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OpenSearch CLI built in Nest,
a progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications.

NPM Version Package License Release Status


The Official opensearch-cli is also available


npm install -g @andreafspeziale/os-cli


yarn global add @andreafspeziale/os-cli


pnpm add -g @andreafspeziale/os-cli


docker pull andreafspeziale/os-cli
docker run --rm --env-file .env andreafspeziale/os-cli

If using a local (docker) OpenSearch image like the one included in the docker-compose file be sure to set correctly the network option and OS_HOST env variable (OS_HOST=http://opensearch:9200) in the above command (docker run --rm --env-file .env --network os-cli_default andreafspeziale/os-cli)

If using the dockerized CLI and you need to use your json payloads as inputs you'll need to mount the folder into the CLI execution context (e.g docker run --rm --env-file .env -v ./recipes:/opt/os-cli/recipes --network os-cli_default andreafspeziale/os-cli d q -i books -f recipes/query.json)

How to use?


To taste the CLI very quickly using npx or after installing it you can spawn OpenSearch locally by using the docker-compose file included in the repository:

  • git clone
  • cd os-cli
  • docker compose up -d
  • export OS_CONNECTION_METHOD=local
  • npx @andreafspeziale/os-cli i l or os-cli i l

Like the docker-compose file there are also some recipes included in the repository:

  • npx @andreafspeziale/os-cli i cr -i books -f ./recipes/create-index.json or os-cli i cr -i books -f ./recipes/create-index.json
  • npx @andreafspeziale/os-cli d cr -i books -f ./recipes/create-documents.json or os-cli d cr -i books -f ./recipes/create-documents.json
  • npx @andreafspeziale/os-cli d q -i books -f ./recipes/query.json or os-cli d q -i books -f ./recipes/query.json


For proxy mode check aws-sigv4-proxy

The CLI leverages environment variables in order to set connection and logging options just once.

Name Required Default Description Values
OS_HOST when OS_CONNECTION_METHOD is NOT local or proxy http://localhost:(9200 or 8080) OpenSearch connection host -
OS_CONNECTION_METHOD Yes - How you want to connect to OpenSearch [local, proxy, serviceAccount, credentials]
AWS_REGION only when OS_CONNECTION_METHOD is NOT local or proxy - OpenSearch AWS connection region -
AWS_ROLE_ARN only when OS_CONNECTION_METHOD is serviceAccount - AWS role ARN for assume role connection -
AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE only when OS_CONNECTION_METHOD is serviceAccount - AWS web identity token file -
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID only when OS_CONNECTION_METHOD is credentials - AWS access key id for canonical connection -
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY only when OS_CONNECTION_METHOD is credentials - AWS secret access key for canonical connection -
LOGGER_LEVEL No debug Which logs will be displayed [silent, error, warn, info, http, verbose, debug]
LOGGER_PRETTY No true Boolean to enable/disable logs formatting true, false
LOGGER_REDACT No '' Removed specified words from logs -

For a docker local OpenSearch instance all you need to do is:


Instead for a canonical AWS connection method a receipt along with your values would be:

export OS_HOST=
export OS_CONNECTION_METHOD=credentials
export AWS_REGION=


After cloning the repository:

  • cd os-cli
  • cp ./env/.env.development ./env
  • docker compose up -d
  • pnpm install

I personally prefer build in a terminal window and run the compiled version in a separate one like so:

  • pnpm build --watch
  • pnpm start:prod or node dist/os-cli.js

Stay in touch


os-cli MIT licensed.