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Kevin Fodness edited this page Jun 20, 2018 · 11 revisions

Themes allow you to create custom sets of formatting settings for your posts. The Publish to Apple News plugin creates a set of default themes for Apple News. You can choose one of the example themes as a starting point, and can customize individual component settings so you can create your own unique design for your Apple News content.

To get started, click the Themes submenu under Apple News.

Apple News Menu

Creating Themes

Apple News automatically adds a Default theme as well as several example themes. If you were using the plugin prior to version 1.2.2 when themes were introduced, your current Formatting settings will automatically be imported into the Default theme. If you were using the plugin prior to version 1.3.0 when additional example themes were introduced, you can load them by using the Load Example Themes button on the Themes page.

Theme List

To create a new theme, simply click the Create New Theme button at the top of the theme list and follow the instructions under Editing Themes.

Editing Themes

General notes

  1. All sizes are in points. Please enter only the number. Note that Apple does automatically adjust some font sizes automatically for different device screen sizes and orientations and therefore font sizes may not always be exact. If you want to test settings, please download Xcode and the News Preview tool.
  2. Colors can be selected using the WordPress color picker or by entering the HTML color code in #123456 format.
  3. Font dropdowns show a live preview of the font on macOS only.
  4. Starting with version 1.2.0, we've also introduced a live web preview that shows an approximation of what your content will look like in Apple News. If you're on macOS, you can also see a live preview of all fonts that you select.

Theme Edit

Theme Name

Add or edit the name for the theme.

Layout Spacing

Layout margin: The left and right margins for components that aren't full width, such as the cover.

Layout gutter: The spacing between columns of components.

Read more about layout options in the Apple News Format Reference.


The body corresponds to the main paragraphs of text in your content. Anything enclosed in a <p> tag gets converted to a body component. You can format the body with the following options:

Body font size

Body line height

Body tracking: Percentage of font size.

Body font color

Body font hyperlink color

Body background color

Body orientation: Can be left, right or center. Controls margins on larger screens. Left orientation includes one column of margin on the right, right orientation includes one column of margin on the left, and center orientation includes one column of margin on either side.

Read more about formatting the body in the Apple News Format Reference.


The first letter at the beginning of your post can be converted to a drop cap, which is a large letter that span multiple paragraphs. It's a nice visual touch for your readers, though not required. You can format the drop cap with the following options:

Use initial drop cap: Turns the drop cap on and off.

Drop cap background color

Drop cap font color

Drop cap font face

Drop cap number of characters

Drop cap number of lines: Must be an integer between 2 and 10. Actual number of lines occupied will vary based on device size.

Drop cap number of raised lines

Drop cap padding

Read more about formatting the drop cap in the Apple News Format Reference.


The byline displays the article's author and publish date.

Byline font face Byline font size Byline line height Byline tracking: Percentage of font size. Byline font color Byline format: Two tokens can be present, #author# to denote the location of the author name and a PHP date format string also encapsulated by #. The default format is "by #author# | #M j, Y | g:i A#". Note that byline format updates only preview on save.

Read more about formatting the byline in the Apple News Format Reference.


Headings are used for <h1> through <h6> tags that are present in your content.

Header 1 font face

Header 1 font color

Header 1 font size

Header 1 line height

Header 1 tracking: Percentage of font size.

Header 2 font face

Header 2 font color

Header 2 font size

Header 2 line height

Header 2 tracking: Percentage of font size.

Header 3 font face

Header 3 font color

Header 3 font size

Header 3 line height

Header 3 tracking: Percentage of font size.

Header 4 font face

Header 4 font color

Header 4 font size

Header 4 line height

Header 4 tracking: Percentage of font size.

Header 5 font face

Header 5 font color

Header 5 font size

Header 5 line height

Header 5 tracking: Percentage of font size.

Header 6 font face

Header 6 font color

Header 6 font size

Header 6 line height

Header 6 tracking: Percentage of font size.

Read more about formatting headings in the Apple News Format Reference.

Image caption

Caption font face

Caption font size

Caption line height

Caption tracking: Percentage of font size.

Caption font color

Pull quote

Pull quotes are a block of text that can appear in the middle of your article to highlight an important quote or concept. These can be added when you publish.

Pull quote font face

Pull quote font size

Pull quote line height

Pull quote tracking: Percentage of font size.

Pull quote color

Pull hanging punctuation: If set to "yes," adds smart quotes (if not already present) and sets the hanging punctuation option to true.

Pull quotes also have a top and bottom border to make them stand out from the content.

Pull quote border style: can be none, solid, dashed or dotted.

Pull quote border color

Pull quote border width

Pull quote transformation: this can automatically uppercase the pull quote content.

Read more about formatting pull quotes in the Apple News Format Reference.


Blockquotes are a block of text that can appear throughout your article to highlight an important quotes. They are created using the <blockquote> tag in WordPress.

Blockquote font face

Blockquote font size

Blockquote line height

Blockquote tracking: Percentage of font size.

Blockquote color

Blockquote also have a left border and background to make them stand out from the content.

Blockquote border style: can be none, solid, dashed or dotted.

Blockquote border color

Blockquote border width

Blockquote background color

Read more about formatting blockquotes in the Apple News Format Reference.

Table (requires HTML support)

Table border color

Table border style

Table border width

Table body background color

Table body font color

Table body font face

Table body horizontal alignment

Table body line height

Table body padding

Table body font size

Table body tracking: (Percentage of font size)

Table body vertical alignment

Table header background color

Table header font color

Table header font face

Table header horizontal alignment

Table header line height

Table header padding

Table header font size

Table header tracking: (Percentage of font size)

Table header vertical alignment

Monospaced (<pre>, <code>, <samp>)

Monospaced font face

Monospaced font size

Monospaced line height

Monospaced tracking: Percentage of font size.

Monospaced font color


Gallery type: Can either be a standard gallery, or mosaic.

Read more about formatting galleries in the Apple News Format Reference.


Enable advertisements

Ad Frequency: A number between 1 and 10 defining the frequency for automatically inserting Banner Advertisement components into articles. For more information, see the Apple News Format Reference.

Ad Margin: The margin to use above and below inserted ads.

Read more about advertisements in the Apple News Format Reference.

Component order

Drag these to change the order of the cover (i.e. your featured image), title and byline at the top of the article. Note that if you don't set a featured image, Apple News will automatically promote the first image in your post content to this location. If you want to remove any or all of these components, drag them to the Inactive column on the right.


You can optionally provide a URL to a screenshot of your theme. The URL can be to an image in the media library of your site, but does not need to be. Screenshots should be 1200x900 in PNG format.

Deleting Themes

From the main theme list, click the Delete button on any theme to remove it. Please note that you cannot delete the active theme. To delete the active theme, you must first switch to another theme. If there is only one theme installed, it cannot be deleted.

Exporting Themes

From the main theme list, click the Export button on any theme to download a JSON file of your theme settings. The name of the theme is stored within the file, so it's safe to rename this file as you wish. This file can be shared with other sites to import the theme settings.

Importing Themes

To import a theme from a JSON file, click the Import Theme button at the top of the main theme list. This will display a form where you can select the file to upload from your computer. Click the Upload button to import it.

Theme Upload

The new theme will then appear in the list and will be available for selection. Note that if you import a theme that has the same name as an existing theme, it will be overwritten.

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