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The Vertical MEAN Slice

Deploying an Express Node app to AWS :

An app created for my simple educational purposes for full MEAN stack development.

There is no magic. There's only software.

Requirements + Overview:

Make a vertical slice of a full stack application without using too many "magical abstractions". In this way, gain a better understanding of the details of full stack application, sans reliance on "magic."

Tools you can use:

  • Node, npm
  • AWS Ubuntu instance
  • nginx
  • bash
  • ssh
  • scp
  • process (whatever runs a service of your choice, usually Ubuntu's upstart)

Tools you can not use:

  • pm2
  • capistrano
  • Node's ForeverJS
  • Heroku

Hand out a public IP which can be hit with a curl request.

  1. Make a single-file express app.

  2. Return a hardcoded bit of text in response to a curl. re: app.js code and comments

  3. Explain how request/response works. re: app.js code and comments

  4. Create custom HTTP headers as needed with proper MIME types for the plaintext request you're making.

  5. Clustering, "load balancing" emulation, server instances, and using ports. Connecting to an app's endpoint. (Parameterize the application.) re: app.js code and comments

  6. Post to service via curl. Change/alter HTTP headers as necessary using proper MIME types. (Use express' body-arser middleware.) re: app.js code and comments

  7. Recreate that process with a bash script to fire up Node; compare program exit codes with conditionals, and capture the output of the command in a variable. re:

  8. Deploy on AWS Linux Ubuntu EC2 VM instance.

    This will involve setting up the virtual Ubuntu machine (14.04) using the AWS Console as well as selecting appropriate security groups. This will also involve setting up a new or existing key pair for secure SSH. Server user administration should not involve logging in with a password; instead, allow users access via their keys, and remove their access by removing their keys. Once an AWS EC2 Ubuntu instance is up and running, you can install desired software using appropriate package management tools, as follows.

Logging in

Getting started on AWS EC2 Ubuntu will involve first logging in using keys. Start by downloading your private key keyname.pem, putting it in:


Changing the permissions using chmod so that your private key isn't publicly available:

$ chmod 400 /path/to/keyname.pem

Shelling in using optarg -i for identity. Note that for Amazon EC2 Ubuntu instances, the username will not be user like the AMI AWS instances; rather, it will be ubuntu.

$ ssh -i /path/to/keyname.pem user@AWSpublicDNS

Scp a file to user's home ~/. Note that we aren't using rsync at this time.

$ scp -i /path/to/keyname.pem /path/file.txt user@AWSpublicDNS:~

Recall permissions are in binary/hex as such. Here is an example of our users group being able to read, write and execute, and everyone else can just read:

User 'u'    Group 'g'    Others 'o'
r w x        r - -      r - -
1 1 1        1 0 0      1 0 0
  7            4          4

All users should be logging in with public/private keys, not with passwords.

To do this, you will need to work with Ubuntu's sshd_config OpenSSH daemon config file to:

  1. temporarily enable password logins (change "no" to "yes") to set the proper public/private keys

  2. copying the keys from local to AWS via ssh-copy-id.

  3. Once you're done setting up keys and access on the server, ensure that you disable password authentication (change it to no in aforementioned server settings).

  4. Try it out, you should be able to shell in without passwords.

  5. Note that the USER GROUP for your deploy user, and it should be in the same user group as www-data.

    Set permissions as required, and remember, permissions are conservative, and restricted.

    Here are some details on the user management I did:

    Set Ubuntu's sshd_config file to accept password authentication type: Do this for your non-"ubuntu-username" sudoer user:

    $ cd /etc/ssh

$ sudo vim sshd_config

Change to no to disable tunnelled clear text passwords

PasswordAuthentication no ``` Change that line to say yes:

PasswordAuthentication yes

Make an ssh directory for your user and change permissions to rwx for user:

$ mkdir ~/.ssh
$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh
// confirm permissions with $ ls -al

The file that ssh-copy-id will create is in this ~/.ssh directory and it will be named authorized_keys.

Before we use ssh-copy-id, we will need to restart the ssh service that we just changed the configuration for. Ubuntu calls the service ssh, not sshd:

$ sudo service ssh restart
ssh stop/waiting
ssh start/running, process 12345

ssh-copy-id from local to remote. If you don't use -i option, ssh-copy-id just defaults to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.

$ ssh-copy-id gobbuth@awspublicIP
....INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed --
 if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys

Now the system will prompt you for the user's password, ONCE. Note, you're not using it to login to the server. You're using it so that ssh-copy-id works once:

gobbluth@AWSpublicIP's password:

Enter the user's password, then you'll see:

Number of key(s) added:       

Now try logging into the machine, with:
 "ssh 'gobbluth@AWSPublicIP'"
and check to make sure that only the key(s)
you wanted were added.

Close. You want to ssh with verbose -v option selected. It's just really fun to see the options you configured in Ubuntu's sshd OpenSSH daemon configuration file here:

$ ssh -v gobbluth@AWSPublicIP

Then you'll see this:

debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config

...followed by a TON of stuff.. ...eventually you'll see something like the following. It's telling you that both password authentication and keypair authentication are enabled on the server, and that you're authenticated (you hipster you):

debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Offering RSA public key: /Users/yourLocalUser/.ssh/id_rsa
debug1: Server accepts key: blah blah blah
debug1: Authentication succeeded (publickey).
Authenticated to AWSPublicIP
... Welcome to Ubuntu.

Then we disable passwd authentication:

$ cd /etc/ssh
$ sudo vim sshd_config
//password authentication yes
//change to no
$ sudo service ssh restart

And that's how you set up and administer Linux users for keypair authentication rather than passwd authentication. Test it out by shelling into the server from your local machine simply using the ssh command followed by your server username@awspublicIP. Now we can look at further user admin:

To see what users are on Debian:

$ cat /etc/passwd

To add a user, You can use the commands useradd or adduser. "On Debian, administrators should usually use adduser(8) instead" ( We will make a new user for GOB Bluth.

$ sudo adduser gobbluth

Check the user group.

 	$  id gobbluth

Add user to appropriate group. It involves something like this: ' sudo -a -G groupname username'... the options -a -G ADDS a user to a Group.

$ sudo groupadd newGroupName
$ sudo -a -G newGroupName gobbluth

For example, to make a user a sudoer:

$ sudo groupadd newGroupName

$ sudo -a -G newGroupName gobbluth

// check your work:
$ id gobbluth
// should say gobbluth is a sudoer.

Another example, to make a user belong to the same group that www-data belongs to in order to create appropriate deployment permissions for our deploy user:

$ id www-data
uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)

$ sudo -a -G www-data gobbluth
// check your work:
$ id gobbluth
// should say gobbluth is a member of www-data group!

After you add a user and group, set a password for that user, and add the user to the appropriate group, you'll need to copy the public key for that user to the authorized keys directory for that user. Check back with the numbered list items for user management above to ensure you went through all the steps. If you want another user to assume deploy, you'll have to copy that user's public key into the authorized_keys file for that user. Note that we normally wouldn't have a user deploying code, we'd use Jenkins or similar CI.

Once you're set up properly with users, install git and curl using the Debian distro's apt installer :

$ sudo apt-get install curl git

Now we begin standing up the server:

First you have to install Node:
I chose to install Node on AWS using nvm instead of using Debian's apt-get package manager to install Node. That's because nvm helps you manage specific versions of Node on a per-project basis. As with all npm-related projects, the point of a per-project package manager includes project-directory installations of software packages/versions instead of global installs.

	 $ nvm script
	// To verify installed version:
	$ command -v nvm
	// Install the version you want:
	$ nvm install 4.2.3
	// To specify version in nvmrc file for THIS project directory (remember that one of the points of using npm is to manage packages PER project, and that's why global installs are something to watch out for and often avoid:) From project root dir:
	$ echo "4.2.3" > .nvmrc
	// Now, to USE that Node version:
	$ nvm use

Second, you'll need to install a web server. I chose nginx instead of Apache or other options, and I installed it using Debian (Ubuntu) Linux's distribution's package manager tools apt-get. The point here is that we are managing our own installations rather than always using installers providers give us. It's always best to spin things up by hand so you learn the underlying logic/tech. MAGIC BAD.

	$ apt-get install nginx // or similar
	// you can start and stop nginx signals as such:
	$ sudo service yourappdirectory start
	$ sudo nginx -s reload

Note that with the above, yourappdirectory will read nodeapp for us in the future.

Third, you have to set up the proper users, groups, and permissions. Set and manage shell users and permissions on EC2 instance. Your deploy user cannot be a sudo-er. You want to restrict permissions and be conservative.

Fourth, you have to spin up a service by hand on the AWS EC2 Ubuntu instance using upstart daemon, make it executable, and set the proper Linux run levels. Of course, a sudoer must complete all of these tasks, not your deploy user. You're replacing the start-at-boot init.d daemon with one of your own!

Create the conf file: Where nodeapp is the name of your app's directory:


Make it executable for the user group containing the www-data and your deploy users:

$ chmod u+x conf-file // similar to this

Set the proper Linux runlevels. Odd levels are for shutdown-related stuff, and even levels are for startup-related stuff. You'll also need to setuid to your deploy user and set the proper directory :

	///etc/init/nodeapp.conf FILE:

	description "my rad daemon"
	author "Amanda Falke"

	start on runlevel[2345]
	stop on runlevel[016]

	setuid deploy
	chdir /home/sudousername/yourappdirectory
	exec node app.js

Reboot the web server:

 $ sudo nginx -s reload

Spawn the daemon:

$ sudo service nodeapp start

The npm script

$ npm run deploy

will deploy changes. Make sure that you don't follow the standard "npm" instructions of placing your binary, also known as or, in project_root/node_modules/.bin/, along with "scripts": { "deploy": "" } because node_modules is git-ignored. So place that script in project root, "scripts": { "deploy": "./" }

And test this by cloning into a new directory, pulling down changes, and running npm run deploy. Should be successful.

Final result: public IP and curl results for AWS:

$  curl -X POST -d
-H "Content-Type: text/plain"

Response received:



Next step: MONGO.

Clarifications/to investigate later:


Sudoer creates nginx conf file with env PORT = 5100, this may remove paramaterization of ports which conflicts with existing program.