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SSilence edited this page Oct 29, 2011 · 3 revisions
Parameter Functionality
db_type database type (sqlite or mysql)
db_file sqlite databasefile
db_host database hostname
db_database database sheme
db_username database username
db_password database password
db_port port for database connections
logger_level set logging level; the log file will be found on /data/logs/default.log following logging levels are available: DEBUG, INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR, NONE use this for troubleshooting on updating feeds (but be aware that the log file can become very large)
items_perpage amount of entries per page on your stream
items_lifetime days until items will be deleted (marked items will never be deleted)
base_url base url of the selfoss page; use this option if you use a ssl proxy which changes the $_SERVER globals
username username for optional login
password password for optional login
public if you use login (username and password is set), you can allow guests to see your stream. Enter 1 for enabling this writeprotected mode
rss_title title of the generated rss feed
rss_max_items maximum amount of items in the generated rss feed
rss_mark_as_read set this to 1 for automatically marking items as read after you fetched them via rss