This demo consists in a NodeJS application which can be deployed on a Raspberry PI, in order to show the uplink and downlink capabilities of an LTE network.
In order to get started:
prepare your RPI with a SD card flashed with the latest rasbian image (tested with 2016-09-23-raspbian-jessie.img)
boot into your RPI and type: cd /home/pi && git clone && chmod +x demo-smartbuilding-device-lte/ && ./demo-smartbuilding-device-lte/
required software will be automatically installed and configured, then your RPI will reboot
enjoy ! you can now simulate temperature reporting with the RPI application, and check the sent uplink frames with your LTE network monitoring tools (such as the ones provided by Actility ;) ); you can also send downlink frames to your device, which will be displayed in the screen of the RPI application