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Transaction status codes

hayden-t edited this page Apr 21, 2017 · 1 revision

Used to check for a certain status:

Status SearchFilter

Cash Sale:Unapproved Payment CashSale:A
Cash Sale:Not Deposited CashSale:B
Cash Sale:Deposited CashSale:C
Check:Voided Check:V
Check:Online Bill Pay Pending Accounting Approval Check:Z
Commission:Pending Payment Commissn:A
Commission:Overpaid Commissn:O
Commission:Pending Accounting Approval Commissn:P
Commission:Rejected by Accounting Commissn:R
Commission:Paid in Full Commissn:X
Statement Charge:Open CustChrg:A
Statement Charge:Paid In Full CustChrg:B
Credit Memo:Open CustCred:A
Credit Memo:Fully Applied CustCred:B
Customer Deposit:Not Deposited CustDep:A
Customer Deposit:Deposited CustDep:B
Customer Deposit:Fully Applied CustDep:C
Invoice:Open CustInvc:A
Invoice:Paid In Full CustInvc:B
Payment:Unapproved Payment CustPymt:A
Payment:Not Deposited CustPymt:B
Payment:Deposited CustPymt:C
Customer Refund:Voided CustRfnd:V
Quote:Open Estimate:A
Quote:Processed Estimate:B
Quote:Closed Estimate:C
Quote:Voided Estimate:V
Quote:Expired Estimate:X
Expense Report:In Progress ExpRept:A
Expense Report:Pending Supervisor Approval ExpRept:B
Expense Report:Pending Accounting Approval ExpRept:C
Expense Report:Rejected by Supervisor ExpRept:D
Expense Report:Rejected by Accounting ExpRept:E
Expense Report:Approved by Accounting ExpRept:F
Expense Report:Approved (Overridden) by Accounting ExpRept:G
Expense Report:Rejected (Overridden) by Accounting ExpRept:H
Expense Report:Paid In Full ExpRept:I
Inventory Count:Open InvCount:A
Inventory Count:Started InvCount:B
Inventory Count:Completed/Pending Approval InvCount:C
Inventory Count:Approved InvCount:D
Item Fulfillment:Picked ItemShip:A
Item Fulfillment:Packed ItemShip:B
Item Fulfillment:Shipped ItemShip:C
Journal:Pending Approval Journal:A
Journal:Approved for Posting Journal:B
Payroll Liability Check:Voided LiabPymt:V
Opportunity:In Progress Opprtnty:A
Opportunity:Issued Estimate Opprtnty:B
Opportunity:Closed – Won Opprtnty:C
Opportunity:Closed – Lost Opprtnty:D
Paycheck:Undefined Paycheck:A
Paycheck:Pending Tax Calculation Paycheck:C
Paycheck:Pending Commitment Paycheck:D
Paycheck:Committed Paycheck:F
Paycheck:Preview Paycheck:P
Paycheck:Reversed Paycheck:R
Purchase Order:Pending Supervisor Approval PurchOrd:A
Purchase Order:Pending Receipt PurchOrd:B
Purchase Order:Rejected by Supervisor PurchOrd:C
Purchase Order:Partially Received PurchOrd:D
Purchase Order:Pending Billing/Partially Received PurchOrd:E
Purchase Order:Pending Bill PurchOrd:F
Purchase Order:Fully Billed PurchOrd:G
Purchase Order:Closed PurchOrd:H
Return Authorization:Pending Approval RtnAuth:A
Return Authorization:Pending Receipt RtnAuth:B
Return Authorization:Cancelled RtnAuth:C
Return Authorization:Partially Received RtnAuth:D
Return Authorization:Pending Refund/Partially Received RtnAuth:E
Return Authorization:Pending Refund RtnAuth:F
Return Authorization:Refunded RtnAuth:G
Return Authorization:Closed RtnAuth:H
Sales Order:Pending Approval SalesOrd:A
Sales Order:Pending Fulfillment SalesOrd:B
Sales Order:Cancelled SalesOrd:C
Sales Order:Partially Fulfilled SalesOrd:D
Sales Order:Pending Billing/Partially Fulfilled SalesOrd:E
Sales Order:Pending Billing SalesOrd:F
Sales Order:Billed SalesOrd:G
Sales Order:Closed SalesOrd:H
Tax Liability Cheque:Voided TaxLiab:V
Sales Tax Payment:Voided TaxPymt:V
Sales Tax Payment:Online Bill Pay Pending Accounting Approval TaxPymt:Z
Tegata Payable:Endorsed TegPybl:E
Tegata Payable:Issued TegPybl:I
Tegata Payable:Paid TegPybl:P
Tegata Receivables:Collected TegRcvbl:C
Tegata Receivables:Discounted TegRcvbl:D
Tegata Receivables:Endorsed TegRcvbl:E
Tegata Receivables:Holding TegRcvbl:H
Transfer Order:Pending Approval TrnfrOrd:A
Transfer Order:Pending Fulfillment TrnfrOrd:B
Transfer Order:Rejected TrnfrOrd:C
Transfer Order:Partially Fulfilled TrnfrOrd:D
Transfer Order:Pending Receipt/Partially Fulfilled TrnfrOrd:E
Transfer Order:Pending Receipt TrnfrOrd:F
Transfer Order:Received TrnfrOrd:G
Transfer Order:Closed TrnfrOrd:H
Vendor Return Authorization:Pending Approval VendAuth:A
Vendor Return Authorization:Pending Return VendAuth:B
Vendor Return Authorization:Cancelled VendAuth:C
Vendor Return Authorization:Partially Returned VendAuth:D
Vendor Return Authorization:Pending Credit/Partially Returned VendAuth:E
Vendor Return Authorization:Pending Credit VendAuth:F
Vendor Return Authorization:Credited VendAuth:G
Vendor Return Authorization:Closed VendAuth:H
Bill:Open VendBill:A
Bill:Paid In Full VendBill:B
Bill:Cancelled VendBill:C
Bill:Pending Approval VendBill:D
Bill:Rejected VendBill:E
Cash Payment:Voided VendPymt:V
Cash Payment:Online Bill Pay Pending Accounting Approval VendPymt:Z
Work Order:Pending Build WorkOrd:B
Work Order:Cancelled WorkOrd:C
Work Order:In Process WorkOrd:D
Work Order:Built WorkOrd:G
Work Order:Closed WorkOrd:H

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