From 4814eaf938f912ad08debc55db649fb2f671e645 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Todd Bilsborrow <>
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 11:16:05 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Estimate confidence numbers for hypotheses, based on Kaldi's
 likelihood numbers. Confidence algorithm borrowed from the
 sample_full_post_processor commits 2d1be9d and ea87b6a, and implemented in
 the main master/worker code.

 kaldigstserver/ | 14 +++++++++-----
 kaldigstserver/        | 18 +++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/kaldigstserver/ b/kaldigstserver/
index d7883c9..b634703 100644
--- a/kaldigstserver/
+++ b/kaldigstserver/
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class HttpChunkedRecognizeHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
     def prepare(self): = str(uuid.uuid4())
-        self.final_hyp = ""
+        self.final_hyp = {"transcript":"", "num_segments":0, "total_confidence":0.0}
         self.final_result_queue = Queue()
         self.user_id = self.request.headers.get("device-id", "none")
         self.content_id = self.request.headers.get("content-id", "none")
@@ -165,7 +165,9 @@ def end_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
         hyp = yield tornado.gen.Task(self.get_final_hyp)
         if self.error_status == 0:
   "%s: Final hyp: %s" % (, hyp))
-            response = {"status" : 0, "id":, "hypotheses": [{"utterance" : hyp}]}
+            # overall confidence is the average of all segments' confidences
+            hyp_confidence = 0 if hyp["num_segments"] == 0 else hyp["total_confidence"] / hyp["num_segments"]
+            response = {"status" : 0, "id":, "hypotheses": [{"utterance" : hyp["transcript"], ":confidence": hyp_confidence}]}
   "%s: Error (status=%d) processing HTTP request: %s" % (, self.error_status, self.error_message))
@@ -186,9 +188,11 @@ def send_event(self, event):
         if event["status"] == 0 and ("result" in event):
                 if len(event["result"]["hypotheses"]) > 0 and event["result"]["final"]:
-                    if len(self.final_hyp) > 0:
-                        self.final_hyp += " "
-                    self.final_hyp += event["result"]["hypotheses"][0]["transcript"]
+                    if len(self.final_hyp["transcript"]) != 0:
+                        self.final_hyp["transcript"] += " "
+                    self.final_hyp["transcript"] += event["result"]["hypotheses"][0]["transcript"]
+                    self.final_hyp["num_segments"] += 1
+                    self.final_hyp["total_confidence"] += event["result"]["hypotheses"][0]["confidence"]
                 e = sys.exc_info()[0]
                 logging.warn("Failed to extract hypothesis from recognition result:" + e)
diff --git a/kaldigstserver/ b/kaldigstserver/
index 6dc79a5..c9a4005 100644
--- a/kaldigstserver/
+++ b/kaldigstserver/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 import zlib
 import base64
 import time
+from math import exp
 from ws4py.client.threadedclient import WebSocketClient
@@ -189,13 +190,28 @@ def _on_full_result(self, full_result_json):
         full_result = json.loads(full_result_json)
         full_result['segment'] = self.num_segments
         if full_result.get("status", -1) == common.STATUS_SUCCESS:
+            # confidence estimation (requires hypotheses in descending likelihood order)
+            hypotheses = full_result["result"]["hypotheses"]
+            last_confidence = 1
+            for h in [hypotheses[i:i+2] for i in xrange(len(hypotheses))]:
+                # iterate over sliding window of size 2, including a 1-element slice at the end
+                if len(h) == 1:
+                    # this is the last hypothesis (also could be the only one)
+                    h[0]["confidence"] = last_confidence
+                else:
+                    # otherwise confidence is based on how far away the following likelihood is
+                    # but no larger than the previous confidence
+                    curr_hyp, next_hyp = h[0], h[1]
+                    last_confidence = min(last_confidence, 1 - exp(next_hyp["likelihood"] - curr_hyp["likelihood"]))
+                    curr_hyp["confidence"] = last_confidence
   "%s: Postprocessing (final=%s) result.."  % (self.request_id, final))
             logger.debug("%s: Before postprocessing: %s" % (self.request_id, full_result))
             full_result = self.post_process_full(full_result)
   "%s: Postprocessing done." % self.request_id)
             logger.debug("%s: After postprocessing: %s" % (self.request_id, full_result))