Releases: algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2
Releases · algolia/algoliasearch-magento-2
What's Changed
- Fixes related to NeuralSearch compatibility #1404
- Removed the redundant jquery library from AlgoliaBundle #1398
Full Changelog: 3.11.0...3.11.1-beta
What's Changed
- Added support for Merchandising Studio and Visual Merchandiser by indexing flattened categoryID attribute to product index #1351
- Upgraded the Algolia insights to version 2.6.0 #1362
- Upgraded the Algolia PHP client to version 3.3.2 #1373
- Added ability to preserve facets selection after adding an item to the cart from the PLP #1370
- Added ability to hide Pagination when results have only one page in InstantSearch page #1401
- Increased the character limit of class field in algoliasearch_queue, algoliasearch_queue_archive table #1396
- Added ability to debounce and control the query length in autocomplete #1405
- Added ability to turn off suggestions #1407 and pages #1408 indexing
Bug Fixes
- Fixed vulnerability in query (htmlspecialcharacters) while searching using special characters #1392
- Fixed issues related to overlooked special characters in autocomplete search queries #1397
- Fixed Bundle Product Price indexing issue for Dynamic and Static Product Types #1399
- Fixed error message 'cannot apply the deleteOndex operation on a replica index' in admin #1395
Full Changelog: 3.10.6...3.11.0
What's Changed
Bug Fixes
- Replaced referenceBlock by referenceContainer following Magento best practices.
Full Changelog: 3.10.5...3.10.6
What's Changed
- Support for Merch Studio and the Visual Merchandiser.
- Upgraded the Algolia PHP client to version 3.3.2
- Upgraded the Algolia insight 2.6.0
- Preserve facet selections after adding an item to the cart from the PLP
- Fixes related to NeuralSearch compatibility
Full Changelog: 3.10.5...3.11.0-beta
What's Changed
- Added the code to hide Pagination when the results have only one page in InstantSearch page
- Add the code to fix the php8.2 version compatibility issues
- Replaced referenceBlock by referenceContainer following Magento best practices
- Revert removal of tier price field for product
Full Changelog: 3.10.4...3.10.5
What's Changed
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the checkout console “tagName” error due to autocomplete not defined by ensuring proper loading of the js library
- Fixed the undefined config variable issue in recommend
- Fixed the issue with logged in user token for click and conversion when personification is turned off.
- Fixed the issue with Item’s click position for Recommend Events
- Fixed the issue with Hyphen converted to slash in facets
Full Changelog: 3.10.3...3.10.4
What's Changed
- Ensured compatibility of the extension with Magento 2.4.6 with PHP 8.2
- Addressed dependency when pushing data to Algolia to ensure that the pricing records are in place.
- Enforce RequireJS for all JavaScript libraries to ensure proper dependency loading order
- Added support for Algolia Query Suggestions
- Added new frontend events for Autocomplete v1 (afterAutocompleteSources and afterAutocompletePlugins)
- Removed the indexing of out-of-stock options for configurable products from algolia config and instead utilize Magento's out-of-stock settings to determine how products are displayed and indexed.
- Introduced enhanced logging for indexing Queue
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with empty rangeSlider on instant search page
- Updated code to fix the autocomplete position during click events.
- Fixed Bundle product add to cart issue for instant search page with default selected options.
- Addressed missing category data for products when the "show_cats_not_included_in_navigation" option is enabled.
- Fixed rating_summary issue with null values on the instant search page has been fixed.
- Added condition to handle algoliaConfig variable if search disabled from admin
Full Changelog: 3.10.2...3.10.3
What's Changed
- Ensured compatibility of the extension with Magento 2.4.6
Full Changelog: 3.7.0-p1...3.7.0-p2
What's Changed
- Ensured compatibility of the extension with Magento 2.4.6
- Updated the code to allow for convenient customization of object serialization #1326
- Enhanced comments for non-castable attributes in system configuration #1329
- Updated the code to ensure that accurate prices are indexed for bundle products when the dynamic price attribute is turned off #1327
- Updated autocomplete to include userToken and enablePersonalization tag in search requests #1320
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with section.label in autocomplete #1322
- Resolved issue with nbOfQuerySuggestions in autocomplete #1325
- Fixed routing error related to disabling searchBox for instant search page #1331
- Resolved deployment issue with prefixed Magento database tables #1321
- Fixed spacing issue with pagination on instant search page #1328
Full Changelog: 3.10.1...3.10.2
What's Changed
- Added recommended js version in readme file.
Bug Fixes
- Add caching on category name lookup (scoped by store) to fix slowness in indexing.
- Prevent loss of synonyms while copying from tmp index during Indexing in Algolia Dashboard.
- Fixed the translation issue of labels in Algolia autocomplete dropdown
- Ensured compatibility of the extension with PHP 7.4
- Resolved the deployment issue related to prefixing Magento database tables
Full Changelog: 3.10.0...3.10.1