83 commits
to master
since this release
- Reworked the HEXACO trait attribution at 16: instead of being entirely randomly generated, each child has 10% of getting a random HEXACO trait from each category but this base chance is modified by live parents and guardian (+20 for each parents/guardian having the same trait and subsequently +15/10/5/3 for having trait of the same type).
Example 1 : Both parents and the child's guardian have the Faithful trait: chances of getting the Faithful trait for the child are: 10+20+20+20
Example 2 : Mother has Faithful, Father has Just: chances of getting the Faithful trait are: 10+20+15
Example 3 : Mother has Faithful, Father has Humble: chances of getting the Faithful trait are: 10+20+3 - Added proper tooltip for Popularity/Legitimacy levels and monthly increase (Next should be the breakdown of the monthly increase)
- Added an income malus modifier to newly appointed Roman Empire officials (-25% taxes for a year)
- Made Doukaton contract levels into "radiobutton" (meaning you do not have to linearly move between the levels) (will need to revisit them later as some levels are not relevant anymore with this setup)
- Reduced chances of random sex between strangers during Feasts
- Reduced chances of Abduction and Murder from target title tier.
- Added the possibility to swap officials with the Replace Official interaction instead of always naming new landless ones.
- Reduced base popular revolt chances modifier from different religion
- Added a new character interaction for the Roman Emperor to convert feudal vassals into Doukaton/Theme (depending on their geographical situation) for a price (500 gold base for duchies and 1000 for Kingdom tier) and a reward (+20 Popularity/Legitimacy) if the title is a de-jure Roman Empire title.
- Bugfixes