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Simple example of building against an install Trilinos with CMake

This is a small demonstration of how to build an application code using CMake against an installation of Trilinos. This example also demonstrates how to use CTest.

To run this example, do the following steps.

1. Configure Trilinos to be installed:

  $ cd <any-base-dir>/
  $ mkdir <tril-build-dir>
  $ cd <tril-build-dir>/
  $ cmake \
    -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<tril-install-prefix> \
    -D Trilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON \
    -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=<c-compiler> \
    -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<cxx-compiler> \    
    [other options] \

NOTE: Must enable at least the Trilinos packages Tpetra in order to build this example. But in a real case, enable and install any packages needed by the application.

2. Build and install Trilinos:

  $ make -j4 install

This will put a file called TrilinosConfig.cmake under a subdirectory of <tril-install-prefix>/.

3. Configure the example project:

  $ cd <any-base-dir>/
  $ mkdir <app-build-dir>
  $ cd <app-build-dir>/
  $ cmake \
    -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<tril-install-prefix> \
    -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=<c-compiler> \
    -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<cxx-compiler> \    

NOTE: To configure simpleBuildAgainstTrilinos against the installed Trilinos one must pass in compatible compilers used to build Trilinos. For CUDA builds, this means using nvcc_wrapper (e.g. using OpenMPI with -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=mpicxx and setting environment variable export OMPI_CXX=<base-path>/nvcc_wrapper.)

NOTE: To use the alternative CMakeLists.txt file that calls find_package(Tpetra) and links to Tpetra::all_libs instead of find_package(Trilinos), copy the source tree simpleBuildAgainstTrilinos to a directory outside of the Trilinos source tree, copy the file simpleBuildAgainstTrilinos/CMakeLists.by_package.cmake to simpleBuildAgainstTrilinos/CMakeLists.txt and then configure as shown above (pointing to the copied and modified simpleBuildAgainstTrilinos source tree).

4. Build the application

  $ make -j4

5. Run the application test(s):

  $ ctest

NOTE: That test will not pass unless Trilinos is properly built with MPI and MPI is working.

More info and questions

Look into comments in the CMakeLists.txt file for more info.

Send questions to

NOTE: This example gets tested automatically when Trilinos is configured using the options:

  -D Trilinos_ENABLE_Tpetra=ON \
  -D Trilinos_ENABLE_TrilinosInstallTests=ON \

and then building and running the tests:

  $ ctest -j4 -R TrilinosInstallTests