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PasoStudio73 committed Mar 5, 2025
1 parent c60bda8 commit 062ba85
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Showing 5 changed files with 304 additions and 169 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/SoleFeatures.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ include("filters/univariate/variancefilter.jl")
export VarianceRanking, VarianceThreshold

export feature_selection

# using SoleData
# using Reexport
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/dataset/prepare_dataset.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ function _features_groupby(
res = Dict{Any, Vector{Int}}()
for (i, g) in enumerate(Xinfo)
key = Tuple(getproperty(g, field) for field in group)
key = Tuple(getproperty(g, field) for field in aggrby)
push!(get!(res, key, Int[]), i)
return collect(values(res)) # Return the grouped indices
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133 changes: 132 additions & 1 deletion src/selection/fselection.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -160,4 +160,135 @@ function _fsgroup(
return _fsgroup(X, nothing, Xinfo, selector, limiter, aggrby; kwargs...)

_fsgroup(Xdf::AbstractDataFrame, args...) = _fsgroup(Matrix(Xdf), args...)
_fsgroup(Xdf::AbstractDataFrame, args...) = _fsgroup(Matrix(Xdf), args...)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# main feature selection function #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
TODO: documentation
# Feature Selection with Aggregation Control
## Overview
The `feature_selection` function allows precise control over how feature aggregation
is applied during the multi-step feature selection process.
## Aggregation Parameter (`aggrby`)
The `aggrby` parameter can be provided in two ways:
1. **Single NamedTuple**: When provided as a single NamedTuple (not a vector),
aggregation is only applied during the final step of feature selection.
The function automatically creates a vector where:
- All positions except the last contain `nothing`
- The last position contains the provided aggregation parameters
2. **Vector of NamedTuples**: When provided as a vector, each element specifies
the aggregation behavior for the corresponding step in `fs_methods`.
function feature_selection(
y::Union{AbstractVector{<:Class}, Nothing},

aggrby::Union{ABT,AbstractVector{<:ABT}} = (
aggrby = (:var,),
aggregatef = length, # NOTE: or mean, minimum, maximum to aggregate scores instead of just counting number of selected features for each group
group_before_score = true,

fs_methods::AbstractVector{<:NamedTuple{(:selector, :limiter)}} = [
( # STEP 1: unsupervised variance-based filter
selector = SoleFeatures.VarianceFilter(SoleFeatures.IdentityLimiter()),
limiter = PercentageLimiter(0.5),
( # STEP 2: supervised Mutual Information filter
selector = SoleFeatures.MutualInformationClassif(SoleFeatures.IdentityLimiter()),
limiter = PercentageLimiter(0.1),
( # STEP 3: group results by variable
selector = IdentityFilter(),
limiter = SoleFeatures.IdentityLimiter(),

norm::Bool = false,
normalize_kwargs::NamedTuple = NamedTuple(),

cache_extracted_dataset::Union{Nothing,AbstractString} = nothing,
return_mid_results::Union{Val{true},Val{false}} = Val(true),
# )::Union{DataFrame,Tuple{DataFrame,FSMidResults}} where {T<:Number}
) where {T<:Number}
# prepare aggregation parameters
if !(aggrby isa AbstractVector)
# when aggrby is not a Vector assume that the user want to perform aggregation
# only during the last step of feature selection TODO: document this properly!!!
aggrby = push!(Union{Nothing,NamedTuple}[fill(nothing, max(length(fs_methods)-1, 0))...], aggrby)

# prepare labels
y_coded = @. CategoricalArrays.levelcode(y)

# dataset normalization
norm && _normalize_dataset(X, Xinfo; normalize_kwargs...)

# feature selection
fs_mid_results = NamedTuple{(:score, :indices,:group_aggr_func,:group_indices,:aggrby)}[]

for (fsm, gfs_params) in zip(fs_methods, aggrby)
current_dataset_col_slice = 1:size(X, 2)

# pick survived columns only
for i in 1:length(fs_mid_results)
current_dataset_col_slice = current_dataset_col_slice[fs_mid_results[i].indices]

currX = X[:,current_dataset_col_slice]
currXinfo = Xinfo[current_dataset_col_slice]

dataset_param = isnothing(y_coded) || SoleFeatures.is_unsupervised(fsm.selector) ?
(currX, currXinfo) :
(currX, y_coded, currXinfo)

idxes, score, g_indices =
if isnothing(gfs_params)
# perform normal feature selection
SoleFeatures._fs(dataset_param..., fsm...)..., nothing
# perform aggregated feature selection
sel_g_indices, g_scores, g_indices, grouped_variable_scores = SoleFeatures._fsgroup(
dataset_param..., fsm..., gfs_params.aggrby;
aggregatef = gfs_params.aggregatef,
group_before_score = gfs_params.group_before_score

# find indices to re-sort the scores of all variables to their
# original position in dataset columns
old_sort = sortperm(vcat(g_indices...))

vcat(g_indices[sel_g_indices]...), vcat(vcat(grouped_variable_scores...)[old_sort]...), g_indices


push!(fs_mid_results, (
score = score,
indices = idxes,
group_aggr_func = isnothing(gfs_params) ? nothing : gfs_params.aggregatef,
group_indices = g_indices,
aggrby = isnothing(gfs_params) ? nothing : gfs_params.aggrby

dataset_col_slice = 1:size(X, 2)
for i in 1:length(fs_mid_results)
dataset_col_slice = dataset_col_slice[fs_mid_results[i].indices]

if isa(return_mid_results, Val{true})
return X, X[:,dataset_col_slice], (extraction_column_names = Xinfo[dataset_col_slice], fs_mid_results = fs_mid_results)
return X[:,dataset_col_slice]
feature_selection(Xdf::AbstractDataFrame, args...; kwargs...) = feature_selection(Matrix(Xdf), args...; kwargs...)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/selection/interface.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ abstract type AbstractSelResult end
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# types #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
const ABT = Union{NamedTuple{(:aggrby,:aggregatef,:group_before_score)}, Nothing}

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# data structures #
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