GOV.UK Frontend release v0.0.30-alpha
0.0.30-alpha (Minor release)
With this new release we have added the Inset text and the Header component. These will be documented in the GOV.UK Design System website soon. With the release of the Header component we're closer to replacing govuk_template with the boilerplate left (which we're working on now).
🔧 Fixes:
Update component readme files content
(PR #704) -
Fix panel body element rendering with no text
(PR #707)
🆕 New features:
Add override classes to set
property toblock
(PR #694) -
Add option to set CSS display property for govuk-shape-arrow mixin
(PR #701) -
Add header component (PR #695)
Add inset text component (PR #709)
Add ability to pass explicit name value to checkbox items (PR #719)
🏠 Internal: