- "Audio-Project"
- Local storage app
- Pain point: How to have your audio on the go
- MVP: CLI app that convert text files into audio, allow the user the download audio from YouTube videos and convert into mp3 files, download podcasts
- Libraries: gtts, pytube for YouTube, use playwright and requests for rss feeds
- Stretch:
- Feature where user can type into a GUI (tkinter)
- Make clips
- Option to send clips
- Record an audio file
- Play an audio file
- "Maze-Solver"
- Pain point: How to solve a maze
- MVP: CLI app that receives a binary file representing the maze and returns instructions on how to solve it
- Libraries: networkx,
- Stretch:
- Returns an image of how it was solved
- Returns a video of each and every step as it's being solved
- Allow the user to specify the algorithm used to solved it as well as option to tweak it
- Generate mazes of different sizes, dimensions, difficulty levels
- use Streamlit to plot the graphs for different algorithms, its speed
- write the methods to traverse the graph