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"current" searches are in; older searches are archived in
- Age Verification: Australia Abandons Plans for AV ARCHIVE
- Age Verification: the UK @ChildrensComm ARCHIVE
- Alec Muffett ARCHIVE
- Anonymity: petition to require ID for social media ARCHIVE
- Apple: "Bugs In Our Pockets" Paper ARCHIVE
- Apple: delay of CSAM surveillance of iPhones and MacOS ARCHIVE
- Brianna Ghey Murder and the Dark Web ARCHIVE
- Calls To Ban Twitter ARCHIVE
- Childrens Code: "Regulation Works" Fallacy ARCHIVE
- CPAS "affirmations on sexuality" backlash ARCHIVE
- CryptoWars21 UK Cressida Dick ARCHIVE
- Digital Public Goods Alliance: DPGA ARCHIVE
- End-To-End Encryption: Apps ARCHIVE (twitter accounts for a selection of messaging apps)
- End-To-End Encryption: GCHQ & NCSC "Ghost" Protocol ARCHIVE
- End-To-End Encryption: GCHQ & NCSC "Ghost" Protocol: Press Coverage ARCHIVE
- End-To-End Encryption: Meta launch E2EE for Facebook Messenger ARCHIVE
- End-To-End Encryption: UK Riots ARCHIVE
- Facebook in China ARCHIVE
- Hacking, Pegasus Project ARCHIVE
- Iranian Network and Social Media Censorship ARCHIVE (in the wake of the murder of #MahsaAmini)
- July 2022 Reshuffle ARCHIVE
- Match Of The Day ARCHIVE (#GaryLineker #IanWright and the #MatchOfTheDay Boycott #MoTD)
- Proposals for Perpetual British Summer Time ARCHIVE (#BritishSummerTime)
- ProPublica think that WhatsApp abuse reports are a backdoor ARCHIVE
- ProPublica think that WhatsApp abuse reports are a backdoor, press coverage ARCHIVE
- The UK Helicopter Parents Charter ARCHIVE
- TheWire and Instagram and Meta ARCHIVE (and #TekFog)
- UK Internet Governance Forum: UKIGF ARCHIVE
- WhatsApp and timing attacks are not a backdoor ARCHIVE
- 👉 Age Verification: Australia Abandons Plans for AV ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 Age Verification: Australia Abandons Plans for AV ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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- Australia will not force adult websites to bring in age verification due to privacy and security con (
"age verification" OR AgeVerification
OR australia
OR australian
OR esafety
OR esafetyoffice
OR tweetingjules
OR "inman grant" OR InmanGrant
OR ""
- 👉 Age Verification: the UK @ChildrensComm ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 Age Verification: the UK @ChildrensComm ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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"children's commissioner"
OR "childrens commissioner"
OR childrenscomm
OR "rachel de souza"
OR "rachel desouza"
OR rachel_desouza
- 👉 Alec Muffett ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 Alec Muffett ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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"alec muffett" OR AlecMuffett
OR "alec muffet" OR AlecMuffet
OR ""
- 👉 Anonymity: petition to require ID for social media ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 Anonymity: petition to require ID for social media ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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OR (#trackatroll)
OR (
-"Make verified ID a requirement for opening"
OR (
( "katie price" OR KatiePrice )
- 👉 Apple: "Bugs In Our Pockets" Paper ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 Apple: "Bugs In Our Pockets" Paper ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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- [PDF]
"bugs in our pockets" OR BugsInOurPockets
OR "auto-scans of phones would violate"
OR "client side content scanning"
OR "client side scanning"
OR ClientSideScanning
OR "cybersecurity experts sound alarm"
OR "phone scanning"
OR "tears at heart of privacy"
OR "automatically scan all iphones"
- 👉 Apple: delay of CSAM surveillance of iPhones and MacOS ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 Apple: delay of CSAM surveillance of iPhones and MacOS ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
( child OR csam )
OR delaying
OR disappoint
OR disappointed
OR disappointing
OR pause
OR pauses
OR postpone
OR postpones
OR reconsider
OR reconsidering
OR scan
OR scanning
OR surveillance
- 👉 Brianna Ghey Murder and the Dark Web ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 Brianna Ghey Murder and the Dark Web ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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OR briannaghey
OR ghey
OR bbclaurak
OR government
OR ofcom
"dark web" OR DarkWeb
- 👉 Calls To Ban Twitter ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 Calls To Ban Twitter ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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OR block
"elon musk" OR ElonMusk
OR "social media" OR SocialMedia
OR telegram
OR twitter
OR whatsapp
OR x
- 👉 Childrens Code: "Regulation Works" Fallacy ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 Childrens Code: "Regulation Works" Fallacy ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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"regulation works"
"age appropriate"
OR "child safety"
OR children
OR "children's code"
OR csam
OR "design code"
OR kidron
OR "online harms"
OR "personal data"
OR platforms
- 👉 CPAS "affirmations on sexuality" backlash ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 CPAS "affirmations on sexuality" backlash ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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OR cpasnews
OR cpasleadership
OR affirmations
OR bishopruthb
OR conversion
OR sexuality
- 👉 CryptoWars21 UK Cressida Dick ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 CryptoWars21 UK Cressida Dick ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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OR ""
OR (
"cressida dick" OR CressidaDick
OR encryption
OR terrorism
OR terrorist
OR terrorists
OR "tech giants"
- 👉 Digital Public Goods Alliance: DPGA ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 Digital Public Goods Alliance: DPGA ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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OR dialcommunity
OR digitalundp
OR dpgalliance
OR dpgcharter
OR "digital public good" OR DigitalPublicGood
OR "digital public goods" OR DigitalPublicGoods
OR "information pollution" OR InformationPollution
- 👉 End-To-End Encryption: Apps ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 End-To-End Encryption: Apps ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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OR +@element_hq
OR +@matrixdotorg
OR +@messenger
OR +@mywickr
OR +@r2refresh
OR +@session_app
OR +@signalapp
OR +@telegram
OR +@threema
OR +@torproject
OR +@wa_status
OR +@whatsapp
OR +@wire
- 👉 End-To-End Encryption: GCHQ & NCSC "Ghost" Protocol ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 End-To-End Encryption: GCHQ & NCSC "Ghost" Protocol ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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OR "crispin robinson"
OR "ian levy"
OR ncsc
OR ( levy robinson )
"exceptional access" OR ExceptionalAccess
OR "commodity platforms"
OR "end to end"
OR "reconcile encryption"
OR "child safety" OR ChildSafety
OR backdoor
OR e2e
OR e2ee
OR encrypted
OR encryption
- 👉 End-To-End Encryption: GCHQ & NCSC "Ghost" Protocol: Press Coverage ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 End-To-End Encryption: GCHQ & NCSC "Ghost" Protocol: Press Coverage ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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OR ""
OR ""
OR ""
- 👉 End-To-End Encryption: Meta launch E2EE for Facebook Messenger ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 End-To-End Encryption: Meta launch E2EE for Facebook Messenger ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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OR fb
OR messenger
OR meta
"end to end" OR EndToEnd
OR e2e
OR e2ee
OR encrypted
OR encrypting
OR encryption
- 👉 End-To-End Encryption: UK Riots ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 End-To-End Encryption: UK Riots ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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"end to end" OR EndToEnd
OR encrypt
OR encrypted
OR encryption
OR telegram
OR whatsapp
OR blackberry
OR bristol
OR hull
OR rioter
OR rioting
OR rotheram
OR rotherham
OR southport
- 👉 Facebook in China ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 Facebook in China ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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- technology 2025 03 09 meta china censorship facebook mark zuckerberg (
OR (
OR meta
OR zuckerberg
OR zuck
"careless people" OR CarelessPeople
OR aldrin
OR china
- 👉 Hacking, Pegasus Project ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 Hacking, Pegasus Project ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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"nso group" OR NsoGroup
OR "pegasus project" OR PegasusProject
OR "israeli spyware"
OR ( nso spyware)
- 👉 Iranian Network and Social Media Censorship ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 Iranian Network and Social Media Censorship ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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OR iranian
OR censor
OR censored
OR censoring
OR censorship
OR instagram
OR internet
OR messenger
OR messengers
OR network
OR shutdown
OR signalapp
OR telegram
OR torproject
OR vpn
OR vpns
OR whatsapp
- 👉 July 2022 Reshuffle ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 July 2022 Reshuffle ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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OR "andrew murrison" OR AndrewMurrison
OR "dominic raab" OR DominicRaab
OR "jacob rees mogg" OR JacobReesMogg
OR "liz truss" OR LizTruss
OR "michael gove" OR MichaelGove
OR "nadhim zahawi" OR NadhimZahawi
OR "nadine dorries" OR NadineDorries
OR "priti patel" OR PritiPatel
OR "rishi sunak" OR RishiSunak
OR "sajid javid" OR SajidJavid
OR trussliz
- 👉 Match Of The Day ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 Match Of The Day ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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"gary lineker" OR GaryLineker
OR "alex scott" OR AlexScott
OR "ian wright" OR IanWright
OR "jermaine jenas" OR JermaineJenas
OR "match of the day" OR MatchOfTheDay
OR "micah richards" OR MicahRichards
OR alanshearer
OR bbcmotd
OR bbcmotd2
OR boycottmotd
OR ianwright0
OR istandwithgary
OR jjenas8
OR lineker
OR motd
OR shearer
- 👉 Proposals for Perpetual British Summer Time ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 Proposals for Perpetual British Summer Time ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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- - Commentary + British Economic Time
- - Report by David Prerau to maintain status quo
- - Manchester Sunrise Table
- - Prerau to Parliament
- - thermal model to demonstrate impact
- - Rumours
- - Wonderful Book
OR (
"summer time" OR SummerTime
OR cymru
OR england
OR english
OR "northern ireland"
OR scotland
OR scottish
OR sunrise
OR sunset
OR uk
OR wales
OR welsh
- 👉 ProPublica think that WhatsApp abuse reports are a backdoor ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 ProPublica think that WhatsApp abuse reports are a backdoor ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
( (
OR "end to end"
OR "law enforcement"
OR moderating
OR moderation
OR moderator
OR moderators
OR privacy
OR undermines
OR undermining
- 👉 ProPublica think that WhatsApp abuse reports are a backdoor, press coverage ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 ProPublica think that WhatsApp abuse reports are a backdoor, press coverage ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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OR ""
OR ""
- 👉 The UK Helicopter Parents Charter ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 The UK Helicopter Parents Charter ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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- UK Plans Talks With Big Tech to Limit Online Harm for Teens Bloomberg (
- jamesrbuk status 1779892792505905634 (
OR government
OR minister
OR ministers
"big tech"
OR alphabet
OR apple
OR google
OR instagram
OR meta
OR tiktok
OR teenager
OR teenagers
OR teens
- 👉 TheWire and Instagram and Meta ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 TheWire and Instagram and Meta ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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OR thewire
OR varadu
OR "tek fog" OR TekFog
OR (
( meta OR facebook OR fb OR instagram )
( dkim OR xcheck OR wire )
-"down to the wire"
- 👉 UK Internet Governance Forum: UKIGF ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 UK Internet Governance Forum: UKIGF ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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OR ukigf22
OR (
"internet governance" OR InternetGovernance
OR igf
OR igfs
OR "digital inclusion" OR DigitalInclusion
OR "digital inequality" OR DigitalInequality
OR "internet fragmentation" OR InternetFragmentation
OR "online harms" OR OnlineHarms
OR "resilient internet" OR ResilientInternet
- 👉 WhatsApp and timing attacks are not a backdoor ARCHIVE - LATEST Tweets
- 👉 WhatsApp and timing attacks are not a backdoor ARCHIVE - TOP Tweets
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- WhatsApp Vulnerability Lets Governments See Who You Message (
OR lavender
OR palestine
OR palestinian
OR timing