diff --git a/.github/workflows/build.yml b/.github/workflows/build.yml
index 22b4bc9e..c7d8631f 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/build.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/build.yml
@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- test-version: ${{ steps.electron-test-version.outputs.test-version }}
- node: ${{ steps.node-version.outputs.version }}
+ node-version: ${{ steps.node-test-version.outputs.node-version }}
# fail-fast: false
@@ -34,20 +33,6 @@ jobs:
name: build ${{ matrix.os }}-v${{ inputs.build-version }}
- # - name: Make Request
- # id: node-version-request
- # uses: fjogeleit/http-request-action@v1
- # with:
- # url: 'https://nodejs.org/dist/index.json'
- # method: 'GET'
- # - name: Show Response
- # run: |
- # echo ${{ steps.myRequest.outputs.response }}
- # echo ${{ steps.myRequest.outputs.headers }}
- # echo ${{ steps.myRequest.outputs.status }}
- # echo ${{ fromJson(steps.myRequest.outputs.response).field_you_want_to_access }}
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
@@ -58,78 +43,75 @@ jobs:
os: ${{ matrix.os }}
- name: Get latest Node.js version
- id: node-version
+ id: node-test-version
run: |
node tools/getVersionAction.js ${{ inputs.build-version }}
- echo "version=$(cat node.txt)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ echo "node-version=$(cat node.txt)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- - name: Print latest Node.js version
- run: |
- core.setFailed("${{steps.node-version.outputs.version}}")
+ # - name: Print latest Node.js version
+ # run: |
+ # core.setFailed("${{steps.node-test-version.outputs.node-version}}")
- - name: Resolve Electron version for test
- id: electron-test-version
- shell: bash
- run: |
- if [[ ${{ inputs.build-version }} == '29.0.0' ]]; then
- echo "test-version=29.4.6" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- elif [[ ${{ inputs.build-version }} == '30.0.0' ]]; then
- echo "test-version=30.5.1" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- elif [[ ${{ inputs.build-version }} == '31.0.0' ]]; then
- echo "test-version=31.6.0" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- fi
- # else
- # core.setFailed("Unable to resolve Electron version for testing")
- # fi
+ # - name: Resolve Electron version for test
+ # id: electron-test-version
+ # shell: bash
+ # run: |
+ # if [[ ${{ inputs.build-version }} == '29.0.0' ]]; then
+ # echo "test-version=29.4.6" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ # elif [[ ${{ inputs.build-version }} == '30.0.0' ]]; then
+ # echo "test-version=30.5.1" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ # elif [[ ${{ inputs.build-version }} == '31.0.0' ]]; then
+ # echo "test-version=31.6.0" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ # fi
- - name: install node-gyp
- run: npm i -g node-gyp
+ # - name: install node-gyp
+ # run: npm i -g node-gyp
- - name: Create release folder
- run: |
- mkdir "release\ia32\${{ inputs.build-version }}"
- mkdir "release\x64\${{ inputs.build-version }}"
- mkdir "release\arm64\${{ inputs.build-version }}"
+ # - name: Create release folder
+ # run: |
+ # mkdir "release\ia32\${{ inputs.build-version }}"
+ # mkdir "release\x64\${{ inputs.build-version }}"
+ # mkdir "release\arm64\${{ inputs.build-version }}"
- - name: Build ia32
- timeout-minutes: 30
- run: |
- node-gyp configure build --target=${{ inputs.build-version }} --disturl=https://electronjs.org/headers --runtime=electron --release --arch=ia32
- cmd /c copy /y build\Release\edge_*.node release\ia32\${{ inputs.build-version }}
- cmd /c rmdir /S /Q build
+ # - name: Build ia32
+ # timeout-minutes: 30
+ # run: |
+ # node-gyp configure build --target=${{ inputs.build-version }} --disturl=https://electronjs.org/headers --runtime=electron --release --arch=ia32
+ # cmd /c copy /y build\Release\edge_*.node release\ia32\${{ inputs.build-version }}
+ # cmd /c rmdir /S /Q build
- - name: Build x64
- timeout-minutes: 30
- run: |
- node-gyp configure build --target=${{ inputs.build-version }} --disturl=https://electronjs.org/headers --runtime=electron --release --arch=x64
- cmd /c copy /y build\Release\edge_*.node release\x64\${{ inputs.build-version }}
- cmd /c rmdir /S /Q build
+ # - name: Build x64
+ # timeout-minutes: 30
+ # run: |
+ # node-gyp configure build --target=${{ inputs.build-version }} --disturl=https://electronjs.org/headers --runtime=electron --release --arch=x64
+ # cmd /c copy /y build\Release\edge_*.node release\x64\${{ inputs.build-version }}
+ # cmd /c rmdir /S /Q build
- - name: Build arm64
- timeout-minutes: 30
- shell: pwsh
- run: |
- node-gyp configure --target=${{ inputs.build-version }} --disturl=https://electronjs.org/headers --runtime=electron --release --arch=arm64
+ # - name: Build arm64
+ # timeout-minutes: 30
+ # shell: pwsh
+ # run: |
+ # node-gyp configure --target=${{ inputs.build-version }} --disturl=https://electronjs.org/headers --runtime=electron --release --arch=arm64
- (Get-Content -Raw build/build_managed.vcxproj) -replace 'Strict', '' | Out-File -Encoding Utf8 build/build_managed.vcxproj
- (Get-Content -Raw build/edge_coreclr.vcxproj) -replace 'Strict', '' | Out-File -Encoding Utf8 build/edge_coreclr.vcxproj
- (Get-Content -Raw build/edge_nativeclr.vcxproj) -replace 'Strict', '' | Out-File -Encoding Utf8 build/edge_nativeclr.vcxproj
+ # (Get-Content -Raw build/build_managed.vcxproj) -replace 'Strict', '' | Out-File -Encoding Utf8 build/build_managed.vcxproj
+ # (Get-Content -Raw build/edge_coreclr.vcxproj) -replace 'Strict', '' | Out-File -Encoding Utf8 build/edge_coreclr.vcxproj
+ # (Get-Content -Raw build/edge_nativeclr.vcxproj) -replace 'Strict', '' | Out-File -Encoding Utf8 build/edge_nativeclr.vcxproj
- node-gyp build
- cmd /c copy /y build\Release\edge_*.node release\arm64\${{ inputs.build-version }}
- cmd /c rmdir /S /Q build
+ # node-gyp build
+ # cmd /c copy /y build\Release\edge_*.node release\arm64\${{ inputs.build-version }}
+ # cmd /c rmdir /S /Q build
- - name: Upload artifacts
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
- if: success()
- with:
- name: ${{ inputs.build-version }}
- path: |
- release
+ # - name: Upload artifacts
+ # uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ # if: success()
+ # with:
+ # name: ${{ inputs.build-version }}
+ # path: |
+ # release
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
@@ -141,53 +123,53 @@ jobs:
os: [windows-2022]
# fail-fast: false
- name: test ${{ matrix.os }}-v${{ needs.build.outputs.test-version }}
+ name: test ${{ matrix.os }}-v${{ needs.build.outputs.node-version }}
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- - name: Setup env
- uses: ./.github/actions/setup-env
- with:
- electron: ${{ needs.build.outputs.test-version }}
- os: ${{ matrix.os }}
- replace-version: true
+ # - name: Setup env
+ # uses: ./.github/actions/setup-env
+ # with:
+ # electron: ${{ needs.build.outputs.test-version }}
+ # os: ${{ matrix.os }}
+ # replace-version: true
- - uses: agracio/github-substring-action@v1.0.0
- id: electron_version
- with:
- value: ${{ needs.build.outputs.test-version }}
- length_from_start: 2
+ # - uses: agracio/github-substring-action@v1.0.0
+ # id: electron_version
+ # with:
+ # value: ${{ needs.build.outputs.test-version }}
+ # length_from_start: 2
- - name: Create release folder
- run: |
- cmd /c if not exist "lib\native\win32\ia32\${{ steps.electron_version.outputs.substring }}.0.0" mkdir "lib\native\win32\ia32\${{ steps.electron_version.outputs.substring }}.0.0"
- cmd /c if not exist "lib\native\win32\x64\${{ steps.electron_version.outputs.substring }}.0.0" mkdir "lib\native\win32\x64\${{ steps.electron_version.outputs.substring }}.0.0"
- cmd /c if not exist "lib\native\win32\arm64\${{ steps.electron_version.outputs.substring }}.0.0" mkdir "lib\native\win32\arm64\${{ steps.electron_version.outputs.substring }}.0.0"
+ # - name: Create release folder
+ # run: |
+ # cmd /c if not exist "lib\native\win32\ia32\${{ steps.electron_version.outputs.substring }}.0.0" mkdir "lib\native\win32\ia32\${{ steps.electron_version.outputs.substring }}.0.0"
+ # cmd /c if not exist "lib\native\win32\x64\${{ steps.electron_version.outputs.substring }}.0.0" mkdir "lib\native\win32\x64\${{ steps.electron_version.outputs.substring }}.0.0"
+ # cmd /c if not exist "lib\native\win32\arm64\${{ steps.electron_version.outputs.substring }}.0.0" mkdir "lib\native\win32\arm64\${{ steps.electron_version.outputs.substring }}.0.0"
- - name: Download artifacts
- uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
- with:
- path: release
- pattern: ${{ steps.electron_version.outputs.substring }}.0.0*
+ # - name: Download artifacts
+ # uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
+ # with:
+ # path: release
+ # pattern: ${{ steps.electron_version.outputs.substring }}.0.0*
- - run: ls -R release
+ # - run: ls -R release
- - name: Copy artifacts
- run: |
- cmd /c copy /y release\${{ steps.electron_version.outputs.substring }}.0.0\x64\${{ steps.electron_version.outputs.substring }}.0.0\edge_*.node lib\native\win32\x64\${{ steps.electron_version.outputs.substring }}.0.0
+ # - name: Copy artifacts
+ # run: |
+ # cmd /c copy /y release\${{ steps.electron_version.outputs.substring }}.0.0\x64\${{ steps.electron_version.outputs.substring }}.0.0\edge_*.node lib\native\win32\x64\${{ steps.electron_version.outputs.substring }}.0.0
- - name: Test
- timeout-minutes: 10
- uses: ./.github/actions/test-windows
- with:
- electron: ${{ needs.build.outputs.test-version }}
+ # - name: Test
+ # timeout-minutes: 10
+ # uses: ./.github/actions/test-windows
+ # with:
+ # electron: ${{ needs.build.outputs.test-version }}
- - name: Test report
- uses: ./.github/actions/create-test-report
- with:
- electron: ${{ needs.build.outputs.test-version }}
- os: ${{ matrix.os }}
- name: 'build-tests'
+ # - name: Test report
+ # uses: ./.github/actions/create-test-report
+ # with:
+ # electron: ${{ needs.build.outputs.test-version }}
+ # os: ${{ matrix.os }}
+ # name: 'build-tests'
\ No newline at end of file