Supporting materials for Akhmetzhanov AR, Lee H, Jung SM, Kayano T, Yuan B, Nishiura H 2019 "Analyzing and forecasting the Ebola incidence in North Kivu, the Democratic Republic of the Congo from 2018-19 in real time" Epidemics doi:10.1016/j.epidem.2019.05.002
Code scripts are present by two notebooks:
- "A. Main analysis [python, MLE in pymc3, bash, latex].ipynb" shows the main part of the analysis
- "B. Generating additional figures [python, bash, latex].ipynb" finalizes the analysis.
The folder figures shows all figures used in the paper, results is the list of all output files from executing the notebooks. Data-folder contains all aggregated datasets, where the file "data-WHO.xlsx" was mainly used for the analysis. The subfolder data/Epicurves shows the snapshots epicurves routingly extracted from different publicly available sources.
Written by Andrei R. Akhmetzhanov 2019