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PasoStudio73 committed Mar 5, 2025
1 parent 062ba85 commit 06c4090
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Showing 4 changed files with 132 additions and 88 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/dataset/interface.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ const FeatNames = Union{Vector{<:Base.Callable}, Nothing}

const DEFAULT_FE = (features = catch9,)

wholewindow => (nwindows = 1,),
splitwindow => (nwindows = 20,),
adaptivewindow => (nwindows = 20, relative_overlap = 0.5)
# const DEFAULT_WIN_PARAMS = Dict(
# wholewindow => (nwindows = 1,),
# splitwindow => (nwindows = 20,),
# adaptivewindow => (nwindows = 20, relative_overlap = 0.5)
# )

const AVAIL_WINS = (movingwindow, wholewindow, splitwindow, adaptivewindow)
const FE_AVAIL_WINS = (wholewindow, splitwindow, adaptivewindow)
Expand Down
20 changes: 8 additions & 12 deletions src/dataset/prepare_dataset.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -558,26 +558,22 @@ function feature_selection_preprocess(
type::Union{Base.Callable, Nothing}=nothing,
nwindows::Union{Int, Nothing}=nothing,
relative_overlap::Union{AbstractFloat, Nothing}=nothing
# validate parameters
isnothing(vnames) && (vnames = names(X))
isnothing(features) && (features = DEFAULT_FE.features)
treatment = :aggregate
_ = _check_dimensions(X) # TODO multidimensions
!isnothing(type) && type FE_AVAIL_WINS && throw(ArgumentError("Invalid window type."))
!isnothing(nwindows) && nwindows 0 && throw(ArgumentError("Number of windows must be positive."))
!isnothing(relative_overlap) && relative_overlap < 0 && throw(ArgumentError("Overlap must be non-negative."))
type FE_AVAIL_WINS || throw(ArgumentError("Invalid window type."))
nwindows > 0 || throw(ArgumentError("Number of windows must be positive."))
relative_overlap 0 || throw(ArgumentError("Overlap must be non-negative."))

# build winparams
winparams = merge(DEFAULT_WIN_PARAMS[type], (type = type,))
!isnothing(nwindows) && haskey(winparams, :nwindows) && (winparams = merge(winparams, (nwindows = nwindows,)))
!isnothing(relative_overlap) && haskey(winparams, :relative_overlap) && (winparams = merge(winparams, (relative_overlap = relative_overlap,)))

# set nwindows = 1 if type is wholewindow
isnothing(nwindows) && !isnothing(type) && type == wholewindow && (nwindows = 1)
# winparams = Dict($type => (nwindows, relative_overlap))
winparams = (type = type, nwindows = nwindows, relative_overlap = relative_overlap)

# create Xinfo
nf, nv, nw = length(features), length(vnames), nwindows
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions test/modules/features.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ using SoleFeatures
using Test
using Sole
using Random, StatsBase, DataFrames
using MLJTuning

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
Expand All @@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ y = y[chosen_rows]

ms = [minimum, maximum, mean]

Xdf, Xinfo = @test_nowarn SoleFeatures.feature_selection_preprocess(X; features=ms, nwindows=6)
Xdf, Xinfo = @test_nowarn SoleFeatures.feature_selection_preprocess(X; features=ms, type=adaptivewindow, nwindows=6, relative_overlap=0.2)

@testset "Correct values for feature names" begin
@testset "minimum(Y[Wrist l])w1" begin
Expand Down
187 changes: 118 additions & 69 deletions test/modules/prepare_dataset.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,92 +2,141 @@ using SoleFeatures
using Test
using Sole
using Random, StatsBase, DataFrames
using MLJTuning

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
X, y = SoleData.load_arff_dataset("NATOPS")
train_seed = 11
rng = Random.Xoshiro(train_seed)

# downsize dataset
num_cols_to_sample = 10
num_rows_to_sample = 50
chosen_cols = StatsBase.sample(rng, 1:size(X, 2), num_cols_to_sample; replace=false)
chosen_rows = StatsBase.sample(rng, 1:size(X, 1), num_rows_to_sample; replace=false)

X = X[chosen_rows, chosen_cols]
y = y[chosen_rows]

@testset "feature_selection_preprocess" begin
@testset "Basic functionality" begin
# Test default parameters
result = feature_selection_preprocess(X)
@test result isa DataFrame
@test all(col -> eltype(col) <: SoleFeatures.Feature, eachcol(result))
@test size(result, 1) == size(X, 1)
@testset "feature_selection_preprocess DataFrame validation" begin
X2 = DataFrame(
temp = [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0] for _ in 1:5],
press = [[10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0] for _ in 1:5]

# Test first Feature object properties
first_feature = first(result[!, 1])
@test first_feature isa SoleFeatures.Feature
@test first_feature.var isa String
@test first_feature.feats isa Symbol
@test first_feature.nwin isa Int
@test first_feature.nwin > 0
# test case 1: Basic functionality with minimal parameters
@testset "Basic processing" begin
processed_X, _ = feature_selection_preprocess(
features = [mean, maximum],
nwindows = 2

# Check DataFrame structure
@test size(processed_X, 1) == 5 # Same number of rows
expected_cols = 2 * 2 * 2 # 2 features × 2 variables × 2 windows
@test size(processed_X, 2) == expected_cols

# Check column names follow pattern: function(variable)window
@test any(name -> occursin("mean(temp)w1", name), names(processed_X))
@test any(name -> occursin("maximum(press)w2", name), names(processed_X))

# Check all values are Float64
@test all(col -> eltype(col) <: Float64, eachcol(processed_X))

# Check specific computed values (based on our synthetic data)
mean_temp_col = findfirst(name -> name == "mean(temp)w1", names(processed_X))
max_press_col = findfirst(name -> name == "maximum(press)w2", names(processed_X))

if !isnothing(mean_temp_col)
@test all(isapprox.(processed_X[:, mean_temp_col], 2.0, atol=1e-5))

if !isnothing(max_press_col)
@test all(isapprox.(processed_X[:, max_press_col], 50.0, atol=1e-5))

# Test case 2: Different window types
@testset "Window types" begin
# test with wholewindow - should produce just one window
whole_X, _ = feature_selection_preprocess(
features = [mean],
type = SoleFeatures.wholewindow

# Should only have one window per variable/feature
@test size(whole_X, 2) == 2 # 1 feature × 2 variables × 1 window

# Check prefix format is correct
@test any(name -> name == "mean(temp)w1", names(whole_X))
@test any(name -> name == "mean(press)w1", names(whole_X))

# Specifically check that window values are computed correctly
@test isapprox(whole_X[1, "mean(temp)w1"], 3.0, atol=1e-5)
@test isapprox(whole_X[1, "mean(press)w1"], 30.0, atol=1e-5)

# Test case 3: Multi-feature test
@testset "Multiple statistical features" begin
multi_X, _ = feature_selection_preprocess(
features = [minimum, mean, maximum],
nwindows = 1

# Check dimensions
expected_cols = 3 * 2 * 1 # 3 features × 2 variables × 1 window
@test size(multi_X, 2) == expected_cols

# Check all three features exist for each variable
@test any(name -> name == "minimum(temp)w1", names(multi_X))
@test any(name -> name == "mean(temp)w1", names(multi_X))
@test any(name -> name == "maximum(temp)w1", names(multi_X))

# Check computed values
if "minimum(temp)w1" in names(multi_X)
@test isapprox(multi_X[1, "minimum(temp)w1"], 1.0, atol=1e-5)
if "maximum(press)w1" in names(multi_X)
@test isapprox(multi_X[1, "maximum(press)w1"], 50.0, atol=1e-5)
@testset "Custom parameters" begin

@testset "InfoFeat metadata validation" begin
X2 = DataFrame(
temp = [rand(10) for _ in 1:5],
press = [rand(10) for _ in 1:5]

# Custom features and window
# Custom features and windows for predictable results
custom_features = [mean, std]
result = feature_selection_preprocess(X2,
nwin = 3
vnames = ["temperature", "pressure"]

X, Xinfo = feature_selection_preprocess(X2,
features = custom_features,
nwindows = 3,
vnames = ["temperature", "pressure"]
nwindows = nwin,
vnames = vnames

# Check dimensions
expected_cols = length(custom_features) * size(X2, 2) * 3 # features * variables * windows
@test size(result, 2) == expected_cols

# Check feature names
for (f, v, w) in Iterators.product(custom_features, ["temperature", "pressure"], 1:3)
col_name = "$(f)($(v))w$(w)"
@test col_name in names(result)

@testset "Error handling" begin
# Test with empty DataFrame
@test_throws ArgumentError feature_selection_preprocess(DataFrame())

# Test with mixed dimensions
X_invalid = DataFrame(
a = [1.0, 2.0],
b = [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]
@test_throws DimensionMismatch feature_selection_preprocess(X_invalid)
# Check that Xinfo is a vector of InfoFeat objects
@test Xinfo isa Vector{<:SoleFeatures.InfoFeat}

# Test with invalid windows
X = DataFrame(a = [rand(10) for _ in 1:5])
@test_throws ArgumentError feature_selection_preprocess(X, nwindows = 0)
@test_throws ArgumentError feature_selection_preprocess(X, nwindows = -1)

@testset "Performance" begin
# Create larger dataset
X = DataFrame(
[Symbol("var$i") => [rand(100) for _ in 1:100] for i in 1:5]
# Check length matches expected count
expected_count = length(custom_features) * length(vnames) * nwin
@test length(Xinfo) == expected_count
@test length(Xinfo) == size(X, 2) # Should match column count

# Measure execution time
time_taken = @elapsed feature_selection_preprocess(X)
@test time_taken < 5.0 # Should complete within 5 seconds
# Check field values are set correctly
for (i, f) in enumerate(custom_features)
for (j, v) in enumerate(vnames)
for w_idx in 1:nwin
# Calculate linear index as done in the function
idx = (i-1) * length(vnames) * nwin + (j-1) * nwin + w_idx

# Check fields match expected values
@test Xinfo[idx].id == idx
@test Xinfo[idx].var == v
@test Xinfo[idx].feat == Symbol(f)
@test Xinfo[idx].nwin == w_idx

# Verify column name in X matches InfoFeat metadata
expected_name = "$(f)($(v))w$(w_idx)"
@test names(X)[idx] == expected_name

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