Used POD to analyze the most influencing modes in the fully developed fluid flow using a schlieren imaging dataset generated from a supersonic wind tunnel. Further implemented ESRGAN model and performed Canny Edge Deatection and Hough Transform to gain the physical entities associated with the fluid i.e Mach No. and Fluid velocity.
Pandas - Python data manipulation libraries
Open-CV - Working with images
Scipy - Performing SVD
Matplotlib - Visualizing the images
ESRGAN - Enhance the image resolution
Canny Edge Detection - Generates boundaries from image
Hough Tranform - Detects line and provide angle between two lines
- File Description
- SVD(POD).ipynb This contains the SVD model generated using the Schlieren Images.
- Fluid_wave_angle.ipynb This contains the image tranformation to binary pixel image and application of the Canny Edge Detection and Hough Transform.
- POD.pdf This contains the significance of how SVD system works and the matrices associated to it with the physical significance as well.
- Pipeline
- Installing libraries and dependency
- Schlieren dataset generated is of High Resolution and SVD model generates a covariance matrix which makes computation difficult as the space required is huge in Tbs.
- Reduced the dimensions of the images which also reduced the quality of the images.
- Perform SVD with the code mentioned in SVD(POD).ipynb which would generate the top modes of the fluid flow.
- Apply ESRGAN model to re-enhance the resolution.
- Run the code file Fluid_wave_angle.ipynb which would lead to edge generation and further the properties associated with the fully developed flow.
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