- Updated service endpoint metadata.
- Update TagResource API documentation to include Contact Flows and Routing Profiles as supported resources.
- This release adds support for Client to Client routing for AWS Client VPN.
- Simple update to description of ComplianceItemStatus.
- (New Service) Amazon Timestream is a fast, scalable, fully managed, purpose-built time series database that makes it easy to store and analyze trillions of time series data points per day.
- (New Service) Amazon Timestream is a fast, scalable, fully managed, purpose-built time series database that makes it easy to store and analyze trillions of time series data points per day.
- Added support for schemas of type JSONSchemaDraft4. Added ExportSchema API that converts schemas in AWS Events registry and Discovered schemas from OpenApi3 to JSONSchemaDraft4.
- This release adds the InsufficientAvailableIPsInSubnetFault error for RDS Proxy.
- This release extends Application Auto Scaling support to AWS Comprehend Entity Recognizer endpoint, allowing automatic updates to provisioned Inference Units to maintain targeted utilization level.
- Support custom logging, executionRole, secrets, and linuxParameters (initProcessEnabled, maxSwap, swappiness, sharedMemorySize, and tmpfs). Also, add new context keys for awslogs.
- Make the delivery-s3-bucket as an optional parameter for conformance packs and organizational conformance packs
- Updated service endpoint metadata.
- Documentation update for AssumeRole error
- Documentation updates for docdb
- This release supports returning additional information about local gateway resources, such as the local gateway route table.
- Increased maximum length of eventVariables values for GetEventPrediction from 256 to 1024.
- Allow Oauth Token in CreateApp call to be a maximum of 1000 characters instead of 100
- Updated service endpoint metadata.
- Fixed an issue where successful JSON service responses were required to include a payload (fixes NullPointerException originating from JsonProtocolUnmarshaller).
- Fixed an issue with XML services, where the service responding with no payload would treat the payload as empty. Now, empty payloads will properly be populated within the XML response as "null".
- Introducing Queued SavingsPlans that will enable customers to queue their purchase request of Savings Plans for future dates.
- Amazon EKS now supports configuring your cluster's service CIDR during cluster creation.
- AWS Textract now supports output results for asynchronous jobs to customer specified s3 bucket.
- Amazon Transcribe now supports WebM, OGG, AMR and AMR-WB as input formats. You can also specify an output key as a location within your S3 buckets to store the output of your transcription jobs.
- AWS Synthetics now supports AWS X-Ray Active Tracing feature. RunConfig is now an optional parameter with timeout updated from (60 - 900 seconds) to (3 - 840 seconds).
- This release allows customers to enable or disable advanced backup settings in backup plan. As part of this feature AWS Backup added support for Windows VSS backup option for EC2 resources.
- This release provides access to Cost Anomaly Detection Public Preview APIs. Cost Anomaly Detection finds cost anomalies based on your historical cost and usage using Machine Learning models.
- Fixed incorrect 'duplicate key' error triggered when flattening a TableSchema that has key tags and more than one attribute.
- Added Sheet information to DescribeDashboard, DescribeTemplate and DescribeAnalysis API response.
- Improvements to DeleteTerminology API.
- Formal parameter names of sychronous streaming methods were aligned with their javadocs.
- This change makes the
respect thessl.KeyManagerFactory.algorithm
when instantiating theKeyManagerFactory
rather than always using the hardcoded value ofSunX509
- Amazon Comprehend integrates with Amazon SageMaker GroundTruth to allow its customers to annotate their datasets using GroundTruth and train their models using Comprehend Custom APIs.
- Documentation updates for streams.dynamodb
- Lex now supports es-US locales
- Adding support for Mailbox Export APIs
- Adding support to update multiple partitions of a table in a single request
- This release supports IAM mode for SiteWise Monitor portals
- Documentation updates and corrections for Resource Groups API Reference and SDKs.
- Documentation updates for the Resource Groups Tagging API.
- Updated service endpoint metadata.
- Add support for Redshift Data API Targets
- Add support for Redshift Data API Targets
- Documentation updates for the RDS DescribeExportTasks API
- New integration with the GitHub provider type.
- AWS Elemental MediaLive now supports batch operations, which allow users to start, stop, and delete multiple MediaLive resources with a single request.
- Updated service endpoint metadata.
- Documentation updates for AWS SSO APIs.
- Updated service endpoint metadata.
- Amazon Kendra now supports additional file formats and metadata for FAQs.
- Adds support for mutual TLS authentication for public regional REST Apis
- Documentation updates for CloudFront
- Amazon Comprehend now supports detecting Personally Identifiable Information (PII) entities in a document.
- Adds support for data plane audit logging in Amazon Elasticsearch Service.
- Amazon Transcribe now supports channel identification in real-time streaming, which enables you to transcribe multi-channel streaming audio.
- Adds support for mutual TLS authentication and disableAPIExecuteEndpoint for public regional HTTP Apis
- This release includes the ability to set run-time configuration for a Greengrass core. The Telemetry feature, also included in this release, can be configured via run-time configuration per core.
- Updated service endpoint metadata.
- Enhance DescribeProvisionedProduct API to allow useProvisionedProduct Name as Input, so customer can provide ProvisionedProduct Name instead of ProvisionedProduct Id to describe a ProvisionedProduct.
- This release adds support for contact flows and routing profiles. For details, see the Release Notes in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
- Customers can now provide multiple schedules within a single Data Lifecycle Manager (DLM) policy. Each schedule supports tagging, Fast Snapshot Restore (FSR) and cross region copy individually.
- Make the STSCredentialsProvider stale and prefetch times configurable so clients can control when session credentials are refreshed
- The ComplianceItemEntry Status description was updated to address Windows patches that aren't applicable.
- Documentation updates for Daily Cost and Usage budgets
- AWS Elemental MediaLive now supports CDI (Cloud Digital Interface) inputs which enable uncompressed video from applications on Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2), AWS Media Services, and from AWS partners
- AWS Organizations now enables you to add tags to the AWS accounts, organizational units, organization root, and policies in your organization.
- Updated service endpoint metadata.
- Amazon Kendra now returns confidence scores for 'document' query responses.
- T4g instances are powered by AWS Graviton2 processors
- Sagemaker Ground Truth: Added support for a new Streaming feature which helps to continuously feed data and receive labels in real time. This release adds a new input and output SNS data channel.
- Amazon Transcribe now supports automatic language identification, which enables you to transcribe audio files without needing to know the language in advance.
- Added new API's to support SASL SCRAM Authentication with MSK Clusters.
- Updated service endpoint metadata.
- Fix a bug in the SDK where the contents of the
is not included in the AWS Signature Version 4 calculation, which is required for some streaming operations such as GlacierUploadArchive' and ClouSearch Domain
- Fix a bug in the SDK where the contents of the
- This release of the AWS Step Functions SDK introduces support for AWS X-Ray.
- Updated API documentation and added paginators for DescribeCertificates, DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups, DescribeDBClusterParameters, DescribeDBClusterSnapshots and DescribePendingMaintenanceActions
- This release adds support for the T4G instance family to the EC2 ModifyDefaultCreditSpecification and GetDefaultCreditSpecification APIs.
- Introducing support for Hyperledger Fabric 1.4. When using framework version 1.4, the state database may optionally be specified when creating peer nodes (defaults to CouchDB).
- Updated service endpoint metadata.
- Adds API support for WorkSpaces Cross-Region Redirection feature.
- This is an initial release of AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) Access Management APIs. This release adds support for SSO operations which could be used for managing access to AWS accounts.
- Cloudfront adds support for Brotli. You can enable brotli caching and compression support by enabling it in your Cache Policy.
- Documentation updates for Amazon EBS direct APIs.
- Update SMS message model description to clearly indicate that the MediaUrl field is reserved for future use and is not supported by Pinpoint as of today.
- Bucket owner verification feature added. This feature introduces the x-amz-expected-bucket-owner and x-amz-source-expected-bucket-owner headers.
- Adding support for partitionIndexes to improve GetPartitions performance.
- Updated service endpoint metadata.
- Kinesis Data Analytics is adding new AUTOSCALING application status for applications during auto scaling and also adding FlinkRunConfigurationDescription in the ApplicationDetails.
- The Amazon Redshift Data API is generally available. This release enables querying Amazon Redshift data and listing various database objects.
- AWS CodeBuild - Support keyword search for test cases in DecribeTestCases API . Allow deletion of reports in the report group, before deletion of report group using the deleteReports flag.
- This release includes the preview release of the AWS Common Runtime HTTP client for the AWS SDK for Java v2. The code can be found in the
- This release includes the preview release of the AWS Common Runtime HTTP client for the AWS SDK for Java v2. The code can be found in the
- Fix for stack overflow caused by using self-referencing DynamoDB annotated classes.
- Amazon Lex supports en-AU locale
- Adds tagging support for QuickSight customization resources. A user can now specify a list of tags when creating a customization resource and use a customization ARN in QuickSight's tagging APIs.
- You can now secure HTTP APIs using Lambda authorizers and IAM authorizers. These options enable you to make flexible auth decisions using a Lambda function, or using IAM policies, respectively.
- Adds support for Application Load Balancers on Outposts.
- Updated service endpoint metadata.
- Enhancing CreateGroup, UpdateGroup, GetGroup and GetGroups APIs to support configuring X-Ray Insights
- Documentation-only updates for AWS Systems Manager
- Adding support for Microsoft Office 2016 and Microsoft Office 2019 in BYOL Images
- Enables inserting a UTCTiming XML tag in the output manifest of a DASH endpoint which a media player will use to help with time synchronization.
- This release of the AWS Step Functions SDK introduces support for payloads up to 256KB for Standard and Express workflows
- Amazon Kendra now returns confidence scores for both 'answer' and 'question and answer' query responses.
- GuardDuty findings triggered by failed events now include the error code name within the AwsApiCallAction section.
- Updated service endpoint metadata.
- This release adds a new transit gateway attachment state and resource type.
- This release of the Amazon Macie API introduces additional statistics for the size and count of Amazon S3 objects that Macie can analyze as part of a classification job.
- Support for mapping to and from immutable Java objects using ImmutableTableSchema and StaticImmutableTableSchema.
- Code Generator test failures on Windows systems were fixed.
- Added a PatchSummary object for security findings. The PatchSummary object provides details about the patch compliance status of an instance.
- Add support for repository analysis based code reviews
- Documentation updates for Cryo
- Updated service endpoint metadata.
- CloudFront now supports real-time logging for CloudFront distributions. CloudFront real-time logs are more detailed, configurable, and are available in real time.
- Amazon EC2 and Spot Fleet now support modification of launch template configs for a running fleet enabling instance type, instance weight, AZ, and AMI updates without losing the current fleet ID.
- Documentation updates for SQS.
- This release add MONTHLY as the new supported TimeUnit for ReportDefinition.
- Updated service endpoint metadata.
- You can now manage CloudFront's additional, real-time metrics with the CloudFront API.
- Amazon EMR adds support for ICMP, port -1, in Block Public Access Exceptions and API access for EMR Notebooks execution. You can now non-interactively execute EMR Notebooks and pass input parameters.
- Documentation updates for Route 53
- AWS Elemental MediaConvert SDK has added support for WebM DASH outputs as well as H.264 4:2:2 10-bit output in MOV and MP4.
- Updated service endpoint metadata.
- Introduces support to initiate Internet Key Exchange (IKE) negotiations for VPN connections from AWS. A user can now send the initial IKE message to their Customer Gateway (CGW) from VPN endpoints.
- GameLift FleetIQ as a standalone feature is now generally available. FleetIQ makes low-cost Spot instances viable for game hosting. Use GameLift FleetIQ with your EC2 Auto Scaling groups.
- Documentation updates for Amazon Redshift.
- Updated service endpoint metadata.
- Amazon AppFlow is a fully managed integration service that securely transfers data between AWS services and SaaS applications. This update releases the first version of Amazon AppFlow APIs and SDK.
- Route 53 Resolver adds support for resolver query logs
- Added new endpoint settings to include columns with Null and Empty value when using Kinesis and Kafka as target. Added a new endpoint setting to set maximum message size when using Kafka as target.
- Add traversalDirection to ListAssociatedAssetsRequest and add portal status to ListPortalsResponse
- Updated service endpoint metadata.
- For JSON protocols, when unmarshalling a response, if a member is declared to be located in the URI, the member is treated as being located in the payload instead.
- AWS X-Ray now supports tagging on sampling rules and groups.
- Documentation updates for CloudWatch Logs
- This release enables customers to use VPC prefix lists in their transit gateway route tables, and it adds support for Provisioned IOPS SSD (io2) EBS volumes.
- Add string length constraints to OpsDataAttributeName and OpsFilterValue.
- Add UpdateConfiguration and DeleteConfiguration operations.
- Documentation updates for chime
- Fix for CRC not working correctly for compressed responses
- Documentation updates for Amazon FSx
- Customers can now create Amazon API Gateway HTTP APIs that route requests to AWS AppConfig, Amazon EventBridge, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, Amazon SQS, and AWS Step Functions.
- Adding additional field in ListPermissions API response to return RAM resource share ARN if a resource were shared through AWS RAM service.
- Minor documentation updates for AWS Organizations
- Updated service endpoint metadata.
- Enhance SearchProvisionedProducts API to allow queries using productName and provisioningArtifactName. Added lastProvisioningRecordId and lastSuccessfulRecordId to Read ProvisionedProduct APIs
- Added WORM, tape retention lock, and custom pool features for virtual tapes.
- Amazon Interactive Video Service (IVS) now offers customers the ability to create private channels, allowing customers to restrict their streams by channel or viewer.
- Amazon Transcribe and Amazon Transcribe Medical now enable you to identify different speakers in your real-time streams with speaker identification.
- Documentation updates for codebuild
- DataSync support for filters as input arguments to the ListTasks and ListLocations API calls.
- AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) Identity Store service provides an interface to retrieve all of your users and groups. It enables entitlement management per user or group for AWS SSO and other IDPs.
- New details for DynamoDB tables, Elastic IP addresses, IAM policies and users, RDS DB clusters and snapshots, and Secrets Manager secrets. Added details for AWS KMS keys and RDS DB instances.
- Adding the option to use a service linked role to publish events to Pinpoint.
- This release includes new APIs to allow customers to add or remove email addresses from their account-level suppression list in bulk.
- ACM provides support for the new Private CA feature Cross-account CA sharing. ACM users can issue certificates signed by a private CA belonging to another account where the CA was shared with them.
- ACM Private CA is launching cross-account support. This allows customers to share their private CAs with other accounts, AWS Organizations, and organizational units to issue end-entity certificates.
- This release introduces RoboMaker Simulation WorldForge, a capability that automatically generates one or more simulation worlds.
- The client-side metrics feature is out of developer preview and is now generaly available.
- This feature adds support for pushing and pulling Open Container Initiative (OCI) artifacts.
- Introducing ShardFilter for ListShards API to filter the shards using a position in the stream, and ChildShards support for GetRecords and SubscribeToShard API to discover children shards on shard end
- Amazon QuickSight now supports programmatic creation and management of analyses with new APIs.
- Adds support for HTTP Desync Mitigation in Application Load Balancers.
- Adds support for HTTP Desync Mitigation in Classic Load Balancers.