Welcome to the ARNHSS School Management Software System repository on GitHub! This system is designed to provide an interactive and user-friendly platform for parents, students, and teachers to communicate and collaborate. With this software, you can easily access important information, schedule events, and stay connected with the school community.
- Flutter
- dart basic language
- Provider for state management
- Http for making http request
- Lottie for animations
- remixicon icon pack
- Firebase realtime DB/ Firestore/ Firebase Auth
- Sqflite Local Storage
- flutter_lint for lint
- Google_fonts for typography
- Code editor VS Code
followed mvvm architecture
It will have all the basic utilities dimension,navigation etc...
It will have all the constants and common things like constants , themes , routes ... etc
It will have all the basic features of app like login , splash , home... etc.
It will contains all the assets is used in this project.
# start dev
flutter run
# test app
flutter test [<DIRECTORY|DART_FILE>]