Now we have a very large dataset, and we want to figure out our target information using queries that require exact matching, or fuzzy matching.
And we have a lot of existing amazing packages to support this work. In this repository, I will test the time complexity (matching efficiency), and the matching accuracy of some chosen packages.
Program structure is given as follow:
├─data: will not uploaded
├─paper: some research & empirical papers
├─faiss: a package developed by Facebook AI Research
│ └─tutorial: some code examples
├─string_grouper: a super fast string matching package in Python
│ └─tutorial: some code examples
├─splink: help link dataset without unique identifier (probablistic model)
│ └─tutorial: some code examples
├─further_check: identify the true matching pairs from fuzzy matching results
│ └─tutorial: some code examples
- We first implement the fuzzy matching (to get potential matching pairs)
- In this step, for the fuzzy matching with multiple comparison levels (requirements), we prefer Splink README-splink.
- For the fuzzy matching with only one comparison level, i.e., we need to find best potential results for one pair (company pair, fullname pair, etc.), we prefer String_grouper README-string grouper
- Then, we calculate some relative scores, to further check whether the potential pairs are true or not.
- We calculate some scores (including the Levenshtein distance, ngram distance, phonetic distance, etc. See Scores-code example here) first. We also figure out an algorithm that can help improve the predicting quality in RF model, which scores based on the name features (first name/middle name/last name, name initial, name composition, name "etymology". See Custom_scores-code example)
- We construct a random forest model to predict the matching likelihood.
- BTW, here's a interesting tool to help identify whether the potential matching pairs are true or not, that is Claude Claude-code example. (to assist the manual checking/labeling process)
Input dataset scale\time | SentenceTransformer searching time |
Another vectorization (TFIDF) vectorization+training+searching |
GPU version |
(10000*10000) | 0.4s | 1.4s | + 0.9s | + 1.2s | = 3.5s | |
(50000*50000) | 9.9s | 8.2s |+ 4.5s | + 48.7s |= 61.4s | |
(100000*100000) | 40.6s | 17s |+ 6s | + 241.7s| = 264s | |
(500000*500000) | 1043.5s | | | | |
- It's more like an
$O(N^2)$ method. - More details see README-explore faiss
Compared with FAISS
Input data scale\time | Num_process = int(ncpu*3/4) | Num_process = 1 | Speed of faiss |
(10000*10000) | 2.4s | 2s | 3.5s |
(50000*50000) | 10.6s | 21s | 61.4s |
(100000*100000) | 21.1s | 65s | 264s |
(500000*500000) | 127.5s | 1272s |
- Also an
$O(N^2)$ techique. - More details see README-explore string_grouper
I am using the Polars dataframe to speed up the I/O process. And if the Polars dataframe contains several data types (check data.dtypes), when transfering to Pandas dataframe, it will occur some errors.
The way I solve the problem is [simply change the columns with list data type to string data type]:
for col in ['company_raw', 'location', 'naics_code', 'country', 'state', 'msa', 'company_ticker']: data = data.with_columns( pl.format("[{}]", pl.col(col).cast(pl.List(pl.Utf8)).list.join(", ")).alias(col))
- Announcing ScaNN: Efficient Vector Similarity Search [Blog]