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Repository files navigation


A simple app to shorten your long URLSs/Links.

Getting Started

Head over to the app by clicking here.

  • Enter your valid long URL or Link in the specific field.

  • Enter your desired custom slug in the slug field. It should be unique.

  • You can see your shortlink below and copy it by clicking on the copy button.

You can now use your shortlink.



You can clone the repository by running the command:

git clone

or else you can fork the repo

After cloning the repo, cd to the specific folder and install necessary packages by running the command:

npm install

I am using PlanetScale here as my db. You can use whatever you like. But be sure to configure it using a .env file and editing schema.prisma file.

To run the development environment:

npm run dev


Built for PlanetScale X Hashnode Hackathon