Live Bot : @TellMyShow_bot
Update : Live Bot has been disabled because BookMyShow blocked IP of server from which bot was operating. Please run your own bot using instructions mentioned below
- /wl - Get your waiting list
- /list_locations - List all available locations
- /list_venues <location_code> - List all available venues with venue code at given location
- /enroll <movie_code> <venue_code> <date_string> - Enroll for notification for given movie at given venue on given date
- Example Usage: /enroll ET00310790 PVKC 22-04-2021
- Venue Code can be obtained using above list venues command
- Movie Code is present in the URL of the movie's page on
- Sample URL with movie code at end:
- Ensure Rust is installed Link
- Get token from @BotFather
sudo apt install build-essential pkg-config libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev jq
export TELOXIDE_TOKEN=<Token from BotFather>
export BMS_APP_VERSION=9.7.0
cargo run --release
- Ensure docker, docker-compose is installed
export TELOXIDE_TOKEN=<Token from BotFather>
export BMS_APP_VERSION=9.7.0
docker-compose --env-file /dev/null up
1. How to get notified for cities other than the list mentioned ?
Visit this link :
Search for your city name, you can use the corresponding `RegionCode` in /list_venues command.