To launch it, first download the repository and install the package using pip.
git clone # Download repository
cd {repository} # Navigate inside repository project
pip install -U pip # Upgrade pip to avoid errors
pip install -e . # Install repository project
Use editable mode
pip install -e .
when you are want python to access your your code at the repository and not a copy at.../site-packages
. Useful to test your package changes without reinstalling. Old versions of pip
for installation, upgradepip
as indicated on the instructions to solve this error.
As second step, you need to download MNIST dataset and place it inside the
with the following structure:
├── t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
├── t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
├── train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz
└── train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
You can change the data folder by setting the environment variable DEMO_ADVANCED_DATA_URI to the path of your data folder. Once you have downloaded the data, you can generate processed dataset by running the following scripts:
python -m
for convolution training data.python -m
for autoencoders training data.python -m
for encoded training data.
One example of the expected data structure is the following:
├── t10k-convolution.npz
├── t10k-encoded.npz
├── t60k-autoencoder.npz
├── t60k-convolution.npz
└── t60k-encoded.npz
Note model function
files with keysimages
This example uses different models to train and predict MNIST dataset.
By default, models are stored in the local models
folder. You can change
the model folder by setting the environment variable DEMO_ADVANCED_MODELS_URI.
To generate the models, you can run the following scripts:
python -m demo_advanced.models.make_autoencoder
for autoencoder model.python -m demo_advanced.models.make_convolution
for convolution model.python -m demo_advanced.models.make_dense2ly
for 2 layers full connected model.
To configure DEEPaaS functionalities, create a copy from deepaas.conf.sample
customize it with your preferred values and pass it to the run call as
deepaas-run --config-file deepaas.conf
More information about how to configure DEEPaaS can be found a the
official documentation
deepaas-run --config-file=deepaas.conf # You deploy using deepaas
Note that some ports like
require administrative privileges. Usesudo
and ensure thatdeepaas-run
script is available in rootPATH
, for example, if you are using condasudo env PATH=$PATH:/{path-DEEPaaS-bin} deepaas-run --config-file=deepaas.conf
together with your script or method to load your environment variables.
Additionally you can configure the following environment variables for customization:
API configuration environment variables:
- DEMO_ADVANCED_MODELS_URI pointing to the models folder, default
. - DEMO_ADVANCED_DATA_URI pointing to the training datasets, default
Model data configuration environment variables:
- DEMO_ADVANCED_LABEL_DIMENSIONS dimensions the labels are hot encoded, default
. - DEMO_ADVANCED_IMAGE_SIZE vertical and horizontal pixels per image, default
Testing process is automated by tox library. You can check the environments
configured to be tested by running tox --listenvs
. If you are missing one
of the python environments configured to be tested (e.g. py310, py39) and
you are using conda
for managing your virtual environments, consider using
to automatically manage all python installation on your testing
virtual environment.
tox -e {environment} # Run tests on a specific environment
Tests are implemented following pytest framework.
Fixtures and parametrization are placed inside
files meanwhile
assertion tests are located on test_*.py
python -m pytest tests
This example provides an example of minimalistic dataset and model to run all testing functionalities. As the dataset and model are minimalistic, it is supposed to be fast to run all tests. If you want to test your own dataset see how to configure the environment variables for testing at pyproject.toml using pytest-env.
After downloading and configuring the your project instance, your project folder should look approximately as follows:
├── .env <- Environment configuration file
├── .env.sample <- Environment configuration sample
├── .git <- Folder with Code Version Control data (git)
├── .gitignore <- Untracked files that git should ignore
├── .pytest_cache <- Cache generated by pytest framework
├── .sqa <- AI4OS Software Quality Assurance (SQA) folder
├── .tox <- Environments generated by tox automated testing
├── .vscode <- VSCode configuration (debug, formatting, etc.)
├── Dockerfile <- Instructions to build service containers
├── Jenkinsfile <- Describes basic Jenkins CI/CD pipeline
├── LICENSE <- Project and model license file
├── <- The top-level README for using this project
├── VERSION <- File indicating the API/Model version
├── api <- Project package for DEEPaaS API
├── data <- Folder with model datasets and raw data
├── deepaas.conf <- DEEPaaS configuration file
├── deepaas.conf.sample <- DEEPaaS configuration sample
├── demo_advanced <- Package folder containing the model code
├── docs <- Folder with documentation files
├── htmlcov <- Report from tox qc.cov environment
├── metadata.json <- Defines information to the [DEEP Open Catalog](
├── models <- Folder with local MLFlow models
├── pyproject.toml <- Makes project installable (pip install -e .)
├── notebooks <- Jupyter notebooks folder
├── references <- Data dictionaries, manuals, and explanatory materials
├── requirements-dev.txt <- Requirements file with development utilities
├── requirements-test.txt <- Requirements file for testing the service
├── requirements.txt <- Requirements file for running the service
├── tests <- Folder containing tests for the API methods
└── tox.ini <- Automated testing configuration file for tox