The Constitution and Bylaws for the baseball league known as the Chicago Metropolitan Baseball Association (CMBA).
The compiled, published text can be found in the following formats:
The source text for this document can be found in Markdown format in src/
Building from source requires:
- Download the latest release or clone the repo:
git clone
- Navigate to the root directory:
cd cmba-bylaws-master
- Publish into desired format:
make {format}
were {format}
is one of the below:
- All [default]:
make all
- PDF:
make pdf
- html:
make html
- epub:
make epub
- Built files will be in the
is used for either "Constitution" or "Bylaws". They are not numbered, necessitating an{.unnumbered}
class.- Note: to get the numbering to match existing convention, a Lua filter was required, see jgm/pandoc#5701
is used for sections###
is used for subsections
Metadata is stored in the metadata.yml
The constitution and bylaws were modernized in 2021, using Google Docs. This project brings that effort into Git and Github. Previous commits show a generated plain-text history of the changes prior to this project (thanks to gitdriver), with the first being the version from 2016.
Spell-checking is performed on the pre-commit via .spell-check/git-spell-check (courtesy of mprpic/git-spell-check)
You can manually run spell-checking of all markdown files by running the script (requires aspell):
Should you want to bypass the pre-commit hook (though not recommended), you can commit with
git commit --no-verify".
The html output can be hosted on GitHub Pages. Currently the site is hosted at the branch gh-pages. To update this page, you should:
- First build from the main branch and build html
git clone
make html
- Then clone the gh-pages branch and replace
with the updated page.
git clone --branch gh-pages cmba-bylaws-gh-pages
cp ../cmba-bylaws/build/cmba-bylaws.html ./cmba-bylaws-gh-pages/index.html
git push origin
- Spell Checking
- Remove dependence on make, verify Windows support
This baseball league known as the Chicago Metropolitan Baseball Association (CMBA) has been formed for the purpose of providing the finest amateur baseball league in the State of Illinois and Midwest; a league where an up and coming young prospect for professional baseball may play and develop; where the talented veteran player can enjoy playing among the best competition; and bring friendship and sportsmanship to the Association.