is a Go package that provides utilities and helpers for working with the dbr query builder.
It simplifies database operations by offering:
- Database Connection Management: Open a database connection with instrumentation for collecting metrics and logging slow queries.
- Transaction Management: Run functions within transactions using a unified
interface that automatically commits or rolls back. - Retryable Transactions: Execute transactions with configurable retry policies.
- Prometheus Metrics Collection: Collect and observe SQL query durations via SQL comment annotations.
- Slow Query Logging: Log SQL queries that exceed a configurable duration threshold.
The following basic example demonstrates how to use dbrutil
to open a database connection with instrumentation,
and execute queries with an automatic slow query logging and Prometheus metrics collection within transaction.
package main
import (
stdlog "log"
func main() {
logger, loggerClose := log.NewLogger(&log.Config{Output: log.OutputStderr, Level: log.LevelInfo})
defer loggerClose()
// Create a Prometheus metrics collector.
promMetrics := dbkit.NewPrometheusMetrics()
defer promMetrics.Unregister()
// Open the database connection with instrumentation.
// Instrumentation includes collecting metrics about SQL queries and logging slow queries.
eventReceiver := dbrutil.NewCompositeReceiver([]dbr.EventReceiver{
dbrutil.NewQueryMetricsEventReceiver(promMetrics, queryAnnotationPrefix),
dbrutil.NewSlowQueryLogEventReceiver(logger, 100*time.Millisecond, queryAnnotationPrefix),
conn, err := openDB(eventReceiver)
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
txRunner := dbrutil.NewTxRunner(conn, &sql.TxOptions{Isolation: sql.LevelReadCommitted}, nil)
// Execute function in a transaction.
// The transaction will be automatically committed if the function returns nil, otherwise it will be rolled back.
if dbErr := txRunner.DoInTx(context.Background(), func(tx dbr.SessionRunner) error {
var result int
return tx.Select("SLEEP(1)").
Comment(annotateQuery("long_operation")). // Annotate the query for Prometheus metrics and slow query log.
}); dbErr != nil {
// The following log message will be printed:
// {"level":"warn","time":"2025-02-14T16:29:55.429257+02:00","msg":"slow SQL query","pid":14030,"annotation":"query:long_operation","duration_ms":1007}
// Prometheus metrics will be collected:
// db_query_duration_seconds_bucket{query="query:long_operation",le="2.5"} 1
// db_query_duration_seconds_sum{query="query:long_operation"} 1.004573875
// db_query_duration_seconds_count{query="query:long_operation"} 1
const queryAnnotationPrefix = "query:"
func annotateQuery(queryName string) string {
return queryAnnotationPrefix + queryName
func openDB(eventReceiver dbr.EventReceiver) (*dbr.Connection, error) {
cfg := &dbkit.Config{
Dialect: dbkit.DialectMySQL,
MySQL: dbkit.MySQLConfig{
Host: os.Getenv("MYSQL_HOST"),
Port: 3306,
User: os.Getenv("MYSQL_USER"),
Password: os.Getenv("MYSQL_PASSWORD"),
Database: os.Getenv("MYSQL_DATABASE"),
// Open database with instrumentation based on the provided event receiver (see github.com/gocraft/dbr doc for details).
// Opening includes configuring the max open/idle connections and their lifetime and pinging the database.
conn, err := dbrutil.Open(cfg, true, eventReceiver)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("open database: %w", err)
return conn, nil
The next example demonstrates how to use dbrutil
to create a middleware that injects a transaction runner into the request context.
This transaction runner will use request-scoped logger for logging slow queries.
package main
import (
stdlog "log"
func main() {
logger, loggerClose := log.NewLogger(&log.Config{Output: log.OutputStdout, Level: log.LevelInfo})
defer loggerClose()
// Create a Prometheus metrics collector.
promMetrics := dbkit.NewPrometheusMetrics()
defer promMetrics.Unregister()
// Open the database connection with instrumentation.
// Instrumentation includes collecting metrics about SQL queries.
conn, err := openDB(dbrutil.NewQueryMetricsEventReceiver(promMetrics, queryAnnotationPrefix))
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
// Construct the middleware that will put the transaction runner into the request context.
var txRunnerOpts dbrutil.TxRunnerMiddlewareOpts
txRunnerOpts.SlowQueryLog.MinTime = 100 * time.Millisecond // Log queries that take more than 100ms.
txRunnerOpts.SlowQueryLog.AnnotationPrefix = queryAnnotationPrefix
txRunnerMiddleware := dbrutil.TxRunnerMiddlewareWithOpts(conn, sql.LevelReadCommitted, txRunnerOpts)
// Create a handler that will execute a long operation in a transaction.
handler := http.HandlerFunc(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
txRunner := dbrutil.GetTxRunnerFromContext(r.Context()) // Get the request-scoped transaction runner.
// Execute function in a transaction.
// The transaction will be automatically committed if the function returns nil, otherwise it will be rolled back.
if dbErr := txRunner.DoInTx(r.Context(), func(tx dbr.SessionRunner) error {
var result int
return tx.Select("SLEEP(1)").
Comment(annotateQuery("long_operation")). // Annotate the query for Prometheus metrics and slow query log.
}); dbErr != nil {
http.Error(rw, "Internal Server Error", http.StatusInternalServerError)
_, _ = rw.Write([]byte("OK"))
// Construct the middleware chain and start the server.
middlewares := []func(http.Handler) http.Handler{
var h http.Handler = handler
for i := len(middlewares) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
h = middlewares[i](h)
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.Handle("/long-operation", h)
mux.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler())
if srvErr := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux); srvErr != nil && errors.Is(srvErr, http.ErrServerClosed) {
stdlog.Fatalf("failed to start server: %v", srvErr)
const queryAnnotationPrefix = "query:"
func annotateQuery(queryName string) string {
return queryAnnotationPrefix + queryName
func openDB(eventReceiver dbr.EventReceiver) (*dbr.Connection, error) {
cfg := &dbkit.Config{
Dialect: dbkit.DialectMySQL,
MySQL: dbkit.MySQLConfig{
Host: os.Getenv("MYSQL_HOST"),
Port: 3306,
User: os.Getenv("MYSQL_USER"),
Password: os.Getenv("MYSQL_PASSWORD"),
Database: os.Getenv("MYSQL_DATABASE"),
// Open database with instrumentation based on the provided event receiver (see github.com/gocraft/dbr doc for details).
// Opening includes configuring the max open/idle connections and their lifetime and pinging the database.
conn, err := dbrutil.Open(cfg, true, eventReceiver)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("open database: %w", err)
return conn, nil
If you run the server and send a request to the /long-operation
endpoint, you will see the following log message:
{"level":"warn","time":"2025-02-16T19:06:39.029356+02:00","msg":"slow SQL query","pid":14117,"request_id":"cup1m7gc65t3e995a1i0","int_request_id":"cup1m7gc65t3e995a1ig","trace_id":"","annotation":"query:long_operation","duration_ms":1002}
{"level":"info","time":"2025-02-16T19:06:39.03459+02:00","msg":"response completed in 1.012s","pid":14117,"request_id":"cup1m7gc65t3e995a1i0","int_request_id":"cup1m7gc65t3e995a1ig","trace_id":"","method":"GET","uri":"/long-operation","remote_addr":"[::1]:54849","content_length":0,"user_agent":"curl/8.7.1","remote_addr_ip":"::1","remote_addr_port":54849,"duration_ms":1011,"duration":1011996,"status":200,"bytes_sent":2,"time_slots":{"writing_response_ms":0}}
As you can see, the slow query log message contains the annotation query:long_operation
, and this log message is associated with the request ID cup1m7gc65t3e995a1i0
Using the request ID, you can correlate the slow query log message with the request log message.
Additionally, the Prometheus metrics collector will collect the following metrics:
db_query_duration_seconds_bucket{query="query:long_operation",le="0.001"} 0
db_query_duration_seconds_bucket{query="query:long_operation",le="2.5"} 1
db_query_duration_seconds_bucket{query="query:long_operation",le="+Inf"} 1
db_query_duration_seconds_sum{query="query:long_operation"} 1.00294175
db_query_duration_seconds_count{query="query:long_operation"} 1
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