By-Laws and Rules updates for 2024 season.
- Modification: Added affordances for using "last out" as a DR if there is no one on the bench (proposed via email, committeed 5/31/2024, voted in GroupMe chat 6/5/2024)
- Correction: Correct "Uniform" section, addresses #11
- Clarification: Reworded "no game" and "slaughter rule," addresses #9
- Clarification: A llow president to postpone games for extraordinary circumstances, addresses #10
- Back-end: Fixed spell check, which runs on commit.
"Clarification" means by-laws or rules are being updated to match how the league already operates.
"Correction" means by-laws or rules are being fixed for typo or unintended oversight.
"Modification" means by-laws or rules are being changed from how the league previously operated.