2022-12-05 / Sprint 16
- To test the usability of the new autocomplete feature, which allows form creators to make questions that can be autocompleted by a form completer’s browser.
- To test the usability of new question templates for form creators.
- To test the usability of 'optional questions' and list based questions for form creators.
- Civil Servants
- 6 users
- Focus Group / Interview
- The question type page is visually easy for users to engage with but for some it is just on the edge of being too long and some believe it is important to be able to see all the questions on one page without scrolling down.
- One user believed it would be easier if questions were ‘grouped’ into ‘chunks’ to reflect the beginning, middle and end of a form or by commonly used and custom questions. This raises the possibility of categorising question types and hints at the possibility users might benefit from ordering questions in a different way.
- The ‘add a person’s name’ question was completed with ease and users welcomed the ability to break the name down into component parts.
- Users found it easy to add address questions and welcomed the addition of international and UK address fields.
- Question settings are seen as a useful addition enabling users to see a summary of their questions and make changes easily. The language and layout is simple and straightforward to understand.
- Optional questions were seen, understood and implemented by users with ease.
- The guidance and examples are working well with evidence of users being prompted to think about the questions they are creating, leading to better question design. They are also copy and pasting examples into the field which saves them time.
- There were also some areas where users had some difficulty. Onto e question overview page, although the options are mostly understood there can be some problems understanding the language. For example, ‘selection from a list,’ which can be understood as a list of previous questions and ‘adding a number’ with some users unsure whether this would enable them to include other characters and symbols e.g. BH678
- Users had difficulty adding a ‘selection from a list’ because they expected the question page to be presented before creating the list of options. Currently the design is backwards. Some users indicated it would be even more beneficial to see the question and options on one page.
- One very low digitally skilled user had real problems completing the task of creating the form. There were several issues:
- The user expected to be able to add multiple questions in one go (not one at a time). Is this something we should prepare users for?
- The user didn’t appear to understand that text fields were there to key in information. He expected questions to be created for him.
- The user appeared to mistake hint text examples as real questions and where these didn’t directly correspond to the question, the user became confused.
- When attempting to add a ‘selection from a list’ question, the user used the ‘text’ option and added the options within the same field.
- The user wasn’t clear what the ‘text’ question type referred to. He thought it was a way of providing instructions or specifying where the form should go (not create open-ended questions)
- Having ‘page 1,’ ‘page 2’, ‘page 3’ for uncompleted questions in the overview page didn’t appear to alert the user to the fact he hadn’t entered a question.