juice it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy0aCDmgnxg
- shadowblur on things that should glow: shots, indicator lights
Enemy with spotlight looking for you. Level is darker, close pillars. When light sweeps over the enemy freaks out and starts shooting wildly.
Fade sound based on proximity
Attract mode showing enemy types.
Enemy codenames: wall-e, bomb-r, form-l, snip-r, foun-t, bria-n, spot-r, hose-r
Enemies enter with distinct sound, or no sound for some.
Prompts: Get to the portal!
How do shots fizzle out?
Multiple suns, multiple shadows
Low sun, sunset world
Skyboxes with suns
Check Amiga version http://hol.abime.net/3262/screenshot
- Things that wobble and shake feel organic and/or scary
- Particles like: smoke. Fireflies. Wind in a direction. Snow. Rain. Or one general effect for depth and texture. SPARKS.js
- Ease down the clock multiplier for a very cool slow-mo effect. This will break clock-elapsed timers.
- Camera move: use ease in/out for move/rotate cinematic sweeps - tween js does this.
- Very slow rotate/pan is cool for a 'static' but live menu screen