A Canteen Automation System
- Install Node.js > v7.8. Preferably v8.x
- Install MongoDB. I'm using v3.4.9
- Download/Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/ananya0996/foodiction
- Install all the dependencies
cd foodiction npm install
- Start MongoDB
sudo service mongod start
- Start the NodeJS Application
npm start
- index.js : Entry point
- routes/
- api/
- ingredient.js : REST API endpoints for Ingredients
- item.js : REST API endpoints for Items
- order.js : REST API endpoints for Orders
- canteen.js : GET and POST endpoints for Canteen Side
- customer.js : GET and POST endpoints for Customer Side
- api/
- static/
- html/
- temp_home.html : Temporary home page. Links to other pages
- canteen_menu.html : Canteen Side menu view, modify
- canteen_orders.html : Cateen Side orders view, service
- canteen_staff.html : Cateen Side home page
- customer_menu.html : Customer Side menu view, order placing
- css/ : CSS files for each page
- js/ : JS scripts for each page
- images/ : Self Explanatory
- html/