ember-cli-flash 6.0.0 (major)
- #411 fix: add type for spreaded
options (@charlesfries)
- #411 fix: add type for spreaded
- Charles Fries (@charlesfries)
- Giles Thompson (@gilest)
ember-cli-flash 5.1.0 (minor)
- #405 Add
to TypeScript definitions (@charlesfries)
- #405 Add
- #399 fix(types): add typesVersions map (@simonihmig)
- #407 Update release-plan to get the latest bugfixes (@NullVoxPopuli)
- Charles Fries (@charlesfries)
- Simon Ihmig (@simonihmig)
- @NullVoxPopuli
ember-cli-flash 5.0.1 (patch)
- #404 Publish files (@NullVoxPopuli)
- Giles Thompson (@gilest)
- @NullVoxPopuli
ember-cli-flash 5.0.0 (major)
- Other
- #389 allow customization of exiting class (@miguelcobain)
- #396 Correct test helper blueprint guide (@gilest)
- #393 Update Contributing and Releasing with
and monorepo paths (@gilest)
- #400 Setup relase plan (@NullVoxPopuli)
- Giles Thompson (@gilest)
- Miguel Andrade (@miguelcobain)
- @NullVoxPopuli
The noteworthy changes made to Ember-CLI-Flash are included here. For a complete changelog, see the git history.
- #382 Convert
to Glimmer component (@charlesfries) - #383 ember-cli 4.4.0, remove auto service injection (@rwwagner90)
- #366 Fix types for service (@wagenet)
- #384 Allow arbitrary properties in
interface (@charlesfries) - #363 Change hasBlock to has-block to avoid deprecation (@wagenet)
- #358 Fix missing modifier error in consuming apps (@sandydoo)
- #355 Fix
deprecation warnings (@aoumiri) - #350 Update htmlSafe imports (@rwwagner90)
- #377 Update README.md formatting (@charlesfries)
- #362 Correct compatibility in README (@kategengler)
- #343 Fix typo in changelog (@HeroicEric)
- Anass OUMIRI (@aoumiri)
- Andrey Stukalin (@stukalin)
- Brad Overton (@Techn1x)
- Charles Fries (@charlesfries)
- Christian (@makepanic)
- Eric Kelly (@HeroicEric)
- Joshua Lawrence (@jwlawrence)
- Katie Gengler (@kategengler)
- Peter Wagenet (@wagenet)
- Robert Wagner (@rwwagner90)
- Sander (@sandydoo)
- Scott Batson (@sbatson5)
- Tobias Bieniek (@Turbo87)
- @MrChocolatine
- @vlascik
- #355 Fix
deprecation warning (@aoumiri) - #353 Delete uneeded Typescript Partial (@MrChocolatine)
- #350 Update
import (@rwwagner90) - #351 Support ember-cli-version-checker v5t (@wagenet)
- #349 Fix text in README about deleted test helper (@MrChocolatine)
- #342 Fix missing bind event (@makepanic)
- Brad Overton (@Techn1x)
- Christian (@makepanic)
- #324 Update all dependencies, drop older Ember support (@jwlawrence)
- #328 Use modern syntax standards (@jwlawrence)
- Joshua Lawrence (@jwlawrence)
- Sander Melnikov (@sandydoo)
- #282 Handle
- Christian (@makepanic)
- #303 Clean up timers (@makepanic)
- #304 Remove deprecated mouse events (@st-h)
- #309 Update Node version for CI (@abhilashlr)
- #308 Update ember-try (@abhilashlr)
- abhilashlr (@abhilashlr)
- Steve (@st-h)
- Christian (@makepanic)
- #299 Fix guidFor import (@villander)
- Michael Villander (@villander)
- #290 Documentation update for 1.7.0 (@cythrawll)
- Brian Runnells (@Dhaulagiri)
- Chad (@cythrawll)
- Olle Jonsson (@olleolleolle)
- #284 provide default config/overrides to FlashMessageService w/o injections (@fivetanley)
- #277 ember-cli 3.3 (@Dhaulagiri)
- #285 fix broken test (@sbatson5)
- #283 Migrate to circle 2.0 (@Darshan-Chauhan)
- Brian Runnells (@Dhaulagiri)
- Darshan Chauhan (@Darshan-Chauhan)
- Scott Batson (@sbatson5)
- Stanley Stuart (@fivetanley)
- #269 add aria-label and others to flash message attrs (@sbatson5)
- #263 update blueprint to handle newer test-helper.js (@bgentry)
- #260 remove requirement for providing a message (@st-h)
- #267 Update readme to use new modules syntax (@dcyriller)
- #266 Upgrade to ember 3.0 (@jmar910)
- #258 Add ambient TypeScript type information (@mike-north)
- Blake Gentry (@bgentry)
- Cyrille David (@dcyriller)
- James Martinez (@jmar910)
- Mike North (@mike-north)
- Scott Batson (@sbatson5)
- Steve (@st-h)
- #254 extendTimeout on sticky message (@Dhaulagiri)
- Brian Runnells (@Dhaulagiri)
- #254 extendTimeout on sticky message (@Dhaulagiri)
- Brian Runnells (@Dhaulagiri)
- #250 remove deps we don't use (@Dhaulagiri)
- #251 Update LICENSE.md (@Dhaulagiri)
- #249 ember-cli-update to 2.16 (@Dhaulagiri)
- Brian Runnells (@Dhaulagiri)
- Jeff Felchner (@jfelchner)
- Scott Batson (@sbatson5)
- Steve (@sdhull)
- Upgrade to Ember 2.15 243 & 236
- Prevent early destruction from mouse events 241
- Minor typo errors 238
- Remove bower
- Fix deprecation warnings related to outdate dependencies
- Pass 'close' as closure action 233
- Add onDestroy callback method for flash object destroy 211
- Add changelog for release notes 220
- Fix failing tests 218
- Update Acceptance test example in README to fail appropriately 217
- Add ability to return flash object 214
- Defer removal of flash message on mouse over 209
- Fixed deprecation warnings from Ember 2.8.0 205
- Small updates to README 186
- Update Ember-CLI to 2.7.0 201
- Update Ember-CLI to 2.6.1 169
- Add destroyOnClick option 157
- Clarify documentation on integration tests 165
- Update Travis to use Trust builds
- Test against Ember 2.4 and 2.5
- Compute guid on .toString() version of the message 149
- Fix acceptance test bug due to old blueprint 119
- Implement fluent API to support chaining 118