prefabricated twitter searches for civil society purposes.
be aware: no responsibility can or will be accepted for the contents of tweets that are returned by these searches.
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"current" searches are in; older searches are archived in
- Age Verification: General
- Age Verification: Industry & Advocacy (including related child safety initiatives)
- Age Verification: US Adoption via State Law
- Algorithmic Amplification
- Anonymity: General
- Apple: Calls for CSAM Surveillance Reinstatement (#HeatInitiative: people who want Apple to spy on us for our own good)
- Apple: CSAM surveillance proposal (#ClientSideScanning and why it was abandoned)
- Apple: Tank-Man Image
- Apple: UK Home Office TCN on iMessage iCloud Backup Encryption
- EARN-IT Act (and related US legislation attempts)
- End-To-End Encryption: Breaking (discussion of weakening E2EE, backdoors, and #chatcontrol ARCHIVE)
- End-To-End Encryption: Children (including #OnlineSafetyBill, and #NoPlaceToHide v1 & v2)
- End-To-End Encryption: European Union Backdoors (EU initiatives to mandate encryption backdoors like #ChatControl)
- End-To-End Encryption: General (including regulation, law enforcement, and platforms)
- End-To-End Encryption: Whitaker-Collins Debate on the #OnlineSafetyBill
- Fake Rumours of Signal and WhatsApp Vulnerabilities
- Nevada attempting to ban End-To-End Encryption for Minors
- Online Safety Bill (& #OnlineSafetyBill; tweets that specifically cite this topic)
- Regulation: EU Digital Identity Framework (including #eIDAS and #QWAC #QWACs)
- Regulation: KOSA, KOSPA, COPPA
- Safer Internet Day: General (tweets pertaining to the global campaign)
- The Balance Between ...
- The California "Kids Code" (aka: "Age Appropriate Design Code", #AB2273)
- The DMA and Messenger Interoperability
- The EARN-IT Act & Section 230
- The "#WildWestWeb" Fallacy
- Twitter's Adoption of Encryption for Direct Messages
- π Age Verification: General - LATEST Tweets
- π Age Verification: General - TOP Tweets
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
"age verification" OR AgeVerification
- π Age Verification: Industry & Advocacy - LATEST Tweets
- π Age Verification: Industry & Advocacy - TOP Tweets
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
OR ageverificationsystems
OR childrenscode
OR "digital economy act"
OR harveyslaw
OR onlineageverification
OR pas1296
OR trackatroll
OR "verification of children online"
OR "age appropriate design code" OR AgeAppropriateDesignCode
OR "age assurance" OR AgeAssurance
OR "age verification" OR AgeVerification
- π Age Verification: US Adoption via State Law - LATEST Tweets
- π Age Verification: US Adoption via State Law - TOP Tweets
- β€οΈ Share this Search for 'Age Verification: US Adoption via State Law' in a Tweet!
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
- AlecMuffett status 1654922637385117697 (
- Anti porn activists are scoring big wins after a 21st century rebrand Semafor (
- Cherie DeVille Protests Utahs Online Age Verification Law AVN (
- Just a moment (
- Porn industry group sues over Utah age verification law PBS NewsHour (
- Pornhub Blocks All of Utah From Its Site (
- Pornhub blocks Utah because of age verification law Mashable (
- Pornhub blocks access in Utah over age verification law CNN Business (
- Pornhub goes dark in Utah to protest age verification law The Verge (
- SB0287 (
"age verification" OR AgeVerification
OR arkansas
OR california
OR louisiana
OR mississippi
OR virginia
- π Algorithmic Amplification - LATEST Tweets
- π Algorithmic Amplification - TOP Tweets
- β€οΈ Share this Search for 'Algorithmic Amplification' in a Tweet!
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
OR algorithmic
OR algorithmically
OR algorithmicly
OR algorithms
OR "online safety bill" OR OnlineSafetyBill
OR amplification
OR promote
OR promoted
OR promotion
OR viral
OR virality
- π Anonymity: General - LATEST Tweets
- π Anonymity: General - TOP Tweets
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
onlineAnonymity OR
onlinePseudonymity OR
"internet fuckwad theory" OR
abuse OR
harm OR
harms OR
online OR
anonymity OR
anonymous OR
pseudonymity OR
) OR
online (
OR safety
- π Apple: Calls for CSAM Surveillance Reinstatement - LATEST Tweets
- π Apple: Calls for CSAM Surveillance Reinstatement - TOP Tweets
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
- 2110 07450 Bugs in our Pockets The Risks of Client Side Scanning (
- Apple faces renewed pressure to protect child safety Child sexual abuse is stored on iCloud Apple al (
- Apples Decision to Kill Its CSAM Photo Scanning Tool Sparks Fresh Controversy WIRED (
- Heat Initiative (-)
- matthew_d_green status 1697413122447839568 (
- nytimes com (
OR iCloud
OR iPhone
"child abuse" OR ChildAbuse
OR "child safety" OR ChildSafety
OR "client side" OR ClientSide
OR "heat initiative" OR HeatInitiative
OR "protect children not abuse" OR ProtectChildrenNotAbuse
OR csam
OR ncmec
OR scanning
OR ""
- π Apple: CSAM surveillance proposal - LATEST Tweets
- π Apple: CSAM surveillance proposal - TOP Tweets
- β€οΈ Share this Search for 'Apple: CSAM surveillance proposal' in a Tweet!
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
- Apple Introduces Parental Control Feature That Scans Messages for Nudity (
- Apple delays child abuse detection system after backlash (
- Apple delays plan to scan iPhones for child abuse BBC News (
- Apple delays plans to scan cloud uploads for child sexual abuse images Apple The Guardian (
- Apple plans to scan US iPhones for child abuse imagery (
- Apple to roll out child safety feature that scans messages for nudity to UK iPhones Apple The Guardi (
- Apples Mistake Stratechery by Ben Thompson (
- Apples dangerous path TechCrunch (
- Daring Fireball Apples New Child Safety Initiatives and the Slippery Slope (
- If You Build It They Will Come Apple Has Opened the Backdoor to Increased Surveillance and Censorshi (
- Report Apple to announce client side photo hashing system to detect child abuse images in users phot (
- Thorn statement on Apples pause of implementing child safety measures Thorn (
- matthew_d_green status 1423071186616000513 (
- matthew_d_green status 1423110719533371393 (
- matthew_d_green status 1423407898890326021 (
- nytimes com (
"neural hash" OR NeuralHash
OR "neural match" OR NeuralMatch
OR (
OR iCloud
OR iPhone
"child abuse" OR ChildAbuse
OR "child safety" OR ChildSafety
OR "client side" OR ClientSide
OR csam
OR cse
OR "illegal imagery"
OR "law enforcement"
OR ncmec
OR scanning
- π Apple: Tank-Man Image - LATEST Tweets
- π Apple: Tank-Man Image - TOP Tweets
- β€οΈ Share this Search for 'Apple: Tank-Man Image' in a Tweet!
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
( apple OR csam )
OR tienanmen
OR "tank man" OR TankMan
OR "tank guy" OR TankGuy
- π Apple: UK Home Office TCN on iMessage iCloud Backup Encryption - LATEST Tweets
- π Apple: UK Home Office TCN on iMessage iCloud Backup Encryption - TOP Tweets
- β€οΈ Share this Search for 'Apple: UK Home Office TCN on iMessage iCloud Backup Encryption' in a Tweet!
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
- Apple Ordered by UK to Create Global iCloud Encryption Backdoor MacRumors (
- Apple ordered to open encrypted user accounts globally to UK spying The Verge (
- U K orders Apple to let it spy on users encrypted accounts The Washington Post (
- UK government demands access to Apple users encrypted data BBC News (
- UKHomeOffice orders Apple to let it spy on users encrypted accounts iCloud Backups WaPo and now we w (
- technology 2025 02 07 apple encryption backdoor uk (
OR "advanced data protection"
OR icloud
OR imessage
"back door" OR BackDoor
OR encrypted
OR encryption
- π EARN-IT Act - LATEST Tweets
- π EARN-IT Act - TOP Tweets
- β€οΈ Share this Search for 'EARN-IT Act' in a Tweet!
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
- The EARN IT Bill Is Back Seeking To Scan Our Messages and Photos Electronic Frontier Foundation (
"earn it act" OR EarnItAct
OR "earn it bill" OR EarnItBill
OR "restrict act" OR RestrictAct
OR "kids online safety act" OR KidsOnlineSafetyAct
- π End-To-End Encryption: Breaking - LATEST Tweets
- π End-To-End Encryption: Breaking - TOP Tweets
- β€οΈ Share this Search for 'End-To-End Encryption: Breaking' in a Tweet!
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
"break e2e"
OR "break e2ee"
OR "break encryption"
OR "break end to end"
OR "break endToEndEncryption"
OR "breaking e2e"
OR "breaking e2ee"
OR "breaking encryption"
OR "breaking end to end"
OR "breaking endToEndEncryption"
OR "chat control"
OR chatcontrol
OR chatkontrolle
OR "undermine e2e"
OR "undermine e2ee"
OR "undermine encryption"
OR "undermine end to end"
OR "undermine endToEndEncryption"
OR (
OR e2ee
OR "end to end"
OR endToEnd
- π End-To-End Encryption: Children - LATEST Tweets
- π End-To-End Encryption: Children - TOP Tweets
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
OR "online safety bill" OR OnlineSafetyBill
OR OnlineSafetyCom
OR LordsCommsCom
OR (
OR children
OR kid
OR kids
OR parent
OR parents
OR encrypt
OR encrypted
OR encrypting
OR encryption
OR endToEndEncryption
OR barnardos
OR blackrock
OR campaign
OR facebook
OR government
OR ico
OR instagram
OR iwf
OR mcfcharity
OR messenger
OR nspcc
OR online
OR ukhomeoffice
OR vanguard
OR whatsapp
- π End-To-End Encryption: European Union Backdoors - LATEST Tweets
- π End-To-End Encryption: European Union Backdoors - TOP Tweets
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
- AlecMuffett status 1655593946687365121 (
- Chatkontrolle Juristischer Dienst des EU Ministerrats prognostiziert Scheitern heise online (
- EU lawyers say plan to scan private messages for child abuse may be unlawful European Union The Guar (
- Golem de IT News fuer Profis (
- Leaked EU Council legal analysis EU chat control plans for indiscriminately searching private messag (
"chat control" OR ChatControl
OR "chat kontrolle" OR ChatKontrolle
OR (
OR "european commission"
OR "european union"
OR "eu council" OR EuCouncil
OR "ylva johansson" OR YlvaJohansson
OR csei
OR e2ee
OR encrypted
OR encryption
OR surveillance
OR "ΓΌberwachung"
OR "end to end encryption" OR EndToEndEncryption
- π End-To-End Encryption: General - LATEST Tweets
- π End-To-End Encryption: General - TOP Tweets
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
OR "end to end encryption" OR EndToEndEncryption
OR "chat control" OR ChatControl
OR "chat kontrolle" OR ChatKontrolle
OR (
OR chiffrement
OR cryptage
OR encrypt
OR encrypted
OR encryption
OR encryptions
OR algorithms
OR e2e
OR "end to end"
OR facebook
OR instagram
OR "law enforcement"
OR messenger
OR nspcc
OR unregulated
OR whatsapp
- π End-To-End Encryption: Whitaker-Collins Debate on the #OnlineSafetyBill - LATEST Tweets
- π End-To-End Encryption: Whitaker-Collins Debate on the #OnlineSafetyBill - TOP Tweets
- β€οΈ Share this Search for 'End-To-End Encryption: Whitaker-Collins Debate on the #OnlineSafetyBill' in a Tweet!
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
- Channel4News status 1675922360237694978 (
- Messaging app CEOs warning for journalists over Online Safety Bill Press Gazette (
- Online Safety Bill WhatsApp Signal Element issue stark final warning against mass snooping of messag (
- Online Safety Bill debate Could it lead to unprecedented paradigm shifting surveillance Channel 4 Ne (
- Online Safety Bill debate Could it lead to unprecedented paradigm shifting surveillance YouTube (
"online safety bill" OR OnlineSafetyBill
OR mer__edith
OR (
"damian collins" OR DamianCollins
OR "damien collins" OR DamienCollins
OR encryption
OR encrypted
OR signal
OR whatsapp
OR tech
- π Fake Rumours of Signal and WhatsApp Vulnerabilities - LATEST Tweets
- π Fake Rumours of Signal and WhatsApp Vulnerabilities - TOP Tweets
- β€οΈ Share this Search for 'Fake Rumours of Signal and WhatsApp Vulnerabilities' in a Tweet!
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
( signalapp OR whatsapp )
( attack OR attacks )
- π Nevada attempting to ban End-To-End Encryption for Minors - LATEST Tweets
- π Nevada attempting to ban End-To-End Encryption for Minors - TOP Tweets
- β€οΈ Share this Search for 'Nevada attempting to ban End-To-End Encryption for Minors' in a Tweet!
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
- 2024 02 20 NV States Motion for TRO and Prelim Injunction on OST pdf Google Drive (
- BREAKING US State of Nevada attempting to BAN End to End Encryption for Teenagers Kids and implicitl (
- Social Media Platforms Investigation and Litigation (
- riana quot An absolutely bonkers assault on encryption is ha quot Lawprofs Mastodon (
OR (
OR encrypted
OR encryption
OR encryptions
- π Online Safety Bill - LATEST Tweets
- π Online Safety Bill - TOP Tweets
- β€οΈ Share this Search for 'Online Safety Bill' in a Tweet!
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
- An Unsafe Bill How the Online Safety Bill threatens free speech innovation and privacy Institute of (
- Breaking badly net wars (
- Cyberleagle An Online Harms Compendium (
- Dont Scan Me Open Rights Group (
- Dont follow Iran in banning encrypted messaging like Signal and WhatsApp (
- Encryption Keeps Kids Safe Online Internet Society (
- How the OnlineSafetyBills OFCOM surveillance measures can will bring about public emasculation of th (
- Inside The Lords umbrellas crowns and attempted cancellations (
- Internexit by James Ball Techtris (
- M_feeney status 1651873027011772416 (
- New magical thinking law and puts everyones privacy at risk warns president of Signal app The Indepe (
- Online Safety Bill Policy Hub Open Rights Group (
- Stop the passing of the Online Safety Bill Petitions (
- The Online Safety Bill risks making apps more vulnerable to attacks from bad actors (
- The UKs Online Safety Bill explained The Verge (
- Three Reasons Americans Should Be Concerned about the United Kingdoms Online Safety Bill Cato at Lib (
- UK readers may lose access to Wikipedia amid online safety bill requirements UK news The Guardian (
- WhatsApp Rather be blocked in UK than weaken security BBC News (
- WhatsApp Signal Claim Online Safety Bill Threatens User Privacy and Safety Infosecurity Magazine (
- WhatsApp and Signal Say the UKs Online Safety Bill Puts Your Privacy at Risk CNET (
- WhatsApp and Signal unite against online safety bill amid privacy concerns WhatsApp The Guardian (
- Why WhatsApp could quit the UK over the Online Safety Bill The Spectator (
- Wikipedia will not perform Online Safety Bill age checks BBC News (
- Wikipedia will not perform Online Safety Bill age checks The Register (
"online safety bill" OR OnlineSafetyBill
OR "online safety act" OR OnlineSafetyAct
OR rephrain
- π Regulation: EU Digital Identity Framework - LATEST Tweets
- π Regulation: EU Digital Identity Framework - TOP Tweets
- β€οΈ Share this Search for 'Regulation: EU Digital Identity Framework' in a Tweet!
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
- EUs Digital Identity Framework Endangers Browser Security Electronic Frontier Foundation (
- Internet Impact Brief Mandated Browser Root Certificates in the European Unions eIDAS Regulation on (
- Mozilla publishes position paper on the EU Digital Identity Framework Open Policy amp Advocacy (
- What the Duck Why an EU Proposal to Require quot QWACs quot Will Hurt Internet Security Electronic F (
- [PDF]
OR ""
OR eidas
OR eidas2
OR "digital identity framework" OR DigitalIdentityFramework
OR "eu digital id" OR EuDigitalId
OR "eu digital identity" OR EuDigitalIdentity
OR eueid
OR "qualified web authentication"
OR (
OR qwacs
OR browsers
OR certificate
OR certtificates
OR mozilla
OR tls
- π Regulation: KOSA, KOSPA, COPPA - LATEST Tweets
- π Regulation: KOSA, KOSPA, COPPA - TOP Tweets
- β€οΈ Share this Search for 'Regulation: KOSA, KOSPA, COPPA' in a Tweet!
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
OR (
OR kosa
- π Safer Internet Day: General - LATEST Tweets
- π Safer Internet Day: General - TOP Tweets
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
OR "play it fair online" OR PlayItFairOnline
OR "safer internet day" OR SaferInternetDay
OR sid2022
- π The Balance Between ... - LATEST Tweets
- π The Balance Between ... - TOP Tweets
- β€οΈ Share this Search for 'The Balance Between ...' in a Tweet!
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
"balance between"
OR security
OR privacy
OR freedom
OR freedoms
OR rights
- π The California "Kids Code" - LATEST Tweets
- π The California "Kids Code" - TOP Tweets
- β€οΈ Share this Search for 'The California "Kids Code"' in a Tweet!
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
"ab 2273" OR Ab2273
OR "ab 02273" OR Ab02273
OR "ca kids code" OR CaKidsCode
OR caaadc
OR "age appropriate design code"
OR "california design code"
OR "california kids code"
OR "california's design code"
OR "california's kids code"
OR ""
OR ""
- π The DMA and Messenger Interoperability - LATEST Tweets
- π The DMA and Messenger Interoperability - TOP Tweets
- β€οΈ Share this Search for 'The DMA and Messenger Interoperability' in a Tweet!
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
OR "digital market" OR DigitalMarket
OR "digital markets" OR DigitalMarkets
OR "data act"
OR encrypted
OR encryption
OR interop
OR interoperability
OR messaging
OR "app store" OR AppStore
- π The EARN-IT Act & Section 230 - LATEST Tweets
- π The EARN-IT Act & Section 230 - TOP Tweets
- β€οΈ Share this Search for 'The EARN-IT Act & Section 230' in a Tweet!
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
OR StopEarnItAct2022
OR "earn it act" OR EarnItAct
OR "section 230" OR Section230
- π The "#WildWestWeb" Fallacy - LATEST Tweets
- π The "#WildWestWeb" Fallacy - TOP Tweets
- β€οΈ Share this Search for 'The "#WildWestWeb" Fallacy' in a Tweet!
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
OR wildwestinternet
OR wildwestnet
OR (
"wild west"
OR internet
OR network
OR nspcc
OR regulation
OR unregulated
-"chance to make the UK the safest place"
- π Twitter's Adoption of Encryption for Direct Messages - LATEST Tweets
- π Twitter's Adoption of Encryption for Direct Messages - TOP Tweets
- β€οΈ Share this Search for 'Twitter's Adoption of Encryption for Direct Messages' in a Tweet!
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- π‘ Suggest an Improvement
- Encrypted DMs and other DM upgrades rolling out this week Hacker News (
- Resource for Journalists How best to frame your article criticising ElonMusk for adding Encryption t (
- elonmusk status 1652335652187553794 (
- mjg59 Twitters e2ee DMs are better than nothing (
OR "elon musk" OR ElonMusk
OR dm
OR dms
OR elno
OR musk
OR e2ee
OR encrypted
OR encrypting
OR encryption
OR "client side" OR ClientSide
OR cryptographer