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Andrea Corradini edited this page Apr 27, 2020 · 11 revisions

Database legend

Fact table

Dimension tables

Look up tables

Environmental and socio-economic layers


Coming soon

Extra, not shared table


Fact table with information on the diet

Name column Key Data types Description
wolfdiet_id P integer DB identifier for the diet
diet_analysis_id F integer DB identifier for type of analysis used to calculate the diet
site_id F integer DB identifier for the study site
diet_item_id F integer DB identifier for the diet item
diet_item_frequency double precision frequency of given diet item
insert_timestamp timestamp with tz date and time when the record was uploaded into the database
update_timestamp timestamp with tz date and time when the record was updated (last time)
notes text additional information
responsible character varying responsible for filling up the information in the database
reference_id F integer DB identifier for the reviewed study


Dimension table with information on the analysis used to calculate the diet

Name column Key Data types Description
diet_analysis_id P, F integer DB identifier for the analysis used to calculate the diet
source_id F integer DB identifier for type of samples used in the analyses
analytical_method_id F integer DB identifier for the analytical method
identification_method_id F integer DB identifier for the identification method
temporal_scale_id F integer DB identifier for the temporal scale
derived_diet Boolean if TRUE, diet calculated using raw data in the article
sample_size integer total number of samples analysed in the study
surface_area integer surface of the study area (in km2)
sampling_period character varying sampling duration
time_series integer number of intervals (seasons or years) in the diet analysis
spatial_effort double precision density of samples collected in the study area (sample size:surface)
temporal_effort double precision average number of samples per interval (sample size:time series)
total_effort integer number of months in which the sampling was carried out
insert_timestamp timestamp with tz date and time when the record was uploaded into the database
update_timestamp timestamp with tz date and time when the record was updated (last time)
notes text additional information


Dimension table with information on the reviewed study

Name column Key Data types Description
reference_id P, F integer DB identifier for the reviewed study
publication_year integer year of publication
type_study_id F integer DB identifier for the type of study performed
original_language character varying original language of the study
doi text Digital Object Identifier
insert_timestamp timestamp with tz date and time when the record was uploaded into the database
update_timestamp timestamp with tz date and time when the record was updated (last time)
notes text additional information


Dimension table with information on the study site

Name column Key Data types Description
site_id P, F integer DB identifier for the study site
world_country_id F integer DB identifier for the country
wolf_population_id F integer DB identifier for the wolf population
wolf_subspecies_id F integer DB identifier for the subspecies of Canis lupus
study_area character varying location of study area
pack character varying name of the wolf pack
geom_centroid geometry geometry of the study area centroid (point)
geom_area geometry geometry of the study area (area)
latitude double precision latitude of the study area centroid (EPSG 4326)
longitude double precision longitude of the study area centroid (EPSG 4326)
altitude_range_id F integer DB identifier for the altitudinal range in meters
world_dem F integer altitude in meters
world_biome_id F integer DB identifier for the biome
world_climate_id F integer DB identifier for the climate
world_human_settlement F integer Global Human Settlement Layer
world_human_footprint F integer Global Human Footprint
insert_timestamp timestamp with tz date and time when the record was uploaded into the database
update_timestamp timestamp with tz date and time when the record was updated (last time)
notes text additional information


Dimension table with information on the diet item

Name column Key Data types Description
diet_item_id P, F integer DB identifier for the diet item
common_name text common name of the diet item
taxon text lower taxonomic classification of the diet item
distribution_geom geometry geometry of species distribution range (RESTRICTED USE)
iucn_status text iucn red list assessment
year_assessment integer year of the iucn red list assessment
average_weight_ kg double precision average weight of the species in kilogram
insert_timestamp timestamp with tz date and time when the record was uploaded into the database
update_timestamp timestamp with tz date and time when the record was updated (last time)
notes text additional information

As in Newsome et al 2016, average adult body sizes were obtained from the PanTHERIA database.


Look up table with information on the type of samples used in the analyses

Name column Key Data types Description
source_id P, F integer DB identifier for type of samples used in the analyses
source_code character varying code for the type of samples used in the analyses
source_description character varying description of the type of samples used in the analyses


Look up table with information on the analytical method

Name column Key Data types Description
analytical_method_id P, F integer DB identifier for the analytical method
analytical_method_code character varying code for the analytical method
analytical_method_description character varying description of the analytical method


Look up table with information on the identification method

Name column Key Data types Description
identification_method_id P, F integer DB identifier for the identification method
identification_method_code character varying code for the identification method
identification_method_description character varying description of the identification method


Look up table with information on the temporal scale

Name column Key Data types Description
temporal_scale_id P, F integer DB identifier for the temporal scale
temporal_scale_code character varying code for the temporal scale
temporal_scale_description character varying description of the temporal scale


Look up table with the information on the type of study performed

Name column Key Data types Description
type_study_id P, F integer DB identifier for the type of study performed
type_study_code character varying code for type of study performed
type_study_description character varying description of type of study performed


Look up table with information on the wolf population

Name column Key Data types Description
wolf_population_id P, F integer DB identifier for the wolf population
wolf_population_code character varying code for the wolf population
wolf_population_description character varying description of the wolf population


Look up table with information on the wolf subspecies

Name column Key Data types Description
wolf_subspecies_id P, F integer DB identifier for the wolf subspecies
wolf_subspecies_code character varying code for the wolf subspecies
wolf_subspecies_description character varying description of the wolf subspecies
average_weight_kg integer average weight of the subspecies in kg

The taxonomic classification follows IUCN recognized subspecies. Average weights were retrieved from: Canis lupus lupus, Canis lupus italicus, Canis lupus signatus, Canis lupus chanco, Canis lupus pallipes.


Look up table with information on the altitudinal range

Name column Key Data types Description
altitude_range_id P, F integer DB identifier for the altitudinal range in meters
altitude_range_code character varying code for the altitudinal range in meters
altitude_range_description character varying description of the altitudinal range in meters


Geographic layer of the world's country

Name column Key Data types Description
world_country_id P integer DB identifier for the country
world_country_description character varying description of the country
iso integer ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Country Code
continent character varying continental region UN Statistics
sub_region character varying Geogrpahical sub-region UN Statistics
population double precision Population, World Polulation Prospects (2005)
geom geometry geometry of the country (area)

The World Borders Dataset has been downloaded (and later adapted) from by Bjorn Sandvik


Geographic layer of the world's Digital elevation model (coming soon)

Name column Key Data types Description
world_dem P integer altitude in meters
rast raster raster file
filename text identifying name given to the layer


Geographic layer of the biome (coming soon)

Name column Key Data types Description
world_biome_id P integer DB identifier for the biome
world_biome_description character varying description of the biome (from Terrestrial Ecoregions)
eco_code integer Ecoregion Code as defined by WWF
geom geometry geometry of the biome (area)
filename text identifying name given to the layer


Geographic layer of the climate (coming soon)

Name column Key Data types Description
world_climate_id P integer DB identifier for the climate
world_climate_description character varying description of the climate type
keppen_code integer Köppen climate classification
geom geometry geometry of the climate (area)
filename text identifying name given to the layer


Geographic layer of the world's human settlement (coming soon)

Name column Key Data types Description
world_human_settlement P integer Global Human Settlement
rast raster raster file
filename text identifying name given to the layer


Geographic layer of the world's human footprint index (coming soon)

Name column Key Data types Description
world_human_footprint P integer Global Human Footprint
rast raster raster file
filename text identifying name given to the layer


Geographic layer with species distribution according to iucn

Given the restrictions on data redistribution (for more information read Red List Terms and Conditions of Use), the current table will not be shared. Data download must be done directly from the IUCN Red List website and according to IUCN usage policy.

Name column Key Data types Description
iucn_species_id P integer DB identifier for the species
iucn_species_name character varying name of the species
presence character varying presence of the species
origin character varying origin of the species
seasonal character varying seasonal distribution of the species
compiler text compiler of the species information
year integer year of assessment
citation text citation to use when referencing species data
legend text summary information on species distribution
geom geometry geometry of the species distribution (area)
filename text identifying name given to the layer

(For more associated notes and detailed guidance on using these codes, see the Mapping Standards and Data Quality for the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. Version 1.16.)

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