TEASER (Tool for Energy Analysis and Simulation for Efficient Retrofit) allows fast generation of archetype buildings with low input requirements and the export of individual dynamic simulation models for the below-mentioned Modelica libraries. These libraries all use the framework of Modelica IBPSA library. TEASER is being developed at the RWTH Aachen University, E.ON Energy Research Center, Institute for Energy Efficient Buildings and Indoor Climate.
The full documentation of TEASER including examples and description of modules, classes and functions can be found at the website:
This GitHub page will be used to further develop the package and make it available under the MIT License.
If you have any questions regarding TEASER feel free to contact us at ebc-teaser@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de.
TEASER Online Released If you want to generate fast and easily archetype building models you can simulate with the Modelica-IBPSA related libraries, follow this link:
Energy supply of buildings in urban context currently undergoes significant changes. The increase of renewable energy sources for electrical and thermal energy generation will require flexible and secure energy storage and distribution systems. To reflect and consider these changes in energy systems and buildings, dynamic simulation is one key element, in particular when it comes to thermal energy demand on minutely or hourly scale. Sparse and limited access to detailed building information as well as computing times are challenges for building simulation on urban scale. In addition, data acquisition and modeling for Building Performance Simulation (BPS) are time consuming and error-prone. To enable the use of BPS on urban scale we present the TEASER tool, an open framework for urban energy modeling of building stocks. TEASER provides an easy interface for multiple data sources, data enrichment (where necessary) and export of ready-to-run Modelica simulation models for all libraries supporting the Modelica IBPSA library.
TEASER is a ongoing research project, the current version is 0.6.1, which is still a pre-release.
TEASER is tested against Python versions 2.7, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6. Further using a Python distribution is recommended as they already contain (or easily support installation of) many Python packages (e.g. SciPy, NumPy, pip, PyQT, etc.) that are used in the TEASER code. Two examples of those distributions are:
- https://winpython.github.io/ WinPython comes along with a lot of Python packages (e.g. SciPy, NumPy, pip, PyQT, etc.)..
- http://conda.pydata.org/miniconda.html Conda is an open source package management system and environment management system for installing multiple versions of software packages and their dependencies and switching easily between them.
In addition, TEASER requires some specific Python packages:
- Mako: template Engine
install on a python-enabled command line with
pip install -U mako
- PyXB: XML binding Engine
install on a python-enabled command line with
pip install -U pyxb
- pytest: Unit Tests engine
install on a python-enabled command line with
pip install -U pytest
The best option to install TEASER is to use pip:
pip install teaser
If you actively develop TEASER you can clone this repository by using:
git clone [SSH-Key/Https]
and then run:
pip install -e [Path/to/your/Teaser/Clone]
which will install the local version of TEASER.
You are invited to contribute to the development of TEASER. You may report any issues by using the Issues button. Furthermore, you are welcome to contribute via Pull Requests. The workflow for changes is described in our Wiki.
- TEASER: an open tool for urban energy modelling of building stocks. Remmen P., Lauster M., Mans M., Fuchs M., Osterhage T., Müller D.. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, February 2017, pdf, bibtex
CityGML Import and Export for Dynamic Building Performance Simulation in Modelica. Remmen P., Lauster M., Mans M., Osterhage T., Müller D.. BSO16, p.329-336, September 2016, pdf, bibtex
Scalable Design-Driven Parameterization of Reduced Order Models Using Archetype Buildings with TEASER. Lauster M., Mans M., Remmen P., Fuchs M., Müller D.. BauSIM2016, p.535-542, September 2016, pdf
TEASER is released by RWTH Aachen University, E.ON Energy Research Center, Institute for Energy Efficient Buildings and Indoor Climate, under the MIT License.
This work was supported by the Helmholtz Association under the Joint Initiative “Energy System 2050 – A Contribution of the Research Field Energy”.
Parts of TEASER have been developed within public funded projects and with financial support by BMWi (German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy).