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Search batch size parameter

hayden-t edited this page Apr 22, 2017 · 3 revisions

Search results in netsuite are generally limited to a maximum of 1000. To get around this rest_suite runs a while loop repeatedly requesting results and accumulating them until it has them all, unless...

This is where batch size comes in, it lets you specify a number greater than 1000 that the searcher will stop at if you dont want to request all records.

Initially i thought it could be used to specify a page size / result set eg less than 1000, but this is not so.

It would be possible with nlapiSearchRecord, rather nlapiCreateSearch. (see

Here is the logic code from search.js that handles batch size:

Searcher.prototype.isExecutionDone = function(resultsBlock) {
    if(!resultsBlock) { return true }
    allResultsFound = resultsBlock.length != 1000;
    batchSizeMet    = this.results.length >= this.batchSize;
    return allResultsFound || batchSizeMet;
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