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A Snakemake pipeline for variant calling of genomic FASTQ data using GATK

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This project is a snakemake workflow for processing .fastq.gz files and downstream analyses. The variant calling is primarily based on the GATK best practices for germline short variant discovery. Later analyses include pairwise relationship estimation and admixture.

NOTE This project is not meant for general use. Workflow rules are created as I need them for my particular research and rules are not always in a usable state. Feel free to create your own fork of this project for your own research needs, but don't expect everything to work out of the box.


conda is a package manager that can install many of the tools for this program. Once installed, use the below conda commands to obtain the required packages:

conda install mamba
mamba install -c bioconda snakemake
mamba install -c conda-forge biopython
mamba install -c anaconda pandas

Some will still have to be installed manually outside of conda. Depending on which part of the workflow is being used, the following may need to be installed as well and must be accessible through $PATH. The main one being gatk.

Other necessary libraries have packages and versions stored in workflow/envs. These will be installed automatically in their own conda environment when running this snakemake pipeline.


Configuration settings are set with a .py file inside the directory config. By default, the file is active. This can be copied and renamed to create multiple config files for convenient testing with different datasets. The name of the desired config file for a particular run, however, should be set in workflow/Snakefile on the line that says from template import __dict__ as config. For example, say we create a new config This file would then be imported by changing template in that line to rhesus.

Initial required files to add to config file for first steps of variant calling are the following.

  • Species reference genome
  • Raw FASTQ files (ending with R1.fastq.gz and R2.fastq.gz)

Other subsequent steps require their own additional user-created files as well, which can all be specified in the config file.

Also, be sure to set the value for path for where the resources/ and results/ directory should go.

Setting Target Files

In addition to setting input files and variables inside the config files, target outputs (the files that we want to generate) must also be listed. These are listed inside the variable target_files. When we run, Snakemake will create the files (as well as any intermediates) based on what is listed there.

Writing the output files requires finding the rule in workflow/rules/ for what files are wanted and copying the output. For instance, if I want to make BAM files, I can find the corresponding rule align, which is in variant_calling.smk and find:

    alignment = config["results"] + "alignments/raw/{batch}/{sample}.bam",

Now, place that inside list of target files back inside our Snakefile, making sure to replace config["results"] with just results. Also replace {sample} with the actual sample name that we are interested in.

target_files = [
        results + "alignments/raw/example_batch/WGS12345.bam",

Often, many samples will be worked on at the same time. To facilitate this, we could just add more to the target list like so:

target_files = [
        results + "alignments/raw/example_batch/WGS12345.bam",
        results + "alignments/raw/example_batch/WGS23456.bam",

Although a more efficient way is to utilize the expand function:

target_files = [
        expand(results + "alignments/raw/example_batch/{sample}.bam", sample=[12345, 23456]),

A couple convenience functions are preset, SAMPLES(), SAMPLE_RUNS() and CHROMOSOMES(). SAMPLE_RUNS() gathers all of the sample names listed in config["runs"]. SAMPLES() groups the values from SAMPLE_RUNS() per sample. And CHROMOSOMES() stores all autosomes plus X, Y and MT if in the reference genome.

target_files = [
        expand(results + "alignments/raw/example_batch/{sample}.bam", sample=SAMPLES()),

As another example, to create genotyped VCFs for each chromosome, we can look at rule genotype_passing:

    config["results"] + "genotypes/pass/{dataset}.{mode}.chr{chr}.vcf.gz",

For our config file, we could have the following below. {dataset} can essentially be named anything, just be consistent. Modifying this same is helpful if we want to have multiple parallel analyses when tweaking parameters. Currently, this workflow only works with {mode} set to SNP. This mode is for future integration with indels or indels and SNPs together.

target_files = [
    expand(results + "genotypes/pass/rhesus.SNP.chr{chr}.vcf.gz", chr=CHROMOSOMES()),


Running snakemake directly within the project's main directory on the command line will initiate the program by calling workflow/Snakefile. To perform a "dry-run", you can use the command snakemake -n. This will check that the rules are functional without actually processing any data. This is helpful to quickly test for any obvious problems with new rules. If an upstream file has been modified after a downstream one, Snakemake tries to redo the pipeline from the modified file. If done accidentally, this will delete downstream files, making the rules between run again. So it is good practice to perform the dry-run before each actual run to make sure important files aren't deleted. If a file was accidentally modified and downstream files don't want to be deleted, use Unix command touch -d can be used to set the timestamp to an earlier time. For example, setting file.txt to a timestamp of October 3rd could look like touch -d '3 Oct' file.txt.

To find the reason for Snakemake rerunning files, run snakemake -n -r. One of the proposed jobs should say "reason: Updated input files: _________". Those file(s) are the source of the problem.

On SGE Cluster

To actually run the program on a Sun Grid Engine cluster, the following command can be issued from the project directory:

NAME=smk_variant; LOG=log/dirname; nohup snakemake --profile profile --configfile config/template.yaml --cluster "qsub -V -b n -cwd -pe smp {threads} -N $NAME -o $NAME.out.log -e $NAME.err.log" > $LOG/$NAME.smk.log 2>&1

Most of the Snakemake settings are stored in profile/config.yaml, which is called by the --profile profile option. The values there can be modified to adjust the maximum number of jobs and other information. The --cluster option sets the options used by the cluster. These can be left as is. However, set the names for variables NAME and LOG. NAME will be the name given to the cluster's queue and viewable with the qstat command. NAME is also used for the log files. LOG is then the directory in which the log files will be stored. This can be changed as needed to help organize logs.


Ideally, use the cluster configuration above. Otherwise, to run locally, use: nohup snakemake --use-conda -c2. The integer in -c2 means that two cores will be used. Most rules list the number of threads used, which can be used here. But unlike the cluster method above, this will need to be manually changed. Higher integers (as long as the system has such) will lead to faster processing. This command will leave the error log inside a file in the current directory labelled nohup.out.

Log Files

In addition to generating the files given in target_files, the above cluster command will also generate log files. Check these when errors occur. There are three logs ending with the following patterns:

  • .smk.log tells what jobs have been submitted, what files each is trying to make, and when jobs have completed.
  • .err.log gives details about the actual jobs themselves. When submitting more than one job at once, this can become cluttered with interleaved messages from different jobs. To better find an error message for a specific job, it might require running only a single job at a time, which can be done by setting -j 1.
  • .out.log prints output messages from the jobs. Once again, these will be interleaved. But in general, there is fewer information in the this file and often not as important as the error log.

Make sure to create the directories in which the log files will be placed prior to running to avoid errors.

Common Errors

Error: Directory cannot be locked - All that is required is to add --unlock to command from earlier as below. Then, once that finishes, run again without the --unlock option.

NAME=smk_variant; LOG=log/dirname; nohup snakemake --use-conda --cluster "qsub -V -b n -cwd -pe smp {threads} -N $NAME -o $NAME.out.log -e $NAME.err.log" -j 20 --unlock > $LOG/$NAME.smk.log 2>&1

MissingOutputException - Usually, can just be rerun and will work. Likely due to system latency. Otherwise, if the same file continues to cause this problem, the rule's output (if any) does not match the file(s) listed under the rule's output.

JSONDecodeError - Removing the .snakemake/metadata directory (which has JSON files) appears to fix this. This issue is documented here: snakemake/snakemake#1342. Newer versions of snakemake may not have this problem.

Sometimes, submitted Snakemake commands will persist even when running of jobs has stopped. To deal with this, occasionally check running processes with ps -ax | grep variant-analysis. The first column of each row shows the process_id. For a "zombie process" with id 12345, we could clear it with kill -9 12345.


A Snakemake pipeline for variant calling of genomic FASTQ data using GATK







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