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Making each change a new version

Nicolas Raoul edited this page Apr 24, 2014 · 4 revisions

Here is what happens when you modify a document:

  1. You press "Save", so your software (for instance LibreOffice) writes the file to the local disk.
  2. Your system (for instance Windows) alerts CmisSync that a file has been modified.
  3. CmisSync uploads the file to the server.
  4. The server (for instance Alfresco) decides whether it should overwrite the document, or create a new version.

As you can see in step 4, CmisSync has no power to decide whether to create a new version or not. If the current behavior does not satisfy you, please modify your server's configuration as detailed below.

For Alfresco

First, make sure the autoVersion value is configured to true, as explained here.

autoVersion: indicates that when ever a change is made to the content of a node that has the versionable aspect applied a new version will be created. These can be turned on and off by default by setting the default values on this aspect to get the desired behaviour.

Also, the document must have the "Versioning" aspect applied.

  • For whole sites or folders, this aspect can easily be applied via a rule.
  • You can also make all current and future content versionable by modifying the content model as explained here.

For other ECM products

Each product has its own way to configure this behavior. Tips about other products are welcome at, thank you!