diff --git a/manual.asc b/manual.asc index 6c12b9a..1ddf9e1 100644 --- a/manual.asc +++ b/manual.asc @@ -38,13 +38,23 @@ list of the decks which contain all of your flashcards, and allows you to perfor ++++++++++ === Add button -The big blue + button in the bottom right corner is used to add new material to AnkiDroid. Pressing it expands to give the following three options, which are also described in the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2K1gOSdIZA[tutorial video]. +The big blue + button in the bottom right corner is used to add new material to AnkiDroid. Pressing it expands to give the following four options, which are also described in the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2K1gOSdIZA[tutorial video] (except for 'Create filtered deck'). Add :: Choose this option if you want to create your own flashcards (notes) with AnkiDroid. "Notes" and "cards" have specific meanings in Anki, which are https://docs.ankiweb.net/getting-started.html#key-concepts[explained in the main Anki manual]. Please see the tutorial video for a quick introduction to adding notes, or refer to the <> section below for more detailed information. +Create deck :: To create a new empty deck: + . Tap the + button and choose *Create deck*. + . Choose a name for the deck, for example "New Japanese". + . Add cards to it following the "Add" instructions above. + +Create filtered deck :: To create a <> (i.e. a temporary deck that gathers cards based on a criteria you set): + . Tap the + button and choose *Create filtered deck*. + . Choose a name for the deck. + . Set the criteria and other options (e.g. limit on the number of cards). + Get shared decks :: To download a deck of cards from the internet that another user has contributed: . Ensure you're connected to the internet. - . Tap + and then *Get shared decks*. AnkiWeb will open. + . Tap the + button and then *Get shared decks*. AnkiWeb will open. . Select a category, or type in a search. . Tap *Info* on a deck you'd like to study. . Scroll down and tap *Download*. @@ -53,11 +63,6 @@ Get shared decks :: To download a deck of cards from the internet that another u . AnkiDroid will appear, and show a confirmation dialog. Tap the *Add* button. . When the import completes, your deck should be ready to study. -Create deck :: To create a new empty deck: - . Tap the + button and choose "Create deck" - . Choose a name for the deck, for example "New Japanese" - . Add cards to it following the "Add" instructions above - === App Bar At the top of each screen in AnkiDroid is the App Bar, with buttons for performing various actions. The following actions are available from the app bar in the deck list: @@ -380,7 +385,7 @@ cards are automatically returned to their original deck. The easiest way to create a filtered deck is by long clicking on a deck and choosing the "custom study" option. -Advanced users can create a filtered deck manually, by choosing "Create filtered deck" from the overflow menu in the deck list screen. +Advanced users can create a filtered deck manually, by choosing "Create filtered deck" from the "+" button in the deck list screen. For further information on filtered decks, please see the link:++https://docs.ankiweb.net/filtered-decks.html#filtered-decks--cramming++[desktop documentation].