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First version of systematic bases library for the hexahedron submitte…
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aamorm committed Feb 26, 2022
0 parents commit 582c70d
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Showing 53 changed files with 1,706 additions and 0 deletions.
58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions +assembly/getGlobalMatrices.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
function [FEMatrices] = getGlobalMatrices(meshObj)
% GETGLOBALMATRICES computes the stiffness and mass matrices for the
% generalized eigenvalue problem.
% GETGLOBALMATRICES(meshObj) takes the mesh passed as parameter and
% returns a structure with two fields: stiffness and mass.

% Preallocation of sparse matrices.
nonZeros = meshObj.getNNZ();
irnValues = zeros(nonZeros,1);
jcnValues = zeros(nonZeros,1);
aValues = zeros(nonZeros,1);
a2Values = zeros(nonZeros,1);
sparseIndex = 0;

% We load here the basis functions computed before.
refBasesObj = bases.SystematicBases();
percentage = round(length(meshObj.elements)/10);

for elemIndex = 1:length(meshObj.elements)

% We obtain the different objects that represent the object and the
% material.
currentElemObj = meshObj.elements(elemIndex);
solidObj = meshObj.solids(currentElemObj.solidId);
% We compute the straight Jacobian Matrix.
jacobianMatrix = currentElemObj.computeJacobianMatrix();

% We compute the stiffness and mass matrices per element.
stiffElementMatrix = assembly.getStiffMatrix(refBasesObj, currentElemObj, jacobianMatrix, solidObj.materialObj.muRelative);
massElementMatrix = assembly.getMassMatrix(refBasesObj, currentElemObj, jacobianMatrix, solidObj.materialObj.epsilonRelative);

% We get the whole array of dofs to perform the finite element assembly.
dofIndices = currentElemObj.getDOF();

% It is stored columnwise (irn are rows, jcn are columns).
irnValues (sparseIndex+1:sparseIndex+length(dofIndices)^2) = reshape(dofIndices*ones(1,length(dofIndices)),[],1);
jcnValues (sparseIndex+1:sparseIndex+length(dofIndices)^2) = reshape(ones(length(dofIndices),1)*dofIndices',[],1);

% We impose the dirichlet boundary conditions to each element matrix.
localDirichletMatrix = assembly.imposeLocalDirichletMatrix (meshObj, currentElemObj, stiffElementMatrix);
aValues(sparseIndex+1:sparseIndex+length(dofIndices)^2) = reshape(localDirichletMatrix,[],1);

localDirichletMatrix = assembly.imposeLocalDirichletMatrix (meshObj, currentElemObj, massElementMatrix);
a2Values(sparseIndex+1:sparseIndex+length(dofIndices)^2) = reshape(localDirichletMatrix,[],1);

% To help with sparse indexing.
sparseIndex = sparseIndex + length(dofIndices)^2;

% For displaying purposes.
if (elemIndex/percentage == round(elemIndex/percentage))
disp([num2str(round(elemIndex/percentage)*10), '% assembly done'])

% We perform here the finite element assembly.
FEMatrices.stiffness = sparse(irnValues(1:sparseIndex), jcnValues(1:sparseIndex), aValues(1:sparseIndex));
FEMatrices.mass = sparse(irnValues(1:sparseIndex), jcnValues(1:sparseIndex), a2Values(1:sparseIndex));
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions +assembly/getMassMatrix.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
function massMatrix = getMassMatrix(refBasesObj, elemObj, jacobianMatrix, materialPropertyObj)
% GETMASSMATRIX - returns the mass matrix implemented with numerical
% integration.
% GETMASSMATRIX(refBasesObj, elemObj, jacobianMatrix, materialPropertyObj)
% takes the basis functions to use (defined in the reference element), the
% element where we perform the numerical integration for the mass matrix,
% the jacobian matrix to map the basis function to the real element,
% and the material to get the inverse of the magnetic permeability.

% We get the gauss points to perform the numerical integration.
integrationOrder = 2*elemObj.pOrder;
[gaussWeights,gaussPoints] = math.getGaussPoints(integrationOrder);

% Initialization.
massMatrix = zeros(54);

% This is assumed to be constant within the element (here we don't use
% curved or inhomogeneous materials).
epsilonR = materialPropertyObj.evaluateProperty();
detJacob = det(jacobianMatrix);

% We need to run through all the points for the numerical integration.
for gaussIndex = 1:length(gaussWeights)

% We evaluate the curl of the polynomials in the reference element, and
% then map it to the real element.
allBasesEvaluated = refBasesObj.getBasesEvaluated(gaussPoints(gaussIndex,:));
allBasesReal = jacobianMatrix\allBasesEvaluated.';

% We accumulate to perform the numerical integration.
massMatrix = massMatrix + gaussWeights(gaussIndex)*allBasesReal.'*epsilonR*(allBasesReal)*abs(detJacob);

32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions +assembly/getStiffMatrix.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
function stiffMatrix = getStiffMatrix(refBasesObj, elemObj, jacobianMatrix, materialPropertyObj)
% GETSTIFFMATRIX - returns the stiffness matrix implemented with numerical
% integration.
% GETSTIFFMATRIX(refBasesObj, elemObj, jacobianMatrix, materialPropertyObj)
% takes the basis functions to use (defined in the reference element), the
% element where we perform the numerical integration for the stiffness matrix,
% the jacobian matrix to map the basis function to the real element,
% and the material to get the inverse of the magnetic permeability.

% We get the gauss points to perform the numerical integration.
integrationOrder = 2*elemObj.pOrder;
[gaussWeights,gaussPoints] = math.getGaussPoints(integrationOrder);

% Initialization.
stiffMatrix = zeros(54);

% This is assumed to be constant within the element (here we don't use
% curved or inhomogeneous materials).
invMuRelative = materialPropertyObj.evaluateProperty();
detJacob = det(jacobianMatrix);

% We need to run through all the points for the numerical integration.
for gaussIndex = 1:length(gaussWeights)

% We evaluate the curl of the polynomials in the reference element, and
% then map it to the real element.
allCurlBasesEvaluated = refBasesObj.getCurlBasesEvaluated(gaussPoints(gaussIndex,:));
allCurlBasesReal = allCurlBasesEvaluated*jacobianMatrix/detJacob;

% We accumulate to perform the numerical integration.
stiffMatrix = stiffMatrix + gaussWeights(gaussIndex)*allCurlBasesReal*invMuRelative*(allCurlBasesReal.')*abs(detJacob);
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions +assembly/imposeLocalDirichletMatrix.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
function [dirichletMatrix] = imposeLocalDirichletMatrix(meshObj, elemObj, matrix)
% IMPOSELOCALDIRICHLET returns an element matrix where we have set to 1 the diagonal and
% removed the remaining terms in row and columns.
% IMPOSELOCALDIRICHLET(meshObj, elemObj, matrix) takes the boundary conditions from the
% mesh passed as parameter, runs through all the edges and faces from elemObj and
% apply the Dirichlet boundary conditions (setting to 0 the rows and columns and to
% one the diagonals where Dirichlet is applied) to the matrix passed as parameter.

% Counter to check all the dofs.
currentDOF = 0;
dirichletMatrix = matrix;

% We run through all the edges and check if the edge belongs to a Dirichlet
% boundary condition.
for indexEdge = 1:length(elemObj.edges)
polyFaceId = elemObj.edges(indexEdge).polyFaceId;
lengthDOF = length(elemObj.edges(indexEdge).dof);

[dirichletMatrix] = checkDirichlet (dirichletMatrix, meshObj, currentDOF, lengthDOF, polyFaceId);
currentDOF = currentDOF + lengthDOF;

% The same for the faces.
for indexFace = 1:length(elemObj.faces)
polyFaceId = elemObj.faces(indexFace).polyFaceId;
lengthDOF = length(elemObj.faces(indexFace).dof);

[dirichletMatrix] = checkDirichlet (dirichletMatrix, meshObj, currentDOF, lengthDOF, polyFaceId);
currentDOF = currentDOF + lengthDOF;


function [dirichletMatrix] = checkDirichlet (dirichletMatrix, meshObj, currentDOF, lengthDOF, polyFaceId)
% Internal function to check for both entities (edge and face) if we need to apply Dirichlet.

dirichletString = "PerfectE";
if (polyFaceId ~= 0)
if (strcmp(meshObj.polyFaces(polyFaceId).polyFaceType, dirichletString))
dirichletMatrix = imposeDirichletInRowAndCol(dirichletMatrix, currentDOF, lengthDOF);


function [dirichletMatrix] = imposeDirichletInRowAndCol (dirichletMatrix, currentDOF, lengthDOF)
% Internal function to remove the Dirichlet unknown.

dirichletMatrix(currentDOF+1:currentDOF+lengthDOF,:) = 0;
dirichletMatrix(:,currentDOF+1:currentDOF+lengthDOF) = 0;
dirichletMatrix(currentDOF+1:currentDOF+lengthDOF,currentDOF+1:currentDOF+lengthDOF) = eye(lengthDOF);

184 changes: 184 additions & 0 deletions +bases/@SystematicBases/SystematicBases.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
classdef SystematicBases < handle

% Class that contains the mixed-order curl-conforming basis functions
% presented in the paper.


% Reference elements where the functions belong.
refElement geometry.Element

% Order of the basis functions (only p=2 supported).
pOrder double

% Array of all the polynomials that compose the mixed-order.
% space of functions.
polyAllFunctions(:,3) math.Polynomial

% Array of the curl of polynomials in polyAllFunctions.
polyAllCurlFunctions(:,3) math.Polynomial

% Symbolic representation of the polynomials.
symAllFunctions(:,3) sym

% Symbolic representation of the curl of the polynomials.
symAllCurlFunctions(:,3) sym

% Array of symbolic coordinates.
realCoordinates math.RealCoordinates

% Reference q polynomials for the edge dof (6).
qRefEdge math.Polynomial
% Reference q polynomials for the face dof (7).
qRefRectangular (:,:,3) math.Polynomial
% Reference q polynomials for the volume dof (8).
qRefHexa (:,3) math.Polynomial

% Reference coefficients obtained when executing getCoefficients().
referenceCoefficients(:,:) double


function systematicBasesObject = SystematicBases()
% Constructor of the basis functions. This method gets the
% saved object from precomputedBases, or initializes all the
% machinery to obtain the coefficients solving the dual bases.

basesName = 'systematicBasesHexa2';
% Get the precomputed bases from memory.
if (isfile(strcat('+bases/precomputedBases/',basesName,'.mat')))
load(strcat('+bases/precomputedBases/',basesName,'.mat'), 'tempBases')

systematicBasesObject.refElement = tempBases.refElement;
systematicBasesObject.pOrder = tempBases.pOrder;
systematicBasesObject.polyAllFunctions = tempBases.polyAllFunctions;
systematicBasesObject.polyAllCurlFunctions = tempBases.polyAllCurlFunctions;
systematicBasesObject.symAllFunctions = tempBases.symAllFunctions;
systematicBasesObject.symAllCurlFunctions = tempBases.symAllCurlFunctions;
systematicBasesObject.realCoordinates = tempBases.realCoordinates;
systematicBasesObject.qRefEdge = tempBases.qRefEdge;
systematicBasesObject.qRefRectangular = tempBases.qRefRectangular;
systematicBasesObject.qRefHexa = tempBases.qRefHexa;
systematicBasesObject.referenceCoefficients = tempBases.referenceCoefficients;
% We obtain the reference element defined in Fig. 1.
systematicBasesObject.refElement = geometry.Element ('referenceElement');
% We define the order, which is important for assigning the dofs.
systematicBasesObject.pOrder = 2;
% We obtain symbolic variables [x, y, z].
systematicBasesObject.realCoordinates = math.RealCoordinates(true);
xyz = systematicBasesObject.realCoordinates.coordinates;

% These are the symbolic representation of the polynomials that
% compose the space of functions.
symAllFunctions = bases.getPolynomials(systematicBasesObject.pOrder);
lengthPolymials = size(symAllFunctions,1);

% We obtain the curl of all these polynomials.
symAllCurlFunctions = sym(zeros(size(symAllFunctions)));
for indexPolymial = 1:lengthPolymials
symAllCurlFunctions(indexPolymial,:) = curl(symAllFunctions(indexPolymial,:), xyz).';
systematicBasesObject.symAllFunctions = symAllFunctions;
systematicBasesObject.symAllCurlFunctions = symAllCurlFunctions;

% Now, we get the polynomial representation of these polynomial.s
systematicBasesObject.polyAllFunctions(lengthPolymials, 3) = math.Polynomial;
systematicBasesObject.polyAllCurlFunctions(lengthPolymials, 3) = math.Polynomial;
for indexPolymial = 1:lengthPolymials
for indexDimension = 1:3
systematicBasesObject.polyAllFunctions(indexPolymial, indexDimension) = math.Polynomial(systematicBasesObject.pOrder*ones(1,3), symAllFunctions(indexPolymial, indexDimension));
systematicBasesObject.polyAllCurlFunctions(indexPolymial, indexDimension) = math.Polynomial(systematicBasesObject.pOrder*ones(1,3), symAllCurlFunctions(indexPolymial, indexDimension));

% To save space in the following.
t1 = systematicBasesObject.realCoordinates.coordinates(1);
t2 = systematicBasesObject.realCoordinates.coordinates(2);
t3 = systematicBasesObject.realCoordinates.coordinates(3);

% We define the same q for all the edges to discretize (6).
% All these q are contained in Table I.
qRefEdge(2) = math.Polynomial();
qRefEdge(1) = math.Polynomial(systematicBasesObject.pOrder*ones(1,3), 1-t1);
qRefEdge(2) = math.Polynomial(systematicBasesObject.pOrder*ones(1,3), t1);

% The vector polynomials in (7) are defined here for all the
% faces following the order in the reference element given in
% getFaceByLocalEdges.
qSymRectangular = sym(zeros(6,4,3));
qSymRectangular(1,1,:) = [1-t1 0 0];
qSymRectangular(1,2,:) = [t1 0 0];
qSymRectangular(1,3,:) = [0 1-t2 0];
qSymRectangular(1,4,:) = [0 t2 0];
qSymRectangular(2,1,:) = [1-t1 0 0];
qSymRectangular(2,2,:) = [t1 0 0];
qSymRectangular(2,3,:) = [0 1-t2 0];
qSymRectangular(2,4,:) = [0 t2 0];
qSymRectangular(3,1,:) = [1-t1 0 0];
qSymRectangular(3,2,:) = [t1 0 0];
qSymRectangular(3,3,:) = [0 0 1-t3];
qSymRectangular(3,4,:) = [0 0 t3];
qSymRectangular(4,1,:) = [0 1-t2 0];
qSymRectangular(4,2,:) = [0 t2 0];
qSymRectangular(4,3,:) = [0 0 1-t3];
qSymRectangular(4,4,:) = [0 0 t3];
qSymRectangular(5,1,:) = [1-t1 0 0];
qSymRectangular(5,2,:) = [t1 0 0];
qSymRectangular(5,3,:) = [0 0 1-t3];
qSymRectangular(5,4,:) = [0 0 t3];
qSymRectangular(6,1,:) = [0 1-t2 0];
qSymRectangular(6,2,:) = [0 t2 0];
qSymRectangular(6,3,:) = [0 0 1-t3];
qSymRectangular(6,4,:) = [0 0 t3];

% We obtain now the polynomial representation.
qRefRectangular(6,4,3) = math.Polynomial();
for indexFace = 1:6
for indexComponent = 1:3
for indexQ = 1:4
qRefRectangular(indexFace,indexQ, indexComponent) = math.Polynomial(systematicBasesObject.pOrder*ones(1,3), qSymRectangular(indexFace, indexQ, indexComponent));

% Finally, we define the vector polynomial q needed in (8)
qSymHexa = sym(zeros(6,3));
qSymHexa(1,:) = [1-t1 0 0];
qSymHexa(2,:) = [t1 0 0];
qSymHexa(3,:) = [0 1-t2 0];
qSymHexa(4,:) = [0 t2 0];
qSymHexa(5,:) = [0 0 1-t3];
qSymHexa(6,:) = [0 0 t3];

% Obtaining now the polynomial representation.
qRefHexa(6,3) = math.Polynomial();
for indexComponent = 1:3
for indexQ = 1:6
qRefHexa(indexQ, indexComponent) = math.Polynomial(systematicBasesObject.pOrder*ones(1,3), qSymHexa(indexQ, indexComponent));

systematicBasesObject.qRefEdge = qRefEdge;
systematicBasesObject.qRefRectangular = qRefRectangular;
systematicBasesObject.qRefHexa = qRefHexa;


methods (Static)
function removeBases()
% This method removes the copy stored in memory to generate a new
% set of basis functions.

if (isfile('+bases/precomputedBases/systematicBasesHexa2.mat'))
delete '+bases/precomputedBases/systematicBasesHexa2.mat'




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