authorName | authorGithubUsername | issue | title |
Simon Lehmann |
simonlmn |
71 |
Making your tests run fast |
Automated testing of software is generally a good thing and is accepted as a standard practice in virtually all projects these days. However, more often than not, people get annoyed by the tests over time. They keep complaining about having to wait for those darn tests to finish on the CI, so they can finally merge their PR.
Clearly, no one sets out with the intention of slowing everyone down. But then again, people rarely make it a priority to keep things fast. Which is understandable and sounds "pragmatic" when there are only a handful of tests. Fast forward six months and people are sitting idle, staring at the progress indicator of the build pipeline, hoping that they did not break another test and will not have to waste another 30 minutes of their life.
There are a few strategies and most of them don't incur any additional cost - if done right from the start!
Depending on the technology and programming language, there are ways to prevent certain errors by taking advantage of the compiler/type system or static code analysis. This gets rid of tests which need to verify behaviour at runtime that can be checked at compile/build time. A simple example would be using an unsigned integer type instead of a signed integer one if negative values are not allowed, but it can and should be applied to more complex scenarios as well.
If a particular functionality has been tested once, there is no need to have it tested again and again. There is also no value in testing a bunch of random cases instead of only one. Only add additional cases if the additional case proves some additional property of the system under test. Of course, there will be some overlap between tests, especially between the different levels, but it pays to ask yourself for every test if it really adds valuable insight. Not only will this avoid additional execution time - which can be significant for integration and system level tests - but it will also make the test suite more maintainable, as you don't have to change many tests if a requirement changes.
The first time you need to implement time-dependent functionality, ensure the progression of time can be controlled from the outside. Provide an abstraction over any time-related primitives you might be using (getting the current time, waiting for time to pass, ...), which can be controlled from your tests to make time progress exactly and instantly when you need it to. That allows tests which check for, say, a 20-second timeout, to execute instantly and make testing of longer time spans (hours, days or years!) feasible.
Be clear about what properties are tested on which level (e.g. unit, integration, system) and keep those levels separated. Having clearly separated tests, "horizontally", allows you to define different guidelines, constraints and approaches to each level and makes it easy to run them independently. In addition to this "horizontal" separation, tests and their corresponding test subjects should also be separated "vertically" by applying the various techniques of modularization. This enables you to run tests only if the corresponding code has been modified.
Even after you have done everything you can to make running your test suites fast, it likely won't be enough. Be it the sheer amount of test cases or the requirement for a lot of integration and system level testing, at some point things are going to be "slow". But there are some additional strategies for dealing with that:
Run test cases and suites in parallel, as much as possible. Do not shy away from distributing the execution across multiple (virtual) machines. Additional design and/or refactoring may be required to make that possible. However, if you have already applied all of the points above, you should usually be able to parallelize quite a bit without changing anything.
Categorize/annotate all tests based on how essential they are and how quick they are. The default should be for a test to be "most essential" and "fastest" and mark every test that deviates from that, e.g., exhausting options, testing more (theoretical) corner cases or more complex and slow workflows. Order all from "most essential" to "least essential", then from "fastest" to "slowest", execute them in that order and stop on the first failed test. While this does not help when every test passes, it helps to stop wasting time and resources when something fails.
Identify and remove tests which are not covering actual requirements anymore or never covered any particular requirements and are just testing implementation details. Just remove those tests. While this is not always easy and requires a good understanding of the system and its requirements, it is worth considering from time to time.
If nothing else, keep an eye on test execution time. Measure it, visualize it and make people aware of it. Listen to people around you, if they start complaining about it. Just being aware that this might become a real problem in the future is often enough to plan for it right from the start.
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