Make sure you are using python 3.8+.
λ python --version
Python 3.8.8
Create a virtual environment in the desired directory.
λ mkdir ~/excel-transform
λ cd ~/excel-transform
λ python -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment and install dependencies.
λ venv\Scripts\activate.bat
λ source venv/bin/activate
Install Option 1 (Recommended):
(venv) λ pip install excel-transform
Install Option 2:
Install from source via github
(venv) λ pip install git+
Run this command to generate the skeleton of a mapping file
(venv) λ excel-transform mapping-skeleton -o some_mapping.json
Transform a spreadsheet
(venv) λ excel-transform transform -o transformed.xlsx some_spreadsheet.xlsx mapping.json
Launch available PYQT5 GUI
(venv) λ excel-transform gui
Use the --help
flag anywhere along the excel-transform
commands to get context aware help
(venv) λ excel-transform --help
(venv) λ excel-transform transform --help