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Ancient microbiome snakemake workflow


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aMeta: an accurate and memory-efficient ancient Metagenomic profiling workflow

Snakemake Tests


aMeta is a Snakemake workflow for identifying microbial sequences in ancient DNA shotgun metagenomics samples. The workflow performs:

  • trimming adapter sequences and removing reads shorter than 30 bp with Cutadapt
  • quaity control before and after trimming with FastQC and MultiQC
  • taxonomic sequence kmer-based classification with KrakenUniq
  • sequence alignment with Bowtie2 and screening for common microbial pathogens
  • deamination pattern analysis with MapDamage2
  • Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) sequence alignment with Malt
  • authentication and validation of identified microbial species with MaltExtract

You can get overview of aMeta from the rule-graph (DAG) below:


When using aMeta and / or pre-built databases provided together with the wokflow for your research projects, please cite our article:

Zoé Pochon*, Nora Bergfeldt*, Emrah Kırdök, Mário Vicente, Thijessen Naidoo,
Tom van der Valk, N. Ezgi Altınışık, Maja Krzewińska, Love Dalen, Anders Götherström*,
Claudio Mirabello*, Per Unneberg* and Nikolay Oskolkov*,
aMeta: an accurate and memory-efficient ancient Metagenomic profiling workflow,
Genome Biology 2023, 24 (242),



Clone the github repository, then create and activate aMeta conda environment (here and below cd aMeta implies navigating to the cloned root aMeta directory). For this purpose, we recommend installing own conda, for example from here, and mamba

git clone
cd aMeta
# For conda version < 23.10 use mamba instead of conda
conda env create -f workflow/envs/environment.yaml
# We added preliminary support for Snakemake v8. To try it out, change the conda command to
# conda env create -f workflow/envs/environment.v8.yaml
conda activate aMeta

Run a test to make sure that the workflow was installed correctly:

cd .test
./ -j 1

Here, and below, by -j you can specify the number of threads that the workflow can use. Please make sure that the installation and test run accomplished successfully before proceeding with running aMeta on your real data. Potential problems with installation and test run often come from unstable internet connection and particular conda settings used e.g. at computer clusters, therefore we advise you to use your own freshly installed conda. Also, please note that the test run currently needs ~16 GB of RAM which is suitable for running on regular laptops. Nevertheless, when executing the test run on a computer cluster one should pay attention to assigning more than one core to the job since one core in a computer cluster may have less then 16 GB (for example ~8 GB) of RAM, and this can be the reason for failure of the test run on an HPC while it can still run fine on a laptop.

Quick start

To run the worflow you need to prepare a tab-delimited sample-file config/samples.tsv with at least two columns, and a configuration file config/config.yaml, below we provide examples for both files.

Here is an example of samples.tsv, this implies that the fastq-files are located in aMeta/data folder:

sample	fastq
foo	data/foo.fq.gz
bar	data/bar.fq.gz

Currently, it is important that the sample names in the first column exactly match the names of the fastq-files in the second column. For example, a fastq-file "data/foo.fq.gz" specified in the "fastq" column, must have a name "foo" in the "sample" column. Please make sure that the names in the first and second columns match.

Below is an example of config.yaml, here you will need to download a few databases that we made public (or build databases yourself).

samplesheet: "config/samples.tsv"

# KrakenUniq Microbial NCBI NT database (if you are interested in prokaryotes only)
# can be downloaded from
krakenuniq_db: resources/DBDIR_KrakenUniq_MicrobialNT

# KrakenUniq full NCBI NT database (if you are interested in prokaryotes and eukaryotes)
# can be downloaded from
#krakenuniq_db: resources/DBDIR_KrakenUniq_Full_NT

# Bowtie2 index and helping files for following up microbial pathogens
# can be downloaded from
bowtie2_db: resources/library.pathogen.fna
bowtie2_seqid2taxid_db: resources/
pathogenomesFound: resources/

# Bowtie2 index for full NCBI NT (for quick followup of prokaryotes and eukaryotes),
# can be downloaded from (please unzip files)
# For using Bowtie2 NT index, replace "bowtie2_db" and "bowtie2_seqid2taxid_db" above by
#bowtie2_db: resources/library.fna
#bowtie2_seqid2taxid_db: resources/

# Helping files for building Malt database
# can be downloaded from
malt_nt_fasta: resources/library.fna
malt_seqid2taxid_db: resources/
malt_accession2taxid: resources/nucl_gb.accession2taxid

# A path for downloading NCBI taxonomy files (performed automatically)
# you do not need to change this line
ncbi_db: resources/ncbi

# Breadth and depth of coverage filters
# default thresholds are very conservative, can be tuned by users
n_unique_kmers: 1000
n_tax_reads: 200

There are several ways to download the database files. One option is to follow this link and search for the last number in the database links provided above in the "article_id" search bar. This will give you the download url for each file. Then you can either use wget inside a screen session or tmux session to download it, or aria2c, for example, N.B. We strongly recommend you not to mix the databases in the same directory but place them in individual folders, otherwise they may overwrite each other. Also, if you use the KrakenUniq full NCBI NT database and / or Bowtie2 index of full NCBI NT, please keep in mind, that the reference genomes used for building the database / index were imported as is from the BLASTN tool This implies that the majority of eukaryotic reference genomes (including human reference genome) included in the database / index may be of poor quality for the sake of minimization of resource usage. In contrast, the vast majority of microbial reference genomes included in the NCBI NT database / index are of very good (complete) quality. Therefore, if the goal of your analysis is human / animal microbiome profiling, we recommend you to use the Microbial NCBI NT database / index, this will make sure that human / animal reads will not be acidentally assiged to microbial organisms. However, the full NCBI NT database / index are very useful if you work with e.g. sedimentary or environmental ancient DNA, and your goal is to simply detect in unbiased way all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms present in your samples, without trying to precisely quantify their abundance.

After you have prepared the sample- and configration-file, please install job-specific environments, update Krona taxonomy and modify default java heap space parameters for Malt jobs:

cd aMeta
# install job-specific environments
snakemake --snakefile workflow/Snakefile --use-conda --conda-create-envs-only -j 20

# update Krona taxonomy
env=$(grep krona .snakemake/conda/*yaml | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e "s/.yaml://g" | head -1)
cd $env/opt/krona/
./ taxonomy
cd -

# modify default java heap space parameters for Malt jobs
env=$(grep hops .snakemake/conda/*yaml | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e "s/.yaml://g" | head -1)
conda activate $env
version=$(conda list malt --json | grep version | sed -e "s/\"//g" | awk '{print $2}')
cd $env/opt/malt-$version
sed -i -e "s/-Xmx64G/-Xmx512G/" malt-build.vmoptions
sed -i -e "s/-Xmx64G/-Xmx512G/" malt-run.vmoptions
cd -
conda deactivate

Finally, the workflow can be run using the following command line:

cd aMeta
snakemake --snakefile workflow/Snakefile --use-conda -j 20

In the sections More configuration options, Environment module configuration and Runtime configuration we will give more information about fine-tuning the configuration as well as instructions on how to run the workflow in a computer cluster enviroment.

More details about running aMeta can be found in the step-by-step tutorial available in the aMeta/vignettes directory.

Main results of the workflow and their interpretation

All output files of the workflow are located in aMeta/results directory. To get a quick overview of ancient microbes present in your samples you should check a heatmap in results/overview_heatmap_scores.pdf.


The heatmap demonstrates microbial species (in rows) authenticated for each sample (in columns). The colors and the numbers in the heatmap represent authentications scores, i.e. numeric quantification of eight quality metrics that provide information about microbial presence and ancient status. The authentication scores can vary from 0 to 10, the higher is the score the more likely that a microbe is present in a sample and is ancient. Typically, scores from 8 to 10 (red color in the heatmap) provide good confidence of ancient microbial presence in a sample. Scores from 5 to 7 (yellow and orange colors in the heatmap) can imply that either: a) a microbe is present but not ancient, i.e. modern contaminant, or b) a microbe is ancient (the reads are damaged) but was perhaps aligned to a wrong reference, i.e. it is not the microbe you think about. The former is a more common case scenario. The latter often happens when an ancient microbe is correctly detected on a genus level but we are not confident about the exact species, and might be aligning the damaged reads to a non-optimal reference which leads to a lot of mismatches or poor evennes of coverage. Scores from 0 to 4 (blue color in the heatmap) typically mean that we have very little statistical evedence (very few reads) to claim presence of a microbe in a sample.

To visually examine the eight quality metrics

  1. deamination profile,
  2. evenness of coverage,
  3. edit distance (amount of mismatches) for all reads,
  4. edit distance (amount of mismatches) for damaged reads,
  5. read length distribution,
  6. PMD scores distribution,
  7. number of assigned reads (depth of coverage),
  8. average nucleotide identity (ANI)

corresponding to the numbers and colors of the heatmap, one can find them in results/AUTHENTICATION/sampleID/taxID/authentic_Sample_sampleID.trimmed.rma6_TaxID_taxID.pdf for each sample sampleID and each authenticated microbe taxID. An example of such quality metrics is shown below:


In case you are interested in an overview of microbial species present in your samples irrespective of their ancient status, you can simply check a KrakenUniq abundance matrix here results/KRAKENUNIQ_ABUNDANCE_MATRIX/krakenuniq_absolute_abundance_heatmap.pdf:


The values in the heatmap above indicate the numbers of reads assigned to each microbe in each species. The corresponding Total Sum Scaled (TSS), aka library size normalized, KrakenUniq abundance matrix is located in results/KRAKENUNIQ_ABUNDANCE_MATRIX/krakenuniq_normalized_abundance_heatmap.pdf. Please note that the microbial species in the KrakenUniq abundance matrix might not always overlap with the ones present in the authentication score heatmap above. This is because not all microbes detected by KrakenUniq at the pre-screening step can be successfully validated by Malt + MaltExtract. The absolute and normalized microbial abundance heatmaps are optimal for visual exploration for up to ~50-100 samples and ~100-200 species. For larger numbers of samples and / or species, the heatmaps may become too crowded and difficult to view; therefore, in this case, the users are advised to utilize the raw KrakenUniq abundance matrix krakenuniq_abundance_matrix.txt for their own custom visualization.

Finally, below we list locations and provide short comments for a few other useful metrics / plots / information delivered by aMeta which you perhaps would also like to check:

  • the deamination profile computed by MaltExtract among the eight validation and authentication metrics above might be less informative than the one delivered by MapDamage. You can find the deamination profile for the microbe of interest with taxID detected in sample sampleID here results/MAPDAMAGE/sampleID/ Please note that the MapDamage deamination profile is computed on Bowtie2 alignments without LCA, these alignments might be less accurate than the LCA-based Malt alignments used for MaltExtract. MapDamage
  • visualization of KrakenUniq microbial detection results for each sample sampleID is available at results/KRAKENUNIQ/sampleID/taxonomy.krona.html. Krona
  • unfiltered KrakenUniq results for each sample sampleID can be found in results/KRAKENUNIQ/sampleID/krakenuniq.output, filtered with n_unique_kmers (breadth of coverage) and n_tax_reads (depth of coverage) can be found in results/KRAKENUNIQ/sampleID/krakenuniq.output.filtered, and the pathogenic subset of the filtered KrakenUniq results for each sample sampleID is available in results/KRAKENUNIQ/sampleID/krakenuniq.output.pathogens.
  • Malt microbial abundance matrix quantified from rma6- and sam-files can be found in results/MALT_ABUNDANCE_MATRIX_RMA6/malt_abundance_matrix_rma6.txt and results/MALT_ABUNDANCE_MATRIX_SAM/malt_abundance_matrix_sam.txt, respectively. These abundance matrices are complementary and can be compared with the KrakenUniq abundance matrix from results/KRAKENUNIQ_ABUNDANCE_MATRIX/krakenuniq_abundance_matrix.txt for a better intuition about microbial presence and abundance.
  • all technical details on the quality of your data, adapter trimming, alignments etc. can be found in results/MULTIQC/multiqc_report.html. MultiQC

More configuration options

Within config.yaml one can specify what samples to analyse in the samples section through the include and exclude keys, so that a global samplesheet can be reused multiple times.

Analyses mapdamage, authentication, malt, and krona can be individually turned on and off in the analyses section.

Adapter sequences can be defined in the adapters section of config.yaml. The keys config['adapters']['illumina'] (default true) and config['adapters']['nextera'] (default false) are switches that turn on/off adapter trimming of illumina (AGATCGGAAGAG) and nextera (AGATCGGAAGAG) adapter sequences. Addional custom adapter sequences can be set in the configuration key config['adapters']['custom'] which must be an array of strings.

An example snippet that can optionally be added to the configuration file config.yaml is shown below:

# you can include or exclude samples
    - foo
    - bar

# you can include or exclude certain types of analysis
  mapdamage: true
  authentication: true
  malt: true
  krona: true

# you can specify type of adapters to trim
  illumina: true
  nextera: false
  # custom is a list of adapter sequences
  custom: []

Environment module configuration

To run the workflow in a computer cluster environemnt you should specify environmental modules and runtimes via --profile as follows:

snakemake --snakefile workflow/Snakefile -j 100 --profile .profile --use-envmodules

If the workflow is run on a HPC with the --use-envmodules option (see using-environment-modules), the workflow will check for an additional file that configures environment modules. By default, the file is config/envmodules.yaml, but a custom location can be set with the environment variable ANCIENT_MICROBIOME_ENVMODULES.

Environmental modules configurations are placed in a configuration section envmodules with key-value pairs that map a dependency set to a list of environment modules. The dependency sets are named after the rule's corresponding conda environment file, such that a dependency set may affect multiple rules. For instance, the following example shows how to define modules for rules depending on fastqc, as it would be implemented on the uppmax compute cluster:

    - bioinfo-tools
    - FastQC

See the configuration schema file (workflows/schema/config.schema.yaml) for more information.

Runtime configuration

Most individual rules define the number of threads to run. Although the number of threads for a given rule can be tweaked on the command line via the option --set-threads, it is advisable to put all runtime configurations in a profile. At its simplest, a profile is a directory (e.g. .profile in the working directory) containing a file config.yaml which consists of command line option settings. In addition to customizing threads, it enables the customization of resources, such as runtime and memory. An example is shown here:

# Rerun incomplete jobs
rerun-incomplete: true
# Restart jobs once on failure
restart-times: 1
# Set threads for mapping and fastqc
  - Bowtie2_Alignment=10
  - FastQC_BeforeTrimming=5
# Set resources (runtime in minutes, memory in mb) for malt
  - FastQC_BeforeTrimming:mem_mb=1000
  - FastQC_AfterTrimming:mem_mb=1000
  - Malt:runtime=7200
  - Malt:mem_mb=512000
# Set defalt resources that apply to all rules
  - runtime=120
  - mem_mb=16000
  - disk_mb=1000000

For more advanced profiles for different hpc systems, see Snakemake-Profiles github page.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

aMeta fails almost immediately on FastQC / MultiQC step with "Missing Input Files" error, why?

Most common reason is that the samples.tsv file you prepared was not tab-delimited (see section Quick start above). Also, please double-check that the sample names in the first column exactly match the names of the fastq-files in the second column in the the samples.tsv file, again please carefully read the details of the samples.tsv file preparation in the Quick start section. Finally, please avoid complex naming of your files such as sample+1-bact_lib1+AAC_1-R1.fastq.gz as it might potentially lead to problems with correct parsing and the "Missing Input Files" error.

My fastq-files do not contain adapters, how can I skip the adapter removal step?

To our experinece, there are very often adapter traces left even after an adapter removing software has been applied to the fastq-files. Therefore, we strongly recommend not to skip the adapter removal step. This step is typically not time consuming and can only be beneficial for the analysis. Otherwise, adapter contamination can lead to severe biases in microbial discovery.

I have paired-end (PE) sequencing data, does aMeta support it?

Currently not, but this option will be added soon. As in other aDNA analyses, PE reads need to be merged prior to using aMeta, this can be achieve by e.g. fastp Alternatively, simple concatenation of R1 and R2 reads as

cat R1.fastq.gz R2.fastq.gz > merged.fastq.gz

is also possible, and the resulting file merged.fastq.gz can be used as input for aMeta.

KrakenUniq fails because it cannot find taxDB file.

When you download our pre-built KrakenUniq databses, depending on what environment you have (Win/Mac/Linux) and program you use, as well as whether you download the whole databse or separate files, the file names might unexpectedly change a bit. For example, "taxDB" may become "taxDB." (with dot at the end) or "taxdb", while KrakenUniq will specifically search for "taxDB"-file and throw an error if the file name does not match. If this happens, please manually change the file name to strictly "taxDB" in your downloaded KrakenUniq database.

I get "Java heap space error" on the Malt step, what should I do?

Although you have already changed the default Malt max memory limit from 64 GB to 512 GB in the Quick start section, you seem to need to further increase it, which may indeed be needed for very large and rich datasets. To increase it again please modify the malt-build.vmoptions and malt-run.vmoptions files. To locate these files you have to find the conda environment corresponding to Malt, activate it and replace the current 512 GB with the amount of RAM available on you computer node, in the example below it is 1024 GB:

cd aMeta
env=$(grep hops .snakemake/conda/*yaml | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e "s/.yaml://g" | head -1)
conda activate $env
version=$(conda list malt --json | grep version | sed -e "s/\"//g" | awk '{print $2}')
cd $env/opt/malt-$version
sed -i -e "s/-Xmx512G/-Xmx1024G/" malt-build.vmoptions
sed -i -e "s/-Xmx512G/-Xmx1024G/" malt-run.vmoptions
cd -
conda deactivate

Nevertheless, if you keep getting the Java heap space error despite you modified the vmoptions files, this might indicate that your memory resource allocation is still not enough. In this case reserving a compute node with larger amount of RAM may solve the problem.

I get "Java heap space error" on the FastQC step, what should I do?

aMeta now depends on FastQC version >=0.12.1 which provides support for setting the memory at runtime. The FastQC rules have been updated such that you now can set the memory requirements with the --set-resources flag e.g.

--set-resources FastQC_BeforeTrimming:mem_mb=1000
--set-resources FastQC_AfterTrimming:mem_mb=1000

or in a Snakemake profile configuration (see section Runtime configuration above).

MatExtract takes a lot of time and looks frozen.

You are probably running aMeta (or at least some jobs from aMeta) on nodes without internet connection. If this is the case, you have to manually download and provide NCBI taxonomy for MaltExtract, i.e. and ncbi.tre files, from here and place them to resources/ncbi.

I get a "No validator found" message, should I be worried?

Short answer: no, you do not need to be worried about purple snakemake warning text. Only red messages indicate an error and should be investigated.

aMeta takes a lot of time to run, can I speed it up?

If you run aMeta using our pre-built database:

KrakenUniq DB on full NCBI NT:
KrakenUniq DB on microbial part of NCBI NT:
KrakenUniq DB on microbial part of NCBI RefSeq:
Bowtie2 index for full NCBI NT database:
Bowtie2 index on pathogenic microbes of NCBI NT:

it can be very fast (a few hours for a sample with ~10 mln reads) if you have enough RAM (recommended minimum ~200 GB, ideally ~1 TB). Otherwise, runing aMeta with smaller RAM is also possible but results in much longer computation times. We prioritize using large databases for more accurate metagenomic analysis. Alternatively, smaller databases can also be used which might speed up aMeta considerably, but very likely result in less accurate analysis (lower sensitivity and specificity).

What should I do in case aMeta has stopped prematurely?

Snakamake framework of aMeta may sometimes be too sensitive to small warning messages even if many of them are safe to ignore. This can result in a premature stop of aMeta. Sometimes it helps to simply restart aMeta from the failed part of the analysis, for example AUTHENTICATION, from scratch by deleting the whole folder Meta/results/AUTHENTICATION. If you wish to restart aMeta from the moment where it stopped, you may want to consider using --rerun-incomplete (to recompute likely corrupted files due to premature stop) and --unlock (to resume running the jobs in case you manually interrrupted snakemake) flags appended to the main snakemake command line from the Quick start section. If you are sure that the reason for premature stop of aMeta can safely be ignored, you may want to apply --keep-going to continue running aMeta.


Ancient microbiome snakemake workflow







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