bio/bedtools/slop (#660) (1dc9593)
- autobump bio/bedtools/sort (#661) (c19f269)
- autobump bio/benchmark/chm-eval (#663) (a192bfc)
- autobump bio/benchmark/chm-eval-sample (#662) (4c21a14)
- autobump bio/biobambam2/bamsormadup (#664) (32fa98c)
- autobump bio/bismark/bam2nuc (#665) (5b29dc2)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark_genome_preparation (#670) (4099d65)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark_methylation_extractor (#671) (48993a9)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark2report (#668) (fc9277f)
- autobump bio/blast/blastn (#673) (c9cbd1a)
- autobump bio/blast/makeblastdb (#674) (0e76eab)
- autobump bio/bowtie2/align (#675) (ba0ea38)
- autobump bio/bowtie2/build (#676) (3c4915f)
- autobump bio/bustools/count (#677) (d60a41e)
- autobump bio/bustools/sort (#678) (9380cc6)
- autobump bio/bustools/text (#679) (e423131)
- autobump bio/bwa-mem2/mem-samblaster (#681) (8871969)
- autobump bio/dada2/add-species (#703) (3296efd)
- autobump bio/dada2/assign-taxonomy (#705) (cf0b49e)
- autobump bio/dada2/collapse-nomismatch (#706) (e314e90)
- autobump bio/gatk/variantannotator (#762) (4b11881)
- autobump bio/hap.py/hap.py (#713) (a901d87)
- autobump bio/hifiasm (#602) (24cc310)
- autobump bio/jannovar (#604) (dece141)
- autobump bio/mlst (#609) (a949c78)
- autobump bio/mosdepth (#610) (1a25a6f)
- autobump bio/multiqc (#611) (7fabb68)
- autobump bio/nanosim-h (#613) (b046dd6)
- autobump bio/ngs-disambiguate (#614) (1ff4b77)
- autobump bio/optitype (#615) (6c3d720)
- autobump bio/pear (#616) (c64a0f1)
- autobump bio/plass (#617) (19ffcc6)
- autobump bio/ptrimmer (#625) (93869a9)
- autobump bio/quast (#626) (4a948d3)
- autobump bio/rasusa (#627) (ae7393e)
- autobump bio/razers3 (#628) (71c4c16)
- autobump bio/rebaler (#629) (7822769)
- autobump bio/refgenie (#630) (caf7da7)
- autobump bio/shovill (#632) (62bac99)
- autobump bio/snp-mutator (#633) (444237a)
- autobump bio/star/index (#739) (a2723ec)
- autobump bio/tximport (#635) (4dede59)
- autobump bio/unicycler (#636) (8d8c8d7)
- autobump bio/vardict (#637) (1494755)
- autobump bio/vembrane/table (#763) (a5eded7)
- autobump bio/wgsim (#638) (77dd163)
- autobump utils/cairosvg (#639) (cbb1239)
1.17.5 (2022-10-27)
- autobump bio/bcftools/merge (#647) (56e4237)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark (#666) (94f83e8)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark2bedGraph (#667) (bccafa5)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark2summary (#669) (1343842)
- autobump bio/bwa-mem2/index (#680) (9644bd9)
- autobump bio/bwa-mem2/mem (#682) (50f2ba7)
- autobump bio/bwa-meme/index (#683) (39041dd)
- autobump bio/bwa-meme/mem (#684) (595b2d8)
- autobump bio/bwa/aln (#685) (8867513)
- autobump bio/bwa/index (#686) (940b7a4)
- autobump bio/bwa/mem (#688) (b087056)
- autobump bio/bwa/mem-samblaster (#687) (b8ecfd0)
- autobump bio/bwa/sampe (#689) (007c6dd)
- autobump bio/bwa/samse (#690) (23c4d2a)
- autobump bio/bwa/samxe (#701) (fe75619)
- autobump bio/dada2/assign-species (#704) (c196baa)
1.17.4 (2022-10-25)
- update datavzrd wrapper to 2.6.1 (4fb483d)
1.17.3 (2022-10-24)
- update datavzrd wrapper to 2.5.2 (533c542)
1.17.2 (2022-10-19)
1.17.1 (2022-10-18)
1.17.0 (2022-10-13)
1.16.0 (2022-10-13)
1.15.2 (2022-10-12)
- update bio/adapterremoval/environment.yaml. (#573) (8cb0391)
- update bio/assembly-stats/environment.yaml. (#575) (2c12db0)
- update bio/bellerophon/environment.yaml. (#576) (fd06157)
- update bio/bgzip/environment.yaml. (#577) (36720ca)
- update bio/busco/environment.yaml. (#581) (9825a5f)
- update bio/clustalo/environment.yaml. (#582) (dc322c8)
- update bio/delly/environment.yaml. (#584) (0eb8ebc)
- update bio/fastp/environment.yaml. (#585) (a573035)
- update bio/fastq_screen/environment.yaml. (#586) (73a3d45)
- update bio/fastqc/environment.yaml. (#587) (9a0b30e)
- update bio/fasttree/environment.yaml. (#588) (b9b8a4e)
- update bio/filtlong/environment.yaml. (#589) (3394085)
- update bio/freebayes/environment.yaml. (#590) (17c9581)
- update bio/genefuse/environment.yaml. (#591) (63c620d)
- update bio/genomepy/environment.yaml. (#592) (4cfb29b)
1.15.1 (2022-10-11)
- autobump bio/bcftools/index/environment.yaml (#570) (bc77e03)
- update bio/bcftools/call/environment.yaml. (#567) (5c4356a)
- update bio/bcftools/concat/environment.yaml. (#568) (70685f1)
- update utils/datavzrd/environment.yaml. (#566) (a6f4ff8)
1.15.0 (2022-10-11)
1.14.1 (2022-09-27)
- fix regression in bcftools concat wrapper that made it use only the first input file. The bug was introduced in wrapper version v1.8.0. (#559) (80960db)
1.14.0 (2022-09-19)
1.13.0 (2022-09-17)
1.12.2 (2022-09-02)
1.12.1 (2022-09-01)
1.12.0 (2022-08-30)
- upgrade vep wrappers to latest version, fixing issues with strict channel priorities. (#547) (c3b46e5)
1.11.0 (2022-08-29)
1.10.0 (2022-08-21)
- Delly automated conversion of output file (#468) (67c11a3)
- support branches (e.g. plants) in ensembl wrappers for sequence, annotation, and variation download (#546) (94d7f8e)
1.9.0 (2022-08-18)
- add datavzrd wrapper (#535) (8c05064)
- BWA mem2 index - remove prefix parameter and determine prefix from output (#515) (ab8d4ad)
1.8.0 (2022-08-16)
- add "qualimap bamqc" wrapper (#533) (3af38c8)
- added bamtobed wrapper (#531) (0486745)
- added Bellerophon wrapper (#529) (888f651)
- added gfatools wrapper (#512) (2c6b897)
- added purge_dups wrapper (#528) (17d87e2)
- added Salsa2 wrapper (#532) (8cb4137)
- added wrapper-utils, and tempdirs (#467) (48c49a9)
- added wrappers for pretext map, snapshot and graph (#530) (2eb3fdd)
- BUSCO auto lineage mode, tempdir, updated version (#526) (67cf8e1)
- Bustools count (#511) (bb050e4)
- Bustools sort (#513) (1415748)
- Bustools text (#509) (00f60b7)
- cooltools wrappers (#519) (d28de15)
- fixed minimap2 bioconda strict channels, updated version, and added test (#527) (8f95ddb)
- GATK FilterMutectCall enhancement (#521) (eea67d4)
- GATK Getpileupsummaries (#517) (4281982)
- gatk Learnreadorientationmodel (#523) (cd68aa5)
- hifiasm wrapper (#510) (5360346)
- Meryl wrapper (#506) (f5ddac1)
- output aln is saved from stdout, to reduce I/O (#502) (6695486)
- Quast wrapper (#525) (754dfc1)
1.7.2 (2022-08-15)
- give conda-forge highest priority to ensure proper semantic under strict channel priorities (#508) (6976c9a)
1.7.1 (2022-07-19)
- better error handling for ensembl sequence download (#524) (c289800)
- give conda-forge highest priority to ensure proper semantic under strict channel priorities (ce78f79)
- issue when picard does not create output files (#496) (aceab7e)
- remove misleading kmer size parameter for kallisto index (#518) (309b376)
- use strict channel priorities (#503) (6419dbf)
1.7.0 (2022-06-14)
1.6.0 (2022-05-23)
- make it possible to set input as files or dirs to multiqc (#488) (32fd0e0)
- Mashmap (#485) (c05006d)
- Salmon update (#482) (3684276)
1.5.0 (2022-05-13)
- samtools stat bed params (#418) (28fa3a8)
- support cram output in picardtools markduplicates (#486) (218fd39)
1.4.0 (2022-05-05)
- added ref as an optional input file (#473) (dd8c066)
- Added specific param for strandness (#474) (12b7978)
- added support for gzip output files in ensembl annotation download wrapper (#475) (42696c2)
- convert gtf to gene pred output (#477) (4672e5b)
- DragMap wrapper (#472) (6f54512)
- make it possible to set output type, vcf or gvcf. (#476) (e62744d)
- fixed issue when several output files are specified with gatk splitncigarreads wrapper (#471) (353bf0a)
- restrict bwa wrappers' picard installation to picard-slim (e.g. removes r-base dependency) (#484) (bd3cdbc)
1.3.2 (2022-03-28)
1.3.1 (2022-03-17)
1.3.0 (2022-03-16)
1.2.1 (2022-03-11)
- bcftools filter cannot run with mem options and this will prevent mem-max to be set. (#464) (d7a0de4)
- issue 339 (#461) (6734675)
- update multiqc version to 1.12 (#460) (330359d)
1.2.0 (2022-02-21)
- added samtools wrapper utils (#454) (23c28bf)
- added STAR temp dir (#453) (86a6c11)
- added temp dir to featurecounts (#455) (d93866e)
- added tmpdir to all GATK wrappers, plus some doc changes (#449) (c17266b)
- explicitly specify bwa index in bwa samxe (#448) (ef5b36a)
1.1.0 (2022-02-07)
1.0.0 (2022-01-26)
- added tempdir, updated version and metadata to all picard wrappers (#443)
0.87.0 (2022-01-26)
- added wrapper for bcftools stats (#201) (2caecb9)
- added wrapper for bgzip (#195) (6d837f2)
- added wrapper for seqtk seq subcommand (#202) (599f370)
- added wrapper for using tabix to query an indexed file (#203) (2bb9131)
- explicitly specify bwa index in bwa wrappers (#232) (0e323b1)
- Implemented handling of memory constraints in fasterq-dump wrapper (#432) (7febbb0)
- parse mem for samtools sort (#442) (37c2d08)
- wrapper for Manta SV caller (#415) (6b4d6a1)
0.86.0 (2022-01-18)
- add fasttree wrapper (#405) (ad99f9e)
- add MUSCLE wrapper (#404) (564ada7)
- added shards temp folder (#441) (dda1546)
- update multiqc wrapper to v1.11 (#422) (0fa22a3)
- updated versions and fixes for samtools wrappers. (#431) (cbba82d)
- added wrapper for verifybamid2 (#401)
- log file handling and other small improvements for bcftools wrappers (#429) (961edb8)
- proper tempfile handling for STAR and improved documentation (#430) (922cf87)
- correctly handle extra parameters in vardict wrapper (#437)