81 commits
to master
since this release
- Overhauled how heresies work, they will trigger now on a random Monk/Priest who will convert to the new heresy and spark up popular county conversion in the geographical location of the heresiarch, only the player host of the heretic Monk/Priest can decide to convert to the new heresy
- Overhauled the Martial education traits: vanilla martial education is now understood as a physical martial arts education when you learn to fight. The education martial trait thus give prowess instead of martial. Upon 16th birthday, children following a martial education can gain the Commander trait (same tier as vanilla martial education and same stats) representing his ability to lead men and armies. Barring exceptional individuals (or proven Commander guardians), 16 year old will not get the highest martial tier but can learn to be better commanders during battles either as commanders or as knights (half of the experience). Positive Openess to Experience and Honesty Humility traits will make them progress and improve their Commander trait faster
- Removed Martial stat bonus from Berserker
- Added Martial stat (2,4,6) for the Hunter trait
- Going below 25 Popularity as the Basileus will give every Doux, Tagma commanders and high administration official a claim on the Empire
- GUI rewriting to reduce size of error log
- Going for a run (Stress Reduction Decision from Athletic trait will reduce your target weight now, no more Athletic obese characters regularly going for a run and not seeing any result)
- Added an event triggered when you become Roman Emperor through a Faction Demand to decide on what to do with your predecessor (snip snip)
- Reduced to 0 the negative Marriage weighting modifier based on the number of owned alliances
- Improved Legitimacy calculation weighting for the Emperor election: one Legitimacy point give you one additional vote weight up until 150 where it caps
- Increased Junior Emperor trait vote weight in Emperor election to 150 (from 100)
- Blind and Eunuch characters are barred from the Emperor election
- Born in the Purple and positive Beauty traits increase initial Popularity calculation (+20 ; +10/15/20)
- Added crutches to the AI when becoming Roman Emperor to choose one of the Basileus Lifestyle focuses
- Cannot buy land/add Family succession law to a county title under a Kourator duchy title
- Increased chances for the AI to take the Sponsor Church Renovation decision when Popularity is below 50
- Automatic government change for roman vassals using roman government when they fall outside of the empire
- Increased the AI chance to take the Imperial Expedition decision if they have Martial quality traits and inversely if they are do not
- Increased Ai chance to replace/fire the Domestikos of the Scholai if he is not of your own dynasty
- Barred +55 years old characters from Strategos elections.
- Reworked Obsessed Hunter trait gfx to be more in line with vanilla style
- Reduced weight gain from Feast Activity by half
- Added a minimum 0.1 income and 100 levies to Sparsely Populated Holdings
- Changed the 1066 De Jure setup for the Kingdom of France by including all of Aquitaine and Catalonia