The project aims to create an app that appends tasks on a list and erases them in bulk.
Getting the elements from the html file and initializing them to variables.
I will use localStorage for the tasks (items). Hence, I initialize localStorage in an empty array, where I will set my new items and store them as data.
I make a function "makeList()" to append the new tasks:
- I create li elements and assing them to a constant.
- I access the textContent of the li and assign it to the text I write in the input.
- I append the li in an ul.
I add an eventlistener to the form. Everytime the button is pushed:
- the text (value) written in the input (newTasks) will be pushed into the array (that links to our localStorage).
- the makeList function will be called passing as paramenter the text (value) written in the input
- the input is emptied each time initializing its valut to nothing (" ");
I iterate through each item saved in the localStorage and repeat the steps above.
I create the option of clearing up the tasks listed.