Releases: aeharding/
What's Changed
- Dismiss tooltip on touch gesture by @aeharding in #136
- Fix invalid dewpoints from rucsoundings data by @aeharding in #137
Full Changelog: v4.1.0...v4.1.1
New features
Pressure altitude
View pressure altitudes instead of height! Just switch in settings

Advanced mode
A new toggle in Settings can enable Advanced Mode. This has a few features:
- High precision temperature, RH + dewpoint tooltip
Hover over a temperature to view fractional temperature, dewpoint spread, dewpoint, and RH!

- Humidity indicator
When humidity approaches 100%, there will be a droplet indicator to the left of temperature. This is especially helpful for the next feature...

- Lapse rate and inversion indications
This is something I'm super excited about, but it's definitely still a work in progress!
- Red arrows for lapse rates exceeding DALR or MALR (when RH >= 100%)
- Green arrow with a ceiling when lapse rate is negative, indicating an inversion
- Opaque grey arrow when exceeding MALR but not DALR, and < 100% RH.
I'd love to hear your feedback.

What's Changed
- Implementation pressure altitude, lapse rate, dewpoint indicators by @aeharding in #135
Full Changelog: v4.0.4...v4.1.0
What's Changed
- Fix edge case with American Samoa by @aeharding in #134
Full Changelog: v4.0.3...v4.0.4
What's Changed
- Refactor weather slice loading logic by @aeharding in #133
Full Changelog: v4.0.2...v4.0.3
What's Changed
- Fix location switching race condition, add parallax effect to metadata page by @aeharding in #132
- Expose hourly weather data source in report metadata by @aeharding in #132
Full Changelog: v4.0.1...v4.0.2
What's Changed
- Fix convective sigmet outlook naming by @aeharding in #131
Full Changelog: v4.0.0...v4.0.1
The most requested feature of is here - 🌍 global support!

For our users in the United States
When viewing US locations, everything is the same! We still use However we've now added for support of international locations.
This also means that US weather reports are now even more highly available. If is down, will seamlessly switch over to
Global coverage - and not just winds aloft!
Besides winds aloft, international locations also get:
- hourly weather data (including weather phenomenons),
- international SIGMET alerts, and
- airport TAF information, worldwide!, the API uses for international weather data, seamlessly switches to use the best weather model for your location. In the future, this may become configurable!
Supported weather models:
- Deutscher Wetter Dienst (DWD)
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- Meteofrance
- Canadian Meteorological Center (CMC)
...and as Open Meteo adds additional models, you'll immediately benefit from that in
Which brings me to the next large feature of this release
We now (to a limited extent) support French, Dutch, Spanish and German. There's still a lot of work to do, but it's a start! If you would like to request a language and/or help translate, PLEASE reach out!
It's not just translations, either - a big effort is being made to ensure units automatically default for your device's locale (and of course, you can customize in Settings).
Normalized altitudes
Previously, when switching hour-to-hour, you saw that the altitudes changed slightly. This is because the underlying altitude is actually based on barometric pressure, and so the altitude in distance above ground can vary throughout the day.
Normalized altitudes automatically interpolates data for fixed heights above ground. Check it out!

Many other small bugfixes and enhancements
Ever found it annoying how you can't copy the coordinates for a location when viewing installed from your homescreen? Well... Now you can just copy that location!
There's a bunch of other small, quality of life improvements in this release. See if you can find them. 😉
What's Changed
- Add typescript vite config by @aeharding in #128
- Add international support with, add standardized altitudes by @aeharding in #129
Full Changelog: v3.10.3...v4.0.0
What's Changed
- Fix definition new line formatting by @aeharding in #127
Full Changelog: v3.10.2...v3.10.3
What's Changed
- Fix more definition glossary edge cases by @aeharding in #126
Full Changelog: v3.10.1...v3.10.2
What's Changed
- Fix shorter definitions not appearing, hide common terms by @aeharding in #125
Full Changelog: v3.10.0...v3.10.1