A cross platform command line tool that can do the main functions of the GUI program, which can download VODs/Clips/Chats and render chats.
- Global Arguments
- Arguments for mode VideoDownload
- Arguments for mode ClipDownload
- Arguments for mode ChatDownload
- Arguments for mode ChatRender
- Example Commands
-m/--mode (REQUIRED) Set the run mode for the program. Valid values are VideoDownload, ClipDownload, ChatDownload, and ChatRender.
-o/--output (REQUIRED) File the program will output to.
--download-ffmpeg Downloads ffmpeg and exits.
--ffmpeg-path Path to ffmpeg executable.
--temp-path Path to temporary folder for cache.
-u/--id The ID of the VOD to download, currently only accepts Integer IDs and will accept URLs in the future.
-q/--quality The quality the program will attempt to download, for example "1080p60", if not found will download highest quality stream.
-b/--beginning Time in seconds to crop beginning. For example if I wanted a 10 second stream but only wanted the last 7 seconds of it I would use -b 3 to skip the first 3 seconds of it.
-e/--ending Time in seconds to crop ending. For example if I wanted a 10 second stream but only wanted the first 4 seconds of it I would use -e 4 remove the last 6 seconds of it. Extra example, if I wanted only seconds 3-6 in a 10 second stream I would do -b 3 -e 6
-t/--threads (Default: 10) Number of download threads.
--oauth OAuth to be passed when downloading a VOD. Used when downloading sub only VODs.
-u/--id The ID of the Clip to download, currently only accepts the string identifier and will accept URLs in the future.
-q/--quality The quality the program will attempt to download, for example "1080p60", if not found will download highest quality video.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If output file argument does not end in .json it will download it as a plain text file
-u/--id The ID of the VOD or clip to download. Does not currently accept URLs.
-b/--beginning Time in seconds to crop beginning. For example if I wanted a 10 second stream but only wanted the last 7 seconds of it I would use -b 3 to skip the first 3 seconds of it.
-e/--ending Time in seconds to crop ending. For example if I wanted a 10 second stream but only wanted the first 4 seconds of it I would use -e 4 remove the last 6 seconds of it.
--timestamp-format Sets the timestamp format for .txt chat logs. Valid values are Utc, Relative, and None.
--embed-emotes Embeds emotes into the JSON file so in the future when an emote is removed from Twitch or a 3rd party, it will still render correctly. Useful for archival purposes, file size will be larger.
-i/--input Path to JSON chat file input.
--background-color (Default: #111111) Color of background in HEX string format.
--message-color (Default: #ffffff) Color of messages in HEX string format.
-h/--chat-height (Default: 600) Height of chat render.
-w/--chat-width (Default: 350) Width of chat render.
--bttv (Default: true) Enable BTTV emotes.
--ffz (Default: true) Enable FFZ emotes.
--stv (Default: true) Enable 7TV emotes.
--sub-messages (Default: true) Enable sub/re-sub messages.
--outline (Default: false) Enable outline around chat messages.
--outline-size (Default: 4) Size of outline if outline is enabled.
-f/--font (Default: Arial) Font to use.
--font-size (Default: 12) Size of font.
--message-fontstyle (Default: normal) Font style to use for message. Valid values are normal, bold, and italic.
--username-fontstyle (Default: bold) Font style to use for username. Valid values are normal, bold, and italic.
--padding-left (Default: 2) Padding space to left of chat render.
--timestamp Enables timestamps to left of messages, similar to VOD chat on Twitch.
--generate-mask Generates a mask file in addition to the regular chat file.
--framerate (Default: 30) Framerate of chat render output.
--update-rate (Default: 0.2) Time in seconds to update chat render output.
--input-args (Default: -framerate {fps} -f rawvideo -analyzeduration {max_int} -probesize {max_int} -pix_fmt bgra -video_size {width}x{height} -i -) Input arguments for ffmpeg chat render.
--output-args (Default: -c:v libx264 -preset veryfast -crf 18 -pix_fmt yuv420p "{save_path}") Output arguments for ffmpeg chat render.
Download a VOD
TwitchDownloaderCLI -m VideoDownload --id 612942303 -o video.mp4
Download a Clip
TwitchDownloaderCLI -m ClipDownload --id NurturingCalmHamburgerVoHiYo -o clip.mp4
Download a Chat (plain text with timestamps)
TwitchDownloaderCLI -m ChatDownload --id 612942303 --timestamp-format Relative -o chat.txt
Download a Chat (JSON with embeded emotes)
TwitchDownloaderCLI -m ChatDownload --id 612942303 --embed-emotes -o chat.json
Render a chat with defaults
TwitchDownloaderCLI -m ChatRender -i chat.json -o chat.mp4
Render a chat with different heights and values
TwitchDownloaderCLI -m ChatRender -i chat.json -h 1440 -w 720 --framerate 60 --outline -o chat.mp4
Render a chat with custom ffmpeg arguments
TwitchDownloaderCLI -m ChatRender -i chat.json --output-args='-c:v libx264 -preset veryfast -crf 18 -pix_fmt yuv420p "{save_path}"' -o chat.mp4