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Contributing Guidelines for Ovatify

Welcome to the Ovatify project! This document provides a detailed guide on how to contribute to the project using Git and GitHub. Our workflow is designed to maintain a clean, linear history using branching and rebasing, avoiding merge commits in our project history.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

  1. Clone the Repository: To start, clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. Create a New Branch: For every new feature or bugfix, create a new branch with your task number (e.g. OVTF-1,OVTF-96):

    git checkout -b OVTF-TaskNum

Working on Your Feature

  1. Committing Changes: After you are done with the task you can send it to your branch with:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Add a concise and informative commit message"
  2. Fetching Latest Main Branch: Regularly fetch the latest changes from the main branch:

    git fetch origin main
  3. Rebasing onto Main: Keep your feature branch updated by rebasing onto the main branch:

    git rebase origin/main

    If conflicts arise, resolve them (VS Code has a built in Merge editor for this), then continue rebasing:

    git rebase --continue

Preparing to Merge

  1. Squashing Commits: Before merging, squash your commits into a single commit for a cleaner history:

    git rebase -i <SHA of the latest commit before your commit>

    In the text editor, replace pick with squash (or s) beside all commits you want to squash.

  2. Writing Good Commit Messages:

    • The first line should be a short summary of the changes, in the present tense.
    • Leave a blank line after the summary.
    • (Optional) Provide a detailed description of the changes on the following lines, wrapping the text at 72 characters.


    OVTF-37 Implement user authentication
    Add user authentication using the XYZ library. It includes basic
    sign-up, sign-in, and sign-out features along with password encryption
    and session management.

Submitting a Pull Request (PR)

  1. Push Your Branch: Push your branch to GitHub named with the task number (e.g. OVTF-1, OVTF-98):

    git push -u origin OVTF-TaskNum
  2. Create a Pull Request:

    • Go to the repository on GitHub.
    • Click on "Pull Request" and then "New Pull Request".
    • Select your branch and provide a concise, informative description of your changes.
  3. Code Review:

    • Wait for a review from the team.
    • Make any requested changes and re-push your branch.
  4. Final Rebase: Before your PR is merged, ensure your branch is rebased onto the latest main branch:

    git fetch origin main
    git rebase origin/main
  5. Merge and Clean-Up: After the PR is approved, the repository maintainer will merge the branch.

Additional Guidelines

  • Code Style and Standards: Adhere to the coding style and standards agreed upon by the team.

  • Testing: Ensure your code is well-tested and follows the project's testing guidelines. :))

  • Documentation: Update or add documentation as needed.

By following these guidelines, we maintain a clean, understandable history and ensure a consistent workflow for everyone contributing to the project. Thanks for contributing to Ovatify! 🌟