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Maintained feature patches

seanrand edited this page Apr 18, 2013 · 5 revisions

Not every suggestion and pull request makes the cut and gets merged into Selfoss.

Here we collect feature patches that haven't (yet?) been included in Selfoss, but are kept up-to-date by their respective developers.

  • Merge conflicts may occur in defaults.ini and have to be resolved manually.
  • Bugs and comments should be filed in the linked pull request threads (#<number>).

'Share on' entry for StatusNet (#213)

Adds a configurable 'Share on' icon for StatusNet, supports and other StatusNet instances.

Patch for Selfoss 2.6 and GitHub master

Maintained by Jean Baptiste Favre at jbfavre:share_on_statusnet

Sorting unread items by oldest (#151)

Adds a config option 'reverse_unread_order', which allows sorting of unread items from oldest to newest.

Patch for Selfoss 2.6 and GitHub master

Maintained by Sean Rand at seanrand:reverse_unread_order

Google Reader-style scrolling (#160)

Adds a config option 'top_align_on_move', which aligns the currently selected news item at the top of the screen when navigating with the keyboard short-cuts.

Patch for Selfoss 2.6 and GitHub master

Maintained by Sean Rand at seanrand:scroll_mode_option