Python project based on Selenium automation, which helps to see all following people who havent followed yet and much more.
All the class names usered in the project can get changed !. So if any error occures try identifying those class using inspect element and change it accordingly. ive been using python 2.7 (default) so accepting is done with "raw_input()", those who are using latest versions of python should change "raw_input()" to "input()".
1) Install selenium
window users:
pip install seleniumosX users:
brew install selenium or pip install selenium2) Download browser software
Note: i used chrome and its already included in this repo ( depends on version of ur browser )
https://chromedriver.chromium.org3) Run using python
- I tried firefox but it showed up some error.
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded | because of low internet speed or failed to load
NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element | change time.sleep( to a higher value )
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: 'chromedriver' executable may have wrong permissions.
if using Mac go to System preference -> Security & Privacy -> Allow application